im gonna throw up a few little helpful tips from time to time to try and help out any of the new growers that might be reading this. some of these tips or tricks will seem super simple but they can really come in handy.
*Zip Ties*
i use zip ties for a few different things in the garden. i use them to hang lights, filters, fans, basically anything that needs hung up gets a zip tie.
i find them super useful when starting seeds. use the tip of the tie to make a pefect hole in the soil//coco and drop your seed in.
Also when a seedling starts stretching or growing a little wonky, take a ziptie and stick it in your soil/coco to make a perfect seedling stake.
I hear their very good for using when training/mainling plants but i cant speak to this as i dont mainline or do any kind of training outside lollipopping, topping, and defoliating.
if your using fabric pots and want some handles poke a few holes about 2 to 3 inches down and insert the ziptie. wah la
*Battery Powered Transfer Pump*
this little baby is sweeeet! $8 bucks at harbor freight! in my garden i have the plants in my flowering tent sitting on a metal rack thats lifted on the floor a bit by 5 of the small drywall containers they have at any hardware store. their cheap and they work perfect for the job. Underneath are 2 7g container dishes i water my plants to about 10-15% runoff so i get a decent amount at the end of each feeding. With the scrog up i cant fit the dishes out of tent without dumping water everywhere. This is the tool for the job. Stick the end into 1 of the dishes and pump the water into a runoff bucket that once full is discarded. this thing pumps water fast. takes a bout 3 seconds (really) to pump out each dish. It works with only a small amount of water which i was worried about at first but after some finessing it does the job perfectly. It is a little stubborn sometimes, you just have to make sure you hold it straight up and down, and apply a little pressure. this helps with those small amounts. make sure the drain hose is above the water line in the runoff bucket to.