Pitchin' the tent, payin' the rent...

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Deleted member 60

Anything with Mimosa or Clementine in it will give you nice orange terps. I grew Clearwater's "Morning Remedy" (Mimosa x Mai Tai) and it was very nice....as was Tony Green's "Orange Grapefruit Rabbit Hole". And I know some folks will remember Useful's "Bag of Oranges".

Triangle Kush crosses take things into the Lemon realm. I grew Tri-Fi-Pucker from Cannarado...Triangle Kush x Wi-fi (43) x Lemon somethin'...and it was serious Lemon Pledge that stuck on yer tongue.

Counting on/hoping that the Chernobyl's will spill the lime slurpee terps all over the place...but I've yet to get to the end to see what those are about.

I'm sure others have their recs too. I know I've seen a lot of folks grow GPS Orange Blossom special...but I never have cus they are regs.

It's good to get more fruit in your diet!


Got the same hopes that the slymer comes shining thru!!

The strongest citrus I've grown was from GPS Night Rider....potent weed.
The lime was almost overbearing, carried a strong cleanser scent!

SLH....mild lemony!

LVTK....sweet lemony bakery flavors to it!

My OSB had zero orange smell....did give me nice little male flowers though!
Anything with Mimosa or Clementine in it will give you nice orange terps. I grew Clearwater's "Morning Remedy" (Mimosa x Mai Tai) and it was very nice....as was Tony Green's "Orange Grapefruit Rabbit Hole". And I know some folks will remember Useful's "Bag of Oranges".

Triangle Kush crosses take things into the Lemon realm. I grew Tri-Fi-Pucker from Cannarado...Triangle Kush x Wi-fi (43) x Lemon somethin'...and it was serious Lemon Pledge that stuck on yer tongue.

Counting on/hoping that the Chernobyl's will spill the lime slurpee terps all over the place...but I've yet to get to the end to see what those are about.

I'm sure others have their recs too. I know I've seen a lot of folks grow GPS Orange Blossom special...but I never have cus they are regs.

It's good to get more fruit in your diet!
Welp TriFiPucker just made the "Do Want" list. 😁

I have a OBS going right now and it's looking like it very well might be a male. If it ends up with strong orange Terps I may just let it get both my Slymer S1'S & 2 Platinum Frosting preggrz. Hell if Big Willie's Dubstep X Jenny Kush turns out to be Dubstep with extra lemon it might get to be a daddy. I need MOAR fruit side weed in my life to. 🍋🍊🍈🍒

Deleted member 60

@Slowdrawl .... "flowers in her hair...flowers everywhere!" :ROFLMAO:

@Zaphod420 ...not sure Tri-Fi is still around. Was maybe 5 years ago or so.

Forgot about SLH. That was >a bit ago< here as well. Did any of you ever run Skitty's Cherry Slyder cut or the Jackie-O cut that went around for quite awhile there? (back in the Stone Age) Jackie-O had that orange/soapy thing...now known as "Zoap" if you wanna keep up on what's "new". The CS had a nice cherry/sour kinda bite. Ah....memories.

This was also very nice. I still had height limitations/was growing illegally in a crawlspace at the time...so I never saw her full potential...but she would nug HARD quarter to golf ball size on a 2 ft plant...and had serious bag appeal and a citrus/melon/tropical/hazy/incense taste/smell. I'm blanking what year this may have been. It must have been about the same time DNA moved from Cali to the Dam in 2003 'cus nobody was selling seeds in the USA otther than through HS/OG.....but it's all hazy....


Master Grower
My OSB had zero orange smell....did give me nice little male flowers though!
Same here on the OBS. I’ve got some Tangie Blood beans (Tangie x Orange Blood), only grew one of em and it was really orangey. I need to pop more of em, too many beans and not enough time!!! Or space, lol
Maybe it was Tangie x Blood Orange?
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Deleted member 60

Ahhhhhhhh......"Special" Orange Blossoms!!! You lucky fuckers, you. :ROFLMAO: Cheap packs sure aren't always good packs. (and vice versa)

Sussed the wife out this AM about my grow tent/light/spend a buncha money to save on energy costs idea. As a result...it looks like packages are comin'! Now I got a buncha stuff to do on top of finally getting around to transplanting the contest girls and my other seed plants. Still a couple of things I need to source but the old jalopy is definitely moving in the right direction.

Deleted member 60

FWIW.....I went with the CloudLab tent after reading a bunch of your recs/etc. Snagged 2 of the Atreum lights as well ....so I have flexibility down the road to veg or bloom in this tent.

Gorilla has a great sale going on right now...and I was close to grabbing an original 3 x 3 ($215!!!!) but I'm not a fan of the double zip doors. Reason being....@ some point...I may grab a 3 x 6 flood table and lay the fucker on it's side...doubling the sq footage. The CloudLab would be great for this with the big ass, sigle door. These lights would be great for this as well. Oh fuck...here we go again... growin just to be growin'. Who needs hash? :ROFLMAO:

However...for now I'm gonna set it up as a two tiered tent...with a floating shelf or ...more likely...a floating 3 x 3 flood tray up top. Gotta see if I can source a used tray before that happens though. That's when (the only time...LOL) it sucks to not be in the city. Denver CL is flooded with flood trays.......cheap trays. Up here...nada. I really dont wanna spend $150 on a $20 tray.......

