#Heisenbeans Genetics


Did you do anything extra special to pop those beans from the 90's? I've got a boatload from that era that sadly were not stored well at all. I've scuffed em, soaked em in aerated water, even did a superthrive soak, etc. etc. etc. Not that I think there is anything in there that will set the world on fire, but still a lot of work went into them back in the day, by some well known breeders and cup winners actually.

Any suggestions, even crazy ones would be much appreciated, I'm getting ready to toss them out anyway and I've got way more than I know what to do with. I've run out of ideas at this point.
I didnt do anything special to get em to pop. Not to say these were properly stored, or were ever in a fridge but they were kept dry in a cigar box in a climate controlled environment for their entire life of storage. Ive used H2o2 on stubborn seeds before with success. 2-3ml of 3% per 32 oz of water oughta do the trick on stubborn seeds to help aid in splitting the seed if you dont want to chance squeezing it with "fat digits". Im sure seeds that old are probably close to petrified lol


I didnt do anything special to get em to pop. Not to say these were properly stored, or were ever in a fridge but they were kept dry in a cigar box in a climate controlled environment for their entire life of storage. Ive used H2o2 on stubborn seeds before with success. 2-3ml per 32 oz of water oughta do the trick on stubborn seeds to help aid in splitting the seed if you dont want to chance squeezing it with "fat digits". Im sure seeds that old are probably close to petrified lol
Thanks for the tips. These were stored in a storage shed and went through who knows how many cycles from near frozen to hot, so they are probably just fucked. It's a bummer but I'm also not a guy who claims that everything from back in the day was magically better. Maybe if these had been worked on for the last 25 years instead of sitting gathering dust they MIGHT have been bred into something that could compete with today's better strains, but I also know that what seemed like the best shit you ever saw back then, doesn't really compete with today's top of the top, anyone telling you otherwise probably doesn't have all that accurate of a memory.