#Heisenbeans Genetics

I Am sending my payment tommorrow, am on 12s since Sunday and I have to convert cash to US , whoever burned PayPal have I mentioned needs thier balls removed
Judging by their actions they didn't have any to begin with. I warned about using Paypal earlier in this thread. Paypal only works until they figure out what you are selling and this usually happens after the first complaint. Paypal is a short term solution in this industry and a security risk for both buyer and seller since Paypal is an outside source with access to your personal information.
Judging by their actions they didn't have any to begin with. I warned about using Paypal earlier in this thread. Paypal only works until they figure out what you are selling and this usually happens after the first complaint. Paypal is a short term solution in this industry and a security risk for both buyer and seller since Paypal is an outside source with access to your personal information.
All of that is correct... but they are soooo fuckin convenient lol RIP paypal option.. Balls off to the snitch!

One thing I've learned about life.. Get enough people together, and there are bound to be a handful of cunts.


Dont Need One
Judging by their actions they didn't have any to begin with. I warned about using Paypal earlier in this thread. Paypal only works until they figure out what you are selling and this usually happens after the first complaint. Paypal is a short term solution in this industry and a security risk for both buyer and seller since Paypal is an outside source with access to your personal information.
Dude tried to get his money back on seeds he got. He didnt want them anymore because i hurt his feelings after i banned him from my thread for constant shit talk. I just didnt wanna hear his shit no more. Of course after that he took it over to rollitup with a bunch of bullshit poor me post. Dude has no idea how difficult it was for me to make some of these crosses and he has some of the best genetics he could get his hands on let alone make himself. This is what legalization is bringing, Bunch of pussy ass snitches.,If dude had to go through 1 10th of what ive had to do he wouldve folded months ago. All them fuking email orders i had to go through, Paying triple shipping cost to the UK to get orders right and resending for 1 missing pack. working 20 hr days to get it all sorted out and not fucking up 1 single order from GP or missing a beat. Getting Fucked up cuts and having to deal with all that fuckery on top of losing multiple plants in DWC while trying to meet deadlines and literally starting over to dudes trying to send me bugs and PM while running a business and full time garden.
Getting fuked over by my web guy spending 1000s for nothing to only have to learn web design to build my own website WTF.,

Yeah that dude can fuck right the fuck off. telling me i should be using reverse female pollen from late stage nuts. I would just change my name to Heisenherms if that was the case and send all kinds of garbage out.


Dude tried to get his money back on seeds he got. He didnt want them anymore because i hurt his feelings after i banned him from my thread for constant shit talk. I just didnt wanna hear his shit no more. Of course after that he took it over to rollitup with a bunch of bullshit poor me post. Dude has no idea how difficult it was for me to make some of these crosses and he has some of the best genetics he could get his hands on let alone make himself. This is what legalization is bringing, Bunch of pussy ass snitches.,If dude had to go through 1 10th of what ive had to do he wouldve folded months ago. All them fuking email orders i had to go through, Paying triple shipping cost to the UK to get orders right and resending for 1 missing pack. working 20 hr days to get it all sorted out and not fucking up 1 single order from GP or missing a beat. Getting Fucked up cuts and having to deal with all that fuckery on top of losing multiple plants in DWC while trying to meet deadlines and literally starting over to dudes trying to send me bugs and PM while running a business and full time garden.
Getting fuked over by my web guy spending 1000s for nothing to only have to learn web design to build my own website WTF.,

Yeah that dude can fuck right the fuck off. telling me i should be using reverse female pollen from late stage nuts. I would just change my name to Heisenherms if that was the case and send all kinds of garbage out.


Solo cup champion 2019
Dude tried to get his money back on seeds he got. He didnt want them anymore because i hurt his feelings after i banned him from my thread for constant shit talk. I just didnt wanna hear his shit no more. Of course after that he took it over to rollitup with a bunch of bullshit poor me post. Dude has no idea how difficult it was for me to make some of these crosses and he has some of the best genetics he could get his hands on let alone make himself. This is what legalization is bringing, Bunch of pussy ass snitches.,If dude had to go through 1 10th of what ive had to do he wouldve folded months ago. All them fuking email orders i had to go through, Paying triple shipping cost to the UK to get orders right and resending for 1 missing pack. working 20 hr days to get it all sorted out and not fucking up 1 single order from GP or missing a beat. Getting Fucked up cuts and having to deal with all that fuckery on top of losing multiple plants in DWC while trying to meet deadlines and literally starting over to dudes trying to send me bugs and PM while running a business and full time garden.
Getting fuked over by my web guy spending 1000s for nothing to only have to learn web design to build my own website WTF.,

Yeah that dude can fuck right the fuck off. telling me i should be using reverse female pollen from late stage nuts. I would just change my name to Heisenherms if that was the case and send all kinds of garbage out.
Fuck that hater. He dont realize be badically fucked himself. Everyone knows he is a snitch now and nobody will fuck with him which is the best revenge.keep doung your thing, your doing a great job. You have been busting your ass day and night and now its starting to pay off for you. You have plenty of loyal followers on here that will keep buying from you , word of mouth is the best advertising.