Humidity levels


What is the highest % ya'll have experienced during flower without issue?

I ask because it's been overcast and rainy here in the PNW, and doesn't look the be changing soon.
My night times levels have been 65 to 70%, 68 to 70 temps.
Lights on levels are 45 to 55% with temps at 77 to 80 degrees/

Have good air circulation and no issues just concerned, the buds are thick and heavy.


Mine are very close to yours except lights on temps closer to 85 and percentage being about 60% but nights are about what yours are and I never have problems. I am on other side of country. I do keep fans on low night and day. I think the good air flow is key.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I have humidity in the mid to high 60's at lights off. Air movement is the key. So far the system I have that works is having the exhaust fan on 24/7. Heat rises, humidity will rise as well, and get sucked out for the most part. Pulling the high humidity air through the tent constantly is better than having it dormant.

I also have two clip fans in each space. An oscillating fan above the canopy that only comes on with the lights, and a floor level 24/7 stationary one blowing under the plant caddies I use. FWIW I think having the daily down-time saves life on the oscillators.