Should be fun and open things up a bit here. Looks like I may be taking clones of the contest kids...and more... LOL. Fuckin' Old People.


What Atreum lights did ya get?

I might just grab the cloudlab 3x3 from amazon, looks like a pretty good deal at $129.
I have a gorilla lite 2x4...I hate the zippers, they all leak light at the seams.....though it is old and abused!!
Like Us...;)
Just about got my shop/man cave finished, got a bit of interior trim to get up.
Time to finally expand my grow, won't be running out of smoke.....ever again!

Got a Blackdog 400 that a buddy gave me, been setting idol for almost 5yrs.
Should be perfect in that 3x3 with a 6" fan and filter.
Time to grow some bigger plants....the BD fukin cranks!

Deleted member 60

Yup. Amazon. $129 delivered. Woulda bought the Gorilla but the double doors and $45 in shipping or whatever it was sucked/killed the deal for me....and the recs here made me believe the CloudLab was a decent unit. I decided to spend the $80 I saved on another light.

The lights are those liddle 1000's......er...100's...'er whatever they are. $125 each.

I waffled with all of it. Kinda like when the market crashed/the money went away from this game...I had to slap myself around a bit and wrap my head around the economy of scale of the operation of LED lights vs. HID lights/etc. especially with a shit load of old equipment on hand. Growing in a 3 x 3 with a few hundred watts is insane compared to the 1000 watts we used to go through for every 4 x 4. I do have a hard time getting very excited about any of these panels and the spectrum of light they put out. I miss the reds and blues.

I hope you can now keep up with yer uses...ya smoke dragon...LOL. I have the opposite problem. I'm gonna try to reel it all back in and find more passion for it all rather than just going through the motions and growing a bunch of plants. It's a hard habit to break. :sneaky:

Deleted member 2835

Nice. Thanks for the take @MisterKister . ONE seed for a freebie makes it tough though. I guess I gotta get back into cloning and the mindset I had for decades of "this could be the one...I gotta take cuts..." LOFL. Then...before you know it...you have 200 plants! That was the 90's here. Always too many...and I never kill plants... so it can get interesting...especially back in the day when I was always taking cocktails down to the grow...LOL. 200 clones? Sounded good at the time! Looks like I better partition off another room and run some new 20 amp circuits. Ah...it's good the be sober.

But yeah....one seed. we'll see! My personal preference is to add a few seeds to what you bought into the mix...but I get that they are trying to intro ya to new strains and sell more seeds. I almost bough the Watermelon Ultra cus they were dropping 2 extras + the freebies in that deal...but I grew the MK in the day....and while it was stellar...I'm trying to focus more on the fruity side of things. I never seem to tap that side of the strain when it's a combo. Like this year....Mai Tai x GMO. Had 5 or 6 of em.....all smelled like fuckin GMO. No fruit. GMO is good...but damn I'm as tired of Chems/Dawgs/etc. as I was the "OG's" of the late 90's/2000's. Same shit with a different name... Move on folks! Move on...
Not sure if he's ran them yet but I gave @Fiddler's Green a pack of watermelon ultra for winning the superbowl squares last year.

Deleted member 60

The Attitude shipment was muy fast. Came from Denver. LOL. Last time I ordered from Attitude it took a month to come across the pond. (2003?)

Kinda stupid, IMO, that the sales page for the Melonsicle says "5 seeds"...but the actual pack they are in says "6 seeds". Dunno about the rest of you...but cost per bean is something i sure notice. Can't change that it's far too much in most cases...but why would ya short the count on the sales page and make it appear the seeds are even more expensive than they already are?

Either way...nice to have an extra I didn't expect. Izzat a freebie? LOL. Freebies were Macaroon and Pisthash...and a Mazar x Skunk #1 fem as well. Never seen such a small seed...wow. I'll be surprised if it pops. Not sure if I'll pop these now or not. If I do I'll wanna take clones and shit will get out of hand...

That...or I may skip taking clones. The original purpose of this grow was a look-see. I'm too far out from Summer to hang onto clones. I'd have to do the >clone>kill>clone>kill method to travel through time to get to May or so without having a fuckload of trees growing.

sure was easier to crank it up when I had a reason to grow all of this weed other than stupidity...

Deleted member 60

30 years of forums....and I just initiated my first 'ignore" >ever<. Killed 1/2 the volume of posts here on this site >>instant-fucking-ly<<.

And it wasn't "JessePostsTooMuch" for those of you who remember that tag in the early daze here...LOFL.

Deleted member 60

19 on deck. One still wanting to make a showing from the Chimera/etc seeds. 5 of 6 up and rocking though....so it should be an OK window into those 3 strains. We'll see on slowpoke. Never have much luck on seeds w/o any tails just plopped into dirt.

Dropped 2 Melonsicle and the Pisthash as the final contestants in the show. Grabbed a 3 x 3 flood tray online for the upper tier of the new tent as well. Lights should show fast. In-state shipment. Timing on this may allow me to take a few clones...like from the Pisthash ...and bloom a few more for fun...or keep a few in veg a bit longer from this popping if needed....but I'm gonna do all I can to be reserved and stay on course/just do a look/see here.