#Heisenbeans Genetics


Super Active Member
What are all these videos that I can’t watch? Where can I watch it?
Not only that when you start reading each post from March 12 or 15 date you are going to embark on a journey that if you are of the same caliber will find humor hurt pain comfort belonging and understanding of this Heisenbeans experience. I did not back fill the story synergies by going going outside of this forum thread.exceptionally each grower or chucker has enriched this saga, epic adventure we i you are upon. To anyone who newly comes upon this thread do not short yourself out of being able to truly appreciate all From the the vile villains to the champions of growers and Chuckers extreme

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone
Not only that when you start reading each post from March 12 or 15 date you are going to embark on a journey that if you are of the same caliber will find humor hurt pain comfort belonging and understanding of this Heisenbeans experience. I did not back fill the story synergies by going going outside of this forum thread.exceptionally each grower or chucker has enriched this saga, epic adventure we i you are upon. To anyone who newly comes upon this thread do not short yourself out of being able to truly appreciate all From the the vile villains to the champions of growers and Chuckers extreme
There’s a movie in there!


I need 1 volunteer that can count the top 5 posters of pics and reviews in this thread. I have 4 incoming cuts of a big seed run one of my best homies did for me and I'm doing a reversal and back cross to 3 mother plants that I personally think will put out the the dankest shit I've made to date. All 5 top winners will receive 3 packs a piece and the volunteer will also receive 3 packs. Gu has been super cool about letting me do this kinda shit as long as we stay on schedule of our other projects.
I will need those seeds grown out asap and a report on potency, bag appeal, structure and smell in that order. Seeds will be ready in about 10 weeks. I will send them out as soon as they are shucked.
I used to track this. Saving quotes from everyone.
3L method.Lurk Learn Laugh.
That's all I wanted to see, and couldn't find it, so I decided to do it myself.
Plants grow, I grow, we all grow better. Lol.
Our fates are already fixed but one who shares our road is priceless.
I keep thinking about this a lot. I have a few older strains that I’m tinkering with, not saying that anything spectacular will ever become of any of them, but you never know what will happen, a great accident could happen again, anytime.
I feel like I'm trying to fing the next chem dawg or c99. I dont want to elevate my endevours to skunk no. 1 but I would settle for that accident.
And this is going to be a learning experience for about 10 more years...maybe more.

You cant be good at something until you have had most sideways things happen so you can easily identify that problem and nip it quick..

I have a long way to go...
Regarding my first wife (x). I am old now and that is like forever ago.

We had 2 kids together. #1 son and #1 daughter (30s now). She was a heinous bitch through the entire thing and I just never said a bad word about their bitch ass of a mom. She has not changed at all. I still hate listening to her breathe. It is effecting global warming...

I just did it to be the dude. Not for long term vengeange but guess what...I became the grandpa of all time...father of all time...Decent dude of all time.

And I had to pay 1k a month regardless so I chose to just be normal me and not the DB i wanted to be. But that is what children do.

Men step up to the plate and do the shit required. That is what I grew up thinking men were. My Dad is that man and i will choose to be that same man. My kid sure as hell should too because that is how you get a good woman ! You have to be the good man part first.
LOL.....there is no God ....therefore....if you aren't gettin any..... it's all on you....
Thanks it is more than just a hobby. It's a whole lot of fun.


Super Active Member
HI everyone this is a pic of purple punch #2 way different from the other that I had
just starting to flower just over 2wks this one was a shorty I had to veg for about 5 wks
to get her this big not much strech on her either I toped her once she about 3ft tall
I need to do some pruning tonight on her not much on the nose right now but I will post
more on her later on just wanted to share this pheno she is under a 600watt hps
fox farms nutes ✌



LED Recruiter
Well done man. That's so her. I miss that plant but it was just one of those that not many people.wanted and was just not worth having around taking up space.
When I grew it I was pleased and so were others.
Start of page 33
U gotta stop reading em Damn it!!
We're gonna be here til Christmas for heavens sake!! Muahahaha


LED Recruiter
I just made a trade for the adub x stardawg, that’s a combo that I’ll fill a tent with!
Very cool!
I accidentally impregnated my a DUB x (MAC x AAW )
They both cane out legit. Maybe this is my new calling? Oh no. I got too many callings.
Be damned if I dont run a few to see whats up though. With the loss of a dub from the roster for ole HB, it may be worth keeping