The James Gang


Super Active Member
I did what for me is a mini-drop. The cups up-potted at 2 weeks. Should be up-potting these just as the others flip. I did few enough that I can carry the lot in the mini tent, but I have fems in there so the end plant count will be up. Still wanna try me some Dominion so instead of two each I dropped three Polecat '91 and three Savage Headband. Those are the only regs.

For the fems I dove back into my CLG bank for a G13 Genius Brothers Grimm seed-plant reversal @J.James did, and a Northern Lights from Hillbilly Bob. Keeping with the classic strain theme I dropped an MK Ultra from TH Seeds, and to clear that breeder off my "stuff I ain't smoked yet" list I dropped a French Macaron freebie from him. Last but not the least bit of a clue I wet a Mad Dog CBG plant from Hoku. I can slow roll anything I need to in the clone tent but I am down to 8 plants in flower and that's just boring.

I chopped the BHP and the CBD Sage today both at 10 weeks. I wasn't happy with the BHP not finishing. I mean, she's ripe and will be awesome, but she kept putting out new growth so it doesn't look done. Had no leaves left so she wasn't hanging out much longer anyway. She smells great but I only get a hint of Banana for now. I'm good with that. I hate banana's 😁

The CBD Sage smells likea mexican restaurant. Crazy taco smell I shit you not! If this pans out It may be my taco Tuesday weed :cool: Too bad it's just a 1:1.
Like cummin/oregano? Damn!


Super Active Member
@Shua1991 - come to think of it, Adam Dunn is a tool. I've not grown his pure "Sage" but maybe the dumb fucker just thinks sage when it's actually some salsa spices? 😁
I had a freebie that smelled like italian meatbals + parmesan cheese, you could discern the spices, like fennel and garlic, really moreish too, it was Afghooey x chelumbian(colombian x cheese) by Norstar, upbeat happy high I wasn't expecting. Stuff that smells like food could go either way with me, impressed by the smoke and effect on that one, regret not cloning it!


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I had a freebie that smelled like italian meatbals + parmesan cheese, you could discern the spices, like fennel and garlic, really moreish too, it was Afghooey x chelumbian(colombian x cheese) by Norstar, upbeat happy high I wasn't expecting. Stuff that smells like food could go either way with me, impressed by the smoke and effect on that one, regret not cloning it!
I got a cheap 5-pack of a CBD strain, but I wanted 1:1 instead of straight CBD. I don't really smoke the CBD flowers so the last plant ended up decarbed and eaten. Those terps die quick in the Nova LOL


Super Active Member
I got a cheap 5-pack of a CBD strain, but I wanted 1:1 instead of straight CBD. I don't really smoke the CBD flowers so the last plant ended up decarbed and eaten. Those terps die quick in the Nova LOL
I always wanted to use cannabis as a garnish or seasoning since there are so many flavors to choose from, but the flowers are really too greasy for that.


Super Active Member
I hope that tree ain’t too close to Yer house.
Looks like a sweet birch, tap that baby and collect that sweet sap, or inoculate it with a chaha fungus and let it rot out for a few years and harvest the medicine. You can also drill a bunch of holes into it and inoculate some fomitopsis betulina that grow much faster than chaga and have slightly lower proportions of the same antioxidants/medicine.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Tonight as I shifted weed into smaller containers to get big containers for newer harvests I made a few cull decisions and this pretty much shows my thought process. The WIlliams Wonder and the Mountaintop Mint got almost culled. Both are good smoke I'd be happy with if I didn't have great smoke. I have a few tins with five small compartments so I topped off one each with the primo from those two strains - the tops and enough stuff with density to fill that slot. Both had a variety and the squishy larf washes well. Next time I get around to them those two will get more beans dropped and it'll be more of a hunt than a sure thing.

Anywhoooo I treated the flowers to some coconut water and a little homemade WCA (calcium) tonight/last night. The Piff's look like twins, but smell a little different and one is showing a little yellowing on the lower fans. I don't think the long-flowering strains are supposed to eat heavy so I am guessing it's more of a deficiency - we'll see. Still nice, plump little plants. IMG_1477.JPG
I took a lot of lower stuff off the Sky Struggler (front) to see if it'll stop being a little bitch and looking wilty all the time. This is the final attempt and there are no clones. Dropped the bean on new years and it has never looked healthy enough to flip. Conversely I got some eye-protectors for my Barbeque death spikes and pre-staged for the frosty plumpness to come on the Sangria Cookies clone. Smoking some early stuff tonight and it's scissor weed. It'll gum up a grinder fast, quick, and in a hurry.
Which is why I am happy to have another one vegging along in here and a mom saved ;)
Family Tree seeds. The Skunkwater x Pandemic F2 (cool names LOL) has a crazy snub-nose look like a maple-leaf indica or something. And his two Pam 1 x KMR crosses are starting to pull ahead the pack a little.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Now that I *should* have my Dominion smoke and some re-runs of classic fems I am already thinking about the next drop. I think it will be the Lemon and Lime run. I like most of those, but when you find the righ one it's tits. That'll be another clone every girl run in case I find that one.

