#Heisenbeans Genetics


Deleted member 60

Since I mentioned it here.....

I did get a response a bit ago. No "No problem..thanks for letting us know...we'll stand behind our wares" like you'd hear from rado/etc........

more like "furnish pictures of the seeds...the seeds in germination....the method of germination...the packaging...and proof of the "proceeds" used for purchase.

After 30 years.... I don;t take pics of seeds in paper towels..or tailing..or any of that shit...and I told em that. What I did was grab the receipt from the seed bank i bought em from and hung that on there....and sent pics of the packaging. If that is enough to convince them I'm not scammin em...great. If not...

I'll wait til that plant is 2 ft tall and piss on it and film it..... (sorry, couldn't resist)


Really Active Member
Just a quick question to pick some minds, but at what point is a seed supplier excused from people not being able to get seeds to pop.

Like on gps thread at riu, I see several folks crying about seeds not popping meanwhile literally hundreds of other growers don't have any problems with seeds not popping.

As a seed seller is it cool to call people out because Im seeing a lot of folks on forums and ig saying beans wont pop and they expect replacements.

Now I know it happens every now and again and some folks are legit in they complaints but Ive seen a few cats say beans didn't pop on several threads from different breeders.

Just curious because I think a lot of folks are just lying to get free beans or they haphazardly grow. Not sure and not aimed at anyone just curiously wondering.
I had started the "How do you Germinate your seeds" thread, so people who showed up would learn how and not cry to H that their seeds weren't germing. I fucked up germing my FREE Ghost OG bastards, 100% my error, H offered to replace them, I politely declined. Someone murdered my only remaining seedling, and H again offered free packs, which I politely declined.

H sent me the wrong packs, he sent more, wrong ones again, he sent more. I was a legitimate customer, with a legitimate complaint. I wanted a certain pack of seeds, not the substitutes. Uncle H made everything right.

@thenotsoesoteric I think you need to take care of the customer on 95% of occasions. It's not worth the risk of screwing legitimate people just to avoid the scammers. You look like a stand-up guy when you take care of the issue, encouraging more business.

Now, I've spent 15+ years managing stores taking all kinds of customer complaints. I met my share of the scammers you speak of. Take care of them the first time, take care of them the second time, if they comeback again its time to start questioning something.

If someone is hitting multiple Breeders up with complaints, they probably are scammers, but they could just be bad growers, or their seeds got cooked in a mail truck? Sending seeds out to fix the "error" is a lot easier than dealing with a ticked off customer.

I might just be rambling at this point...


Hobby Farmer
I must be a rare dude or super Canuck or something. I killed lots of heisenbeans but...I had a feeling it was me. So i went back to wet paper towel and how shit always worked and....shit always works.

I wouldnt bitch at Heisen for my inability to make a seed viable. And even though I have never said hey man the seeds didnt germ he always looked after me generally speaking with a 14 or 8 seed 12 and 6 pack etc.

And being really generous with freebies.

And now i know i like germing them in paper towel. That shit works for me.

I just think its hard to seperate the asshats from the newbies to know what to give out after a complaint.

Glad i just grow em


Heathen Basterd
I gotta know what @BerryNice is doing. I've been doing this a long time and never got roots in one day.
must be putting HGH in the fucking water , I have tried every method known to Man and best I ever did was 3 days just dipping in rooting hormone and straight into a rapid rooter plug . But I imagine like all things living there are always genetic freaks


must be putting HGH in the fucking water , I have tried every method known to Man and best I ever did was 3 days just dipping in rooting hormone and straight into a rapid rooter plug . But I imagine like all things living there are always genetic freaks
Ya, I believe thats about my "record time" when it comes to cuts. My GG4 dont like to clone quickly. Im usually like 14 days when everything else in the cloner is ready for transplant in 6-10.


Ya, I believe thats about my "record time" when it comes to cuts. My GG4 dont like to clone quickly. Im usually like 14 days when everything else in the cloner is ready for transplant in 6-10.
Yea for real the quickest I’ve ever had roots was 5 days with just aloe and root riots. 30 hrs is just the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. Not trying to call dude a liar but I will say I don’t believe that lol


Mediocre grower
Yea for real the quickest I’ve ever had roots was 5 days with just aloe and root riots. 30 hrs is just the craziest thing I’ve ever heard. Not trying to call dude a liar but I will say I don’t believe that lol
I had roots in under 48 hours a couple weeks ago. Hell it may have even been way less. I was experimenting with cloning. I cut one long branch off and cut it in 3 sections on a sunday night. By Tuesday after work, I had roots on all 3 sections.


I had roots in under 48 hours a couple weeks ago. Hell it may have even been way less. I was experimenting with cloning. I cut one long branch off and cut it in 3 sections on a sunday night. By Tuesday after work, I had roots on all 3 sections.
Well damn why are you just sharing this with us now? That's insane too, not 30 hours insane but still. What was the strain? I'd be happy with roots in two days.


Mediocre grower
Well damn why are you just sharing this with us now? That's insane too, not 30 hours insane but still. What was the strain? I'd be happy with roots in two days.
It was uzi cookies(ak47 X cookies n cream) I got from a buddy at the farm. That's the only strain I've cloned that quickly. And if anyone actually followed my thread, y'all would already know this! 😂😂 just messin