Under Construction: Proceed With Caution! Buckets That Bubble & More...

Right now all 4 DWC plants are drinking easily a gallon of day. Between the 4, I am giving them 5 gallons in 24 hours...sometimes 6 gallons. Still no ill signs shown on the plant that I have not changed the water since the start of the grow. PPM range is up over 1400 for them as well. All pretty average to above average feeders. All 4 light rails moved to around 40%. Note to 24 inches for full 100%. 3 Run Homer probably the closest of the 4 to harvest but a good 2-3 weeks left. Week 6 I believe today. Will drop PPM levels end of week 7 to around 1000.
So I wanted to get the chance to show what I used to grow in....compared to what I use now. Below, are a few pictures of my old grows in my closet. At the time, I was fitting between 3-5 flowering plants depending on size. The area measured 2.5 ft wide by 8 ft long. 97179872_237473494190734_7643269399905828864_n.jpg84398047_812781305906315_5008708912619192320_n.jpg96587240_2677410862490359_7752885830112247808_n (1).jpg

In this picture, you can also see my 3x3 tent and my 2x4 tent next to that closet above. This was when I was in the middle on the project of extending that closet.
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This is where the magic happens now...after getting the drywall up, she now measures a full 4x8.....it's actually closer to 4.5ft wide by 8 ft long but with everything like fans and such, it's a 4x8 lol.

At this time....I was preparing for 4 DWC buckets to be ran. I knew it was going to be a pain in the ass to fill the buckets everyday once they got over here. So I had to plan....
Clear on my end lol
Even the zoom in is nice
I have noticed a massive difference in photo quality between cell phone and PC....My phone takes somewhat ok pics but I wanted to invest in something that will take my picture game to the next level. We upgrade lights and spaces....figured upgrade in the photo department was due. That was just a normal picture too. I can see my trichomes now in the macro settings and the pics looks super quality. Cant wait for my lights to turn on so I can take pics of the prettier plants hahaha