#Heisenbeans Genetics


Really Active Member
Heisen's former #1 fanboy here to share my story.

Feb 17th Pre-ordered GG, GO, GGxGO, and a cross of Heisen's choosing.
Feb 21st paid Heisen $120
March 10th asked Heisen when seeds were shipping
Received Ghost OG bastards
Pre-order arrived containing 2x GG, WW, and GGxAlien
I hit up Heisen asking about the GGxGO as this was the main reason for my order. He said he would send them out. A week went by and nothing arrived, so I hit up Heisen again, inquiring. He admitted that he hadn't sent them, and assured me he would send them. I told him I wanted to order PPxBBC, to which he said he would cover them.
Package arrived today containing GGxAlien and GOxBBC.

Idk, I got a bunch of seeds, but not what I ordered. It will still be fire I suppose. Apparently I'll just have to watch you guys grow the GGxGO and PPxBBC.

And for the record, never changed my order, and shouldn't have had to substitue as the list available showed these as available.

I hope everyone else is receiving what they ordered...


Heisen's former #1 fanboy here to share my story.

Feb 17th Pre-ordered GG, GO, GGxGO, and a cross of Heisen's choosing.
Feb 21st paid Heisen $120
March 10th asked Heisen when seeds were shipping
Received Ghost OG bastards
Pre-order arrived containing 2x GG, WW, and GGxAlien
I hit up Heisen asking about the GGxGO as this was the main reason for my order. He said he would send them out. A week went by and nothing arrived, so I hit up Heisen again, inquiring. He admitted that he hadn't sent them, and assured me he would send them. I told him I wanted to order PPxBBC, to which he said he would cover them.
Package arrived today containing GGxAlien and GOxBBC.

Idk, I got a bunch of seeds, but not what I ordered. It will still be fire I suppose. Apparently I'll just have to watch you guys grow the GGxGO and PPxBBC.

And for the record, never changed my order, and shouldn't have had to substitue as the list available showed these as available.

I hope everyone else is receiving what they ordered...
Shit happens. Did you contact him?


Dont Need One
Heisen's former #1 fanboy here to share my story.

Feb 17th Pre-ordered GG, GO, GGxGO, and a cross of Heisen's choosing.
Feb 21st paid Heisen $120
March 10th asked Heisen when seeds were shipping
Received Ghost OG bastards
Pre-order arrived containing 2x GG, WW, and GGxAlien
I hit up Heisen asking about the GGxGO as this was the main reason for my order. He said he would send them out. A week went by and nothing arrived, so I hit up Heisen again, inquiring. He admitted that he hadn't sent them, and assured me he would send them. I told him I wanted to order PPxBBC, to which he said he would cover them.
Package arrived today containing GGxAlien and GOxBBC.

Idk, I got a bunch of seeds, but not what I ordered. It will still be fire I suppose. Apparently I'll just have to watch you guys grow the GGxGO and PPxBBC.

And for the record, never changed my order, and shouldn't have had to substitue as the list available showed these as available.

I hope everyone else is receiving what they ordered...
I missed your second request at some point in time. Keeping up
Heisen's former #1 fanboy here to share my story.

Feb 17th Pre-ordered GG, GO, GGxGO, and a cross of Heisen's choosing.
Feb 21st paid Heisen $120
March 10th asked Heisen when seeds were shipping
Received Ghost OG bastards
Pre-order arrived containing 2x GG, WW, and GGxAlien
I hit up Heisen asking about the GGxGO as this was the main reason for my order. He said he would send them out. A week went by and nothing arrived, so I hit up Heisen again, inquiring. He admitted that he hadn't sent them, and assured me he would send them. I told him I wanted to order PPxBBC, to which he said he would cover them.
Package arrived today containing GGxAlien and GOxBBC.

Idk, I got a bunch of seeds, but not what I ordered. It will still be fire I suppose. Apparently I'll just have to watch you guys grow the GGxGO and PPxBBC.

And for the record, never changed my order, and shouldn't have had to substitue as the list available showed these as available.

I hope everyone else is receiving what they ordered...
Email orders have been painful, following this has been difficult, You requested the PP X BBC as a replacement so was that a change i might have missed from the original order? Its hard because people will give me 20 different options or tell me me what they want to swap in 3 different emails instead of just saying i want this
they turn it into 10 paragraphs of what elese you got, ok ill take this and if you dont have that ill take this, and than another email , I apologize if i got u mixed up. I still have alot of seeds and only about 20 percent i put on the website, send me a message right now and tell me what packs you did not get and ill get them to you.


Heathen Basterd
You are the consumer if You give a merchant a fair chance to fulfill Your order and You are not satisfied for either bad customer service , wrong products , shipped or not receiving answers thru e mails or PM's ( without being that sends 20 a day guy) then take Your business to a Merchant that checks all Your boxes . Simple.


Dont Need One
Ps bottom feeder welfare gimme free shit fucks You have no voice , guys who have spent Hundreds matter , core consumers for a merchant
I told you 2 days ago to go to the website and order what you was missing. Make an order on the website. put what packs you didnt get in the special instructions box . Email is just not a good platform for lagistics and the website is. I can print your shipping label immediately with the order in front of me so it makes it easy. Emails get lost and buried and i apologize.
You never responded or made the order. Im doing my best over here i just need you guys to meet me half way.


Really Active Member
Thanks, Heathen. Heisen offered me free seeds when I saved my ghost bastard, and I respectfully declined, as I wasn't here for the freebies, only what I paid for...

Interesting take that a guy who sends $120, and was going to send another $60 for a second order even though the first order was wrong is a "gimme free shit fuck"

Repeat customers are core consumers for a merchant. Heisen has been on point with customer service, I've documented that well in previous posts.

Heisen has given me another tracking number now and is sending the seeds, so the great customer service continues. I feel bad he's sending more seeds


Heathen Basterd
Thanks, Heathen. Heisen offered me free seeds when I saved my ghost bastard, and I respectfully declined, as I wasn't here for the freebies, only what I paid for...

Interesting take that a guy who sends $120, and was going to send another $60 for a second order even though the first order was wrong is a "gimme free shit fuck"

Repeat customers are core consumers for a merchant. Heisen has been on point with customer service, I've documented that well in previous posts.

Heisen has given me another tracking number now and is sending the seeds, so the great customer service continues. I feel bad he's sending more seeds
I clearly was not talking to You when I made that comment , 99% of the people bitching have been the guys who made no purchases and just wanted freebies , I was not talking to You I was making a very pointed Business 101 statement , so if You took anything personally or out of context then know that was not my intention