#Heisenbeans Genetics


Super Active Member
Gg4s1 started drooping in the sun5CFDCC92-718F-4628-ACE4-F9D6D6B94DCD.jpegupon further inspection A4D53413-3159-4874-B4F3-16B3A2D07649.jpeglooks like we got a corn borerC5923F29-0C77-4FAF-BBD1-AE970ED8DD76.jpeg it’s nearly to the base & that’s certain death 77287120-6BAC-42C9-A15A-39C3E7A47085.jpegnot my first time getting murdered by these fookers E63FC5D4-523C-4713-BC32-0E2505D93DF2.jpeg42E7C093-79B3-463A-B7F7-1F57E1C5014B.jpegA7648FBB-FC80-4986-9BEB-51F7C12CED90.jpegit turns into those white butterflies 62BD49A2-C5A5-4BFD-A066-F36E74A1C679.jpeg totally destroys the plant, I already cloned her so she’ll get another shot inside ACB4FC42-E729-44CA-8D9A-CA356B4BFBCA.jpeg4F2389A0-827D-4672-AEE8-CED4B00B73FE.jpegwedding cake s1 & gg4 s1 all rooted great
Gg4s1 started drooping in the sunView attachment 14712upon further inspection View attachment 14713looks like we got a corn borerView attachment 14714 it’s nearly to the base & that’s certain death View attachment 14715not my first time getting murdered by these fookers View attachment 14716View attachment 14717View attachment 14718it turns into those white butterflies View attachment 14719 totally destroys the plant, I already cloned her so she’ll get another shot inside View attachment 14720View attachment 14721wedding cake s1 & gg4 s1 all rooted great
Reminds me to get my BT sprayer ready...


If you trying to bend them on purpose, spray the stems with water to soften them before you start twisting and bending.
Seems to help me with "breakage".
Hadn’t thought of that I’ll give it a try, thanks yo. Unfortunately the recent snapping of the tops wouldn’t have been avoided with water. The first was caused by a falling vacuum cleaner and the second I’m thinking was also the vacuum cleaner but it was a week or so later. Probably cracked and I didn’t notice, trying to tie it down it snapped so easily it had to be damaged already.


Hadn’t thought of that I’ll give it a try, thanks yo. Unfortunately the recent snapping of the tops wouldn’t have been avoided with water. The first was caused by a falling vacuum cleaner and the second I’m thinking was also the vacuum cleaner but it was a week or so later. Probably cracked and I didn’t notice, trying to tie it down it snapped so easily it had to be damaged already.
Yea, these strains are not made for bending. lol
Others are like Willow limbs. When they hit the ground, they start growing roots.


Gg4s1 started drooping in the sunView attachment 14712upon further inspection View attachment 14713looks like we got a corn borerView attachment 14714 it’s nearly to the base & that’s certain death View attachment 14715not my first time getting murdered by these fookers View attachment 14716View attachment 14717View attachment 14718it turns into those white butterflies View attachment 14719 totally destroys the plant, I already cloned her so she’ll get another shot inside View attachment 14720View attachment 14721wedding cake s1 & gg4 s1 all rooted great
They usually start around here in middle of April up into May. You'll notice Moths everywhere and they lay those eggs and if a person mounds dirt after, you never know you got them until a branch wilts all of a sudden. I'll make a cut a foot or more above the drill hole. Hopefully I am real close when I start splitting the stem. They will survive if you get it out. Just a little stress or you are too late.


Gg4s1 started drooping in the sunView attachment 14712upon further inspection View attachment 14713looks like we got a corn borerView attachment 14714 it’s nearly to the base & that’s certain death View attachment 14715not my first time getting murdered by these fookers View attachment 14716View attachment 14717View attachment 14718it turns into those white butterflies View attachment 14719 totally destroys the plant, I already cloned her so she’ll get another shot inside View attachment 14720View attachment 14721wedding cake s1 & gg4 s1 all rooted great
Thanks for sharing this. It's good to see experience, bad or good at work. Glad to hear you cloned her.


How long do y'all usually let it dry before you take weight? I've never weighed my stuff before. It's been a week since I chopped bridezilla. Right now I've weighed out 1/2 lb. and I chopped some branches early too! But that seems like waaaaay too much lol
Yea, these strains are not made for bending. lol
Others are like Willow limbs. When they hit the ground, they start growing roots.
Yea that one in particular can’t handle it. All the others I got going right now can take it no problem.


How long do y'all usually let it dry before you take weight? I've never weighed my stuff before. It's been a week since I chopped bridezilla. Right now I've weighed out 1/2 lb. and I chopped some branches early too! But that seems like waaaaay too much lol
I haven’t weighed anything since I stopped selling. But once it’s dry enough to start curing is when I used to weight it.


Depends on how you do it. And if you let it dry out too much then it’ll lose a little bit but nothing crazy. But I don’t really burp them very often or for very long unless they’re really wet. I use hygrometers to cure tho so once they go in the jars, if they are in the correct cure zone, the jars only get opened once a week or so just to rearrange the buds for the first few weeks.


Depends on how you do it. And if you let it dry out too much then it’ll lose a little bit but nothing crazy. But I don’t really burp them very often or for very long unless they’re really wet. I use hygrometers to cure tho so once they go in the jars, if they are in the correct cure zone, the jars only get opened once a week or so just to rearrange the buds for the first few weeks.
I used boveda but sometimes it stayed too moist. I would like to ditch the boveda. If hygrometers are comparable in price it gives me more incentive to switch altogether.


The ones I got are pretty cheap. They are all within 1% of each other.
55-65% hrs in the jars is cure zone. I prefer 58-62 myself.