Lemon Tree S1 (@Heisenbeans - Greenpoint)
Loud Lemon Sorbet fem (Ganja Farmer)
Mojito (Swamp Boys)
Lemon Piff (@High kev - 518)
Lemony Wicked (MaddFarmer)
Royal Limez (Emerald Mountain)
Rock Island Rocket F1 (@J.James - CLG)

I haven't run the Lemon Piff and I haven't gotten a girl from the Mojito. The Lemon Tree has good stuff even when the lemon doesn't pop. The Lemony Wicked was neither lemony nor wicked. The Royal Limez was my first grow in living soil and most stuff was sub-par. The Rock Island Rocket I didn't know was lime, but even the fucked up re-veg clone I just jarred has a hint. I need to drop more beans.

But this has a lot of beans in it so I will let stuff clear out again then hit that one hard. Just had to drop some karma beans on 7/10 like I did on 4/20. Fuck schedules, I like a challenge occasionally. :cool:


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Flipping those two SkunkXXX moms and dropping all the beans means I only need one of the 12 cuts I took from each plant :rolleyes:🤷‍♂️

Both are a really good high and very similar, but before I just hang on to one I need to see how the clones flower out since they look so different.

I still need to take some Momma cuts but I decided against burying a whole plant. I'm doing preservation so I don't want to have a hidden time-bomb of stem rot waiting to ruin my efforts. Because I'm sure it would root well and look great for a time.

Instead I am just letting them go until the flower cures. The moms are now very similar.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
The mini SOG experiment was a relative success. I got over an ounce from those nine tiny clones and another half from the 2g. . More clones or less pot would be more efficient, and it's probably better that it's a shorter flowering variety for the living soil thing, but all in all jamming a pot full of clones is do-able.
I don't know how long it will last, but it's been several years and I could smoke the CLHP whenever. But having this much means I can't grow as many :ROFLMAO:. No more clones for this. I tghink dropping a bean every drop or every other drop is better so I can see if there are more expressions of it I like. The clone-of-a-clone run still has the orange smell to the chicken. I haven't cleaned it yet, justgot it bucket and it needs a little more time before I mess with trimming/leaf plucking.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I technically got 100% pops. Day 4 so I poked around and the one Savage Headband not above ground has about a half inch tail, and still has the helmet head I buried it back, but based on time from it getting wet It's probably shot it's load and doesn't have the juice left to do anything else. I like mutants but weaklings can kiss my ass. I'll watch it a few days and it might be fine.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
These are all clones. The Sangria Cookies clone is stretching way more than the seed-mom. I think me flipping just as or right before they reach maturity keeps me from having to deal with the regularly advertized stretch. Clones are mature...
Here's how I secure the plants now when they get tall. Two long pieces of rubber coated wire wrapped around the skewer then holding the plant steady. It's not Gibraltar, but it'll hold up to rolling them around on the caddy's while watering.
The Piffs and Chemdog, and the freak. All could fit in one tent which is why I dropped lots of beans.
Lots of beans :cool: The Sangria Cookies in here is now going to be a manifold project. Best way I can think of to deal with stretch and not break stuff or scrog.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Baker Seed Co. has lots of variety. I love growing stuff, and all my tomatoes have grown to the point that lollipopping them has left me a whole new garden to plant as several of those wind down in production. I have already culled a few, and thinned a few more. They were all re-vegges that survived the frost, and have/had way too many limbs. The cherries are fine with that but I think it stunts the new fruit on the slicing size tomatoes.
I want to collect local seed and see if I can get it to germ, then compare the two next year on a few strains that do well so the flats have some assorted peppers and tomatoes. Not expecting much fruit from them but I have packs of seeds and plenty to plant next year. I have yet to be able to grow lettuce to save my ass, but that tiny bok choy seems to thrive here. I have more in between some tomatoes as a cover crop.
The blank space where the tomatoes have been lollipopped is also a good place to guide my cukes to keep them away from the newer tomatoes
Borage is supposed to be an edible flower. Looks hairy...
I got some wheat berries at the store by the dry beans and by god they sprouted LOL. I ain't bringing it inside, but if you plant a tough grass like wheat, barley, alfalfa, etc. and let it get lush like that the cats love it.
Bees like corn? I am seeing more of these so that's good. Makes me feel like I accomplished something. Clover in the yard didn't do shit :ROFLMAO:
I have tiny toads, and now tiny garden chameleon lizzard things.
Whatever - they change colors and eat bugs. All that matters ;)


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Hi! I am H.a.F. but I can't roll a pretty joint to save my ass. 🤷‍♂️ 😁 In the past I have also been unable to work a damn rolling machine like those little two-roller things with a piece of plastic between them.
Took about three rolls to get the hang of it. To do it right it's messy so use a tray like normal. After I fill the little pocket I give it a half roll (lid half closed) to get it shaped, and use a poker to get any excess from where the paper goes. easiest to just hold it upside down over the tray while half closed and let gravity do most of it.

Anyway, after that there's a nice tight roll and a clean spot to tuck the paper. The last trick is you have to seal it before trying to remove it after you close the tray. The gummed edge is always right there so that's easy. If you don't you have to work to get it loose without it unrolling. Good gadget.