#Heisenbeans Genetics


What's a SIP?
is there a such thing as a pollen sac puller? or maybe some type of design that will separate the sacs from the buds? I assume you don't care much for the bud, and it's all about getting those pollen sacs, so the machine or contraption could destroy everything as long as the pollen sacs are good?

if I'm talking crazy, then just ignore me, I've never bred anything, and it was just an idea that popped in my head


3/3 sundae x wedding cake are above ground. Both ghost bastards got up potted to 1.5 gals. I'll give em a couple weeks, put em in 3 gals for flower. Usually i run bigger containers and bigger plants but this run I'm doing a bunch of smaller plants just to fill some jars before i run out of smoke lol.


I am growing some Wasilla out and have to verify whether it's the real , until I have seen it in flower and smoked it it doesn't exist and only after it checks all boxes will I gift any out , till then it goes now where. I only saw this plant in flower back in the day but the stem rub smell is the same all I can tell so far, I also have a cross that was represented as crossed with NL1 that I did show a pic of to a scholar to look at who saw some NL traits , so don't pm me for them they will get gifted out as either unknown cross or genuine if plants check the correct boxes and I have already in my head chosen who I will send F1 seeds to and not adding to that mental list
Dr Greenthumb has it.
By your post, Heathen, I assume the Matanuska and Wasilla cuts would be different. In my research it was mentioned that the Wasilla cut is the "true" ATF, but some say it's either long lost or still around clone only but you'd never get a cut from the owner.

Good luck on the hunt @Heathenraider
Thanks for the Dr G heads-up @Greenthumbskunk


Heathen Basterd
By your post, Heathen, I assume the Matanuska and Wasilla cuts would be different. In my research it was mentioned that the Wasilla cut is the "true" ATF, but some say it's either long lost or still around clone only but you'd never get a cut from the owner.

Good luck on the hunt @Heathenraider
Thanks for the Dr G heads-up @Greenthumbskunk
all good weed everyone tried to market as TF back then ,, the Wasila cut is the elite cut , it was clone only before the raids and some cuts of it were gifted out and sold , for years it was kept under ground , but it has been bred to other strains as well as reversed , I had to give a very large accommodation to get what I have . I am growing everything out with the doubting scientist frame of mind because if I send anything out my name goes with it , it's zero about money , when you are dead and Your bones are dust the only thing left is Your name. I won't have mine spit on , so they will get trashed or given out as unknown if I don't have a good handle of what I have and if it is not really good , I mean really good smoke then why bother


I didn't think you could get the MTF anymore, but when I was in Oregon, ATF was everywhere, wasn't bad, but I din't get the kick I thought I would. But again, Im not a sat buzz lover kind of guy, lol. And if was believed they were too diff animals, the ATF was MTF crossed with something, affie maybe? Having said that, the two swamp donkey females I got is sunny d which is Blood Orange x TFM, thunderfuck mountain. aka atf x cherry mountain


Noob 4ever
I have always been pretty fascinated by this story. What is even more fascinating is that Adam Dunn, on the Adam Dunn Show (history of chemdog) got chemdog, pbud (the guy who sold him the original bags that the seeds came from), and other people involved together in the studio to talk about the whole thing and try to figure out the true origin of where it came from. They were unable to trace it back to the original grower because Pbud said the lbs of dogbud (what they called the weed that the chemdog seeds came from) were part of a multi-pack. That's a little unusual to me, because if I go back to when I was 18, 19, and 20, I can pretty much remember every person I bought a quarter ounce off of, let alone pounds. Anyway, it's apparently never going to be figured out. The show is very interesting though, I would give it a listen.
Pretty sure pbud said they can’t figure out the genetics because who he got it from passed away. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure I heard this in an interview.


Heathen Basterd
I didn't think you could get the MTF anymore, but when I was in Oregon, ATF was everywhere, wasn't bad, but I din't get the kick I thought I would. But again, Im not a sat buzz lover kind of guy, lol. And if was believed they were too diff animals, the ATF was MTF crossed with something, affie maybe? Having said that, the two swamp donkey females I got is sunny d which is Blood Orange x TFM, thunderfuck mountain. aka atf x cherry mountain
Wasilla cut has a very chocolate with a slight sweet skunk back end stem rub is how I would describe it , the taste when smoking is a thick chocolate menthol that really coats your mouth , it's like an Andes mint, that's how it struck me, I don't have a great sense of taste or smell so it really struck me. The duration of high for Me was crazy long, I smoked some before getting on a bird in Fairbanks and when I landed in Chicago I was still so wrecked I damn near missed my connection flight to a nearby State, got off that flight and my Mom was like , are u ok? Ahh good memories, now back to Heisen business, still waiting on my package be Tuesday now , slow Canadian mail
Theres no plant count in FL its over 25 lbs not plants
No, it's over 25 plants or 25 lbs, whichever you hit first. I just looked it up. And when they weigh your garden, they weigh everything, and wet too.

Here's the proof:

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Just curious what carts youre getting for $30? I had to hip my brother on wtf he was smoking.. those mario karts and others like that have been shown to have a bunch of shit I wouldnt want my people smoking.. Im guessing you on a better level than in IA lol
I have a neighbor who sells them. They are the "stoned age" ones.


"Justa Ganja Lover"
My man! Good shit, glad there wasn't any trouble shooting. That little unit is going to save you so much time. Any issues down the road, just hit me up.
Nicely done my dude.I love it when someone from the community Diy's a product for a lower cost than the jerks who jump in "the game" to price gouge.
You will be getting a few requests,I'm sure of it.

Now if we can get Ol' Heis' to stop smashing beans with it!