I've been promoted to F**k you all!

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Here. Now prove to me you’re not some divorced loser that lives in a 1 bedroom basement suit 😄

I have nothing to hide from some lowlife loser who spends every waking hour of his life thinking about other men on the internet.

View attachment 107069
Is that tiny knife supposed to scare me, because it ain't working, lol,

My wife was a little annoyed that I made her take a pic, but her you go. You're turn tough guy.



Really Active Member
That's not what you said last night.
Muted you and unwatched this pos thread. You’re a sick guy, and not just because of the gross gay stuff, what two men do alone isn’t any of my business and I don’t care to see pics of it either. I’ve met gay people before, a few of my brother’s friends are gay. They don’t go around pushing gross fucking gay pics on people or calling them gay as an insult, that shit doesn’t even register with me. So gays in general are not in anyway offensive to me and the notion of such just shows how stupid you really are. Your guns are junk as well, all that magpul gear is worth more than the shitty upper and lower you have. I never understood why guys want to shine up a turd, but then again you are an idiot. Illiteracy in your case would have been a blessing, the internet would be better off without you, this site is at least. You’re a fucking punk, nothing more, nothing less, at some point your brains will be on the fucking curb and you still wouldn’t have learned a damn thing. So sad 😞


Really Active Member
Bahahahahaha this should be closed on that note, snitches get stitches worldwide, no matter what walk of life. Bahahahaha a fucking 🐀, this doesn’t surprise me 1 fucking bit. Rat, Goof, PC, Skinner, Squid. Take your pick!!!!!
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