#Heisenbeans Genetics


Ya I used those in my rdwc system and they did not work that well and cleaning out the tiny bits material was a serious pain. You would think they totally dissolve but that's far from the case.
I'm using drippers on most all my plants right now. Only hand wattering 118 plants right no and having material going through the drippers would clog em up
When I had a gnat issue I put the bits on top of each planter and some in a nylon sack, no plugged pumps/ drippers.... Give the nylon a squeeze every couple days to really activate dunk......


SWEET greenhouse, and man do I need one cuz growing outside in OK is like having somebody turn on a jet engine full blast sending trash cans and anything else not nailed down flying down the street a couple times a month and FUCK do we get rain. Great looking plants!

Ya I built this myself. Got the hoops from a nursery years back that was selling out. Everything else you see I did by myself


Also remember me saying only bad shit happens when I'm flowering?

Well big storm come through and knocked out all the power. Electric company says it could be a couple days or more. My genny cannot handle the load with all the lights, air conditioning, dehumidifiers etc. Tried but lights were flashing like a disco show and I'm not risking 1100 bucks a piece lights .

My solar took a shit as well and had to order new inverters which I did about 8 hrs before the electric was knocked out. So I have plants just chilling in the dark that i flipped on April 1st.

Sucks ass when you got 60k in solar just sitting their and you can't use it. And probably 20k in weed not getting light

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
Also remember me saying only bad shit happens when I'm flowering?

Well big storm come through and knocked out all the power. Electric company says it could be a couple days or more. My genny cannot handle the load with all the lights, air conditioning, dehumidifiers etc. Tried but lights were flashing like a disco show and I'm not risking 1100 bucks a piece lights .

My solar took a shit as well and had to order new inverters which I did about 8 hrs before the electric was knocked out. So I have plants just chilling in the dark that i flipped on April 1st.

Sucks ass when you got 60k in solar just sitting their and you can't use it. And probably 20k in weed not getting light
Do you have enough power to run a light or two or dimmed down? Might be worth a shot to try and keep them in a light/dark rhythm? Even if you can’t run fans or ac.
My mom in Arkansas had a power outage too. Storms hitting hard man.

Hope you get up and running sooner than later!
Power went out for me for yesterday evening as we had 50-60 MPH gusts and heavy gully washer T storms. All my girls started lights on 40 mins late yesterday but I'll take it compared to what Greenthumbskunk is having to deal with. God Dayum that sucks with a bag of chips.


Meat Master
This isn’t a creation of Heisen’s but it’s a cross of two of his strains...it’s actually pretty bad ass it smells like banana bread with a like sour gassy sweet smell in the background and my yield was way above average and was super easy to grow
Topanga Canyon x Black Banana CookiesD1C21D3C-F430-400F-B76D-6A0FDAE2E3C9.jpegE06421D6-4B11-46AE-AA9E-B5F77159D18B.jpeg2D36D432-1E14-4616-8F8E-197716F835CC.jpeg


Do you have enough power to run a light or two or dimmed down? Might be worth a shot to try and keep them in a light/dark rhythm? Even if you can’t run fans or ac.
I did run a 300 watt light for a few hrs but had to leave for work.
Plants did not look good today because they were sitting in wet coco.

Had an F2 tornado pass just a mile south of me and another tornado 5 miles to the north.
It's messed everything up around here.

Turned genny on today and noticed the timer on the UV was on.



Right on Slowdrawl, and I am not a native to OK but I moved her from GA and I'm have no intention on going back there lol. Went cat fishing 2 days ago at Kerr damn and got skunked as the current was just too damn strong. Isn't it funny how that old Mexican brick weed was such crap but still got you high as shit. Makes me wonder if they sprayed it with something back in the day lol.View attachment 90370
I don't think it was so much that the quality of the weed wasn't good back then, it just wasn't cured right, was dirty, wasn't seedless. Just think if it was properly grown and cured how good it would have been.
I smoked some high quality weed in the mid to late 70's.
I can't stress that enough.
They compare the quality to the confiscated weed back then. Lmao!
Do you think there would have been "good shit" in the evidence rooms?
The weed was different and high quality in it's own way.
I don't think it was so much that the quality of the weed wasn't good back then, it just wasn't cured right, was dirty, wasn't seedless. Just think if it was properly grown and cured how good it would have been.
I smoked some high quality weed in the mid to late 70's.
I can't stress that enough.
They compare the quality to the confiscated weed back then. Lmao!
Do you think there would have been "good shit" in the evidence rooms?
The weed was different and high quality in it's own way.
I think you totally nailed it NoWaistedSpace.... And I have been thinking about that alot lately especially everytime I open my veg tent and see my Barney's Acapulco Gold just chillin and 4 regs of Masonic Panama Red X Pure LA Kush X Wilson just chillin. lol And oi it looks like adding a bit of silica to my foliar spray was a bad idea as it isn't getting absorbed all the way threw my girls leaves.
Panama Red and BAG.jpg


I don't think it was so much that the quality of the weed wasn't good back then, it just wasn't cured right, was dirty, wasn't seedless. Just think if it was properly grown and cured how good it would have been.
I smoked some high quality weed in the mid to late 70's.
I can't stress that enough.
They compare the quality to the confiscated weed back then. Lmao!
Do you think there would have been "good shit" in the evidence rooms?
The weed was different and high quality in it's own way.
It would be years before I realized weed didn't all smell like mold, dirt, stems,bugs and have lots of seeds, it would be until a buddy brought a 1/4 pound of Maui back from Hawaii,, shit hit us like a brick upside the head! Life was changed forever lol


Tegrity Greenthumb
Ya I used those in my rdwc system and they did not work that well and cleaning out the tiny bits material was a serious pain. You would think they totally dissolve but that's far from the case.
I'm using drippers on most all my plants right now. Only hand wattering 118 plants right no and having material going through the drippers would clog em up
Microbe lift. Never used it in hydro but it's in liquid form. Not on stuff that's just gonna mold more.


It would be years before I realized weed didn't all smell like mold, dirt, stems,bugs and have lots of seeds, it would be until a buddy brought a 1/4 pound of Maui back from Hawaii,, shit hit us like a brick upside the head! Life was changed forever lol
Similar experience, had an older close family friend give me a joint when I was 18. She said "I brought this back from Hawaii, be careful".
Well I'm a seasoned toker ya know, I was the guy driving all of us around baked on window pane, orange barrel and such.
My crowd partied hard, I thought fuck that. Hopped in my 68 beetle and fired it up, got half way thru it before I realized WTF. It started with my heart racing like I was eating cross tops. Then the paranoia came on and kept getting worse until I had to pull over and take a break. I thought at the time I was having a fucking flashback WTF. Game changer for sure, I was on a mission.
Bought a matchbox of Michuacan from a biker for $4 once no seeds, second strongest I'd ever smoked in the 60s.
Spent 18 months in Germany 72-74 which changed everything about my tolerance. Moved to OR in 75 and never seen weak weed again.