#Heisenbeans Genetics


Heathen Basterd
Living each day paralyzed by fear and doubt isnt living Tom. Taking life by the throat and taking what You want, that is living. The strong rise .. Which are You , How do You see Yourself in the mirror? Heisen is offering an opportunity , it's up to You to take it or just walk away , nobody is gonna hold Your hand.


Dont Need One
What do you want to know about me? Check my IP or anything else you have access to ... I don't know who you think I am.
Tom is my real name! I don't need to use sock account nore any disguise
Anyway this thread is not about me but you and your gear.
So what about those seeds? Are they dry enough?
No one can see anyone's info or IP here. The site can only ban an IP with a spam checker but we cant physically see them.
But on the real we all know your from rollitup. Over here with the same ol same ol bullshit song and peanut butter and jealous sandwich eating. Give up your name