BK’s Shit Show

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My House is at like 15%RH but my room still needs a dehumidifier. It pulls at least 5 gallons a day out of the room To keep it around 50%
I shouldn't have humidity issues once these plants get bigger. I usually need to run a dehumidifier during flower because I grow in 10 gallon pots and evaporation from those added to the moisture coming off the plants keeps the RH pretty high.


The Laziest
I’m over winter

bring on summer already

View attachment 104720
at -31 id fucking think so. LOL

I shouldn't have humidity issues once these plants get bigger. I usually need to run a dehumidifier during flower because I grow in 10 gallon pots and evaporation from those added to the moisture coming off the plants keeps the RH pretty high.
Could cover the pots with plastic. That would cut down the water evap off the pots. I struggle with this as well in my tents.


Nerd Gone Vertical
Sorry just seen the quote for another post. Idk how outside RH works man just posted the weather network shot 🤷‍♂️
Weather nerd to the rescue!

RH = Relative Humidity, and no, we're not talking about uncle Albert's armpits.

But relative to what? The ability of air to hold moisture changes drastically depending on temperature. The warmer air is, the more moisture it can hold. Therefore, the RH is a measurement of the moisture in the air as a percentage of its full potential at that temperature.

That's why RH jumps at lights out; the temperature is falling and increasing this percentage because its ability to hold moisture is falling.

A general rule of thumb is that the ability of air to hold moisture doubles about every 20 degrees F.

In really cold weather, outside RH is usually high but when you heat the air 30-50 degrees C or more, RH plummets and it gets dry enough to electrocute your cat just by rubbing your feet on the carpet.
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I’m over winter

bring on summer already

View attachment 104720
Oi I do not miss weather reports like that shit right there. When I was at KI Sawyer AFB in Upper Michigan some fucking genius GI just got done taking a shower and decided he would just walk to work real quick without a hat on when it was -40 outside. He did make to work but when he got there one of his ears fell off. What I still find hilarious to this day is he got written up for a section 8 on it, destruction of government property! :ROFLMAO:

I am never living again where you can store meat on the porch 4 months out of the year and everything is WHITE for over 6 if I can help it.
Hell nerp.
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