#Heisenbeans Genetics


That's actually the planned seed I will be popping asap.
"There can be only one."
I'll name her "The Highlander" or "Conny MacLeod" hahaha.
I like the Conny Macleod better. Lol.
I'd like to place a pre-order cut of "The Highlander" please and thank you. I'm really excited for the gmoxadub crosses. Gmo can reach 30%, adubs been tested at 32%. Imagine a perfect balance of them.


Heathen Basterd
now they using heathen as ammo per the mouthin on riu, for grown men, stuff seems a lil too much sometimes. It's not hard to see why some folks just stay off the boards, or maybe post a finished pic or two. Know it alls that are part of the no germ, all herm club, lmfao.
Fuck em not a single one would beak that shit to my face or they would be getting dragged down a gravel road by a log chain behind my bike


Dont Need One
All the free list testers and preorders are out. I'm finishing up a few fuck ups now and will be done with that in the next couple days.
I'm gonna send out a newsletter on the website as soon as I hit 200 subscribers and have a 50 percent off sale day as soon as I hit 200 newsletter subscriptions. I have a few more seeds in cups drying now. This way I can clear out a bunch of 1 off strains I made that I wanna get rid of like adub x wedding pie, wedding pie x GG and shit like that.
Also I have some seeds coming up that will be exclusive to GP only. Packaging is just way easier when I have his stuff all in one section and I dont have to worry about inventory numbers crossing each other up.
These are just a few things in the works.
Even with the website ordering people cant follow instructions, I asked can they please just put the packs they didnt get in the box. Hell naw. They gotta name off 20 packs so i have no fukin clue what ones they really want. I mean damn guys youll are fukin killing me. Its taking me an hour to figure out 2 fucking packs.
JUST PUT IN THE box like this

adub s1

see how simple that was.
Any idea when the re-stock is coming H? Damn near everything's sold out, nice work


Dont Need One
Any idea when the re-stock is coming H? Damn near everything's sold out, nice work
There not sold out. I just limited numbers up in case of issues or anyone dont get packs. I didnt not wanna have there packs just in case. 90 percent of everything has been taken care of. Once all the preorder craziness is done and I stop getting emails I will put up everything.