#Heisenbeans Genetics


Deleted member 60

Power Co here wants to cut a 40 ft swath down to dirt under my (and 110 miles of other lines) power line. I've seen pics of other people's property and how it was left....and that shit ain't happening here. Have the Engineer guy coming out to talk to tell him I will pay to bury the fucker (won't be cheap...it's probably 700 ft or more) and that there's no fuckin way they are gonna butch the fuck out of my land like that. The push to clear lines here is because we had that forest fire last year....and now....after 50+ years of doing nothing....they wanna do a MAJOR correct all at once.

There were coming this year but I think COVID has fucked their wagon. Gotta bit of time to put this shit together/make it happen. Always somethin'.


Really Active Member
Yeah bro. Crazy how fast it happened. I check them every day. They were completely fine the day before. I kinda wish I would've took pics now lol. One turned like completely brown overnight, even the fan leaves. And the other had like a big ball of fuzz on it so I just chopped them both off. Haven't seen signs of it elsewhere but I'm keeping an eye out.
That sucks man.. One way to tell if other buds are affected are than you can try to pull a bit on the fan leaves on the bigger colas. If there's rot inside, leaves will disattached. Since the rot starts from inside the bud.


Less heat+more efficient. Suits my grow location better
Watts is watts and the same wattage will actually produce the same amount of heat no matter what. While the lights WILL run more efficiently, and will last longer, the heat generated in the tent will always be the same unless you remotely locate your ballast outside of the tent. I used to believe the same as you until someone sent me a link to an explanation of the science behind it. To make it short, the reason for this is the light generated from those watts carries the heat and that light bounces around and the heat from it is eventually completely absorbed by the tissue in the plants and the other materials in the tent. This is why the only way to truly reduce heat is to remotely locate your ballast so the heat being produced from that is not being absorbed by the tent/growing area.

Deleted member 60

Rot is easy to spot outdoors. Guaranteed..... if you see a small guard leaf that is brown/krinkly...there is a very good chance that there's bud rot behind it inside that bud.

Pretty sure "Regalia" also works on PM. Outdoor guys should have some of this on hand, IMO. It's a preventative.....so you watch the weather and if the conditions are coming that are right for the shit to hit....you spray. Haven't used it/don't know about indoor use. Kinda stainks a bit...so you might wanna take em outside..hit em...then put em back in the tent. Just a thought. sounds like it's been pretty wicked this year for some of ya. I dunno how the fuck you grow in all that heat/humidity back there in the Tropics. (anywhere East of central Kansas..LOL) I salute you all. My life is pretty easy here compared to that. Just hailstorms and frost/freeze here. not many bugs. No PM. bud rot only shows if it's a rainy end...and you just end it here rather than fuck around cus once it cools off/gets humid to where that shit will form it's gonna snow soon/end the season anyway and you need to be humpin and get that shit down/inside.

These testers are crazy. Haven't even had the seeds 2 weeks and the leaves are tryin to touch the sides of the 1 gal pots already....

boomshaklaka! Pretty stoked for these. Shootin to have em done by election day. Will flip by Sept 1.

And ALWAYS hit them bitches hard. On 11. They love that shit. Heehee. No mercy!!


Really Active Member
Edit to my previous post.. by "more efficient" I ment that I get to run more strips at same total W output. = More spread

On topic.. I have some Heisen GG4S1 and Adub that a friend bought over a year ago. I'm really hyped testing the gg4, but I've seen some killer Adub phenos on this forum.. Now I can't deside wich one to try out first :D
I grow in a drip system so running 2 different strains in the same system is something I try to avoid.

Anyone had them both? Suggestions on wich one to try first are wellcome :)

I only get to grow once or twice a year so it worth giving it some thoughts on what to start with


So last night was the weekly "pizza night" that my brother in law holds at his house for me, my brother, and one of their friends. I brought one Banana Orange Daiquiri bud and one Topanga Weddiing bud (pre-cure). I took two puffs off the Banana Orange Daiquiri and I was wrecked for a good 2 hours. My brother-in-law took a few puffs of the same and he was babbling nonsense half the night :ROFLMAO: @Heisenbeans , I thought you'd like to know that my brother in law, who's in his mid 50's and is a daily smoker, said that Banana Orange Daiquiri was one of the best smokes he's had. One thing we all thought was that it hits hard, like a modern strain, but the smell of it burning in the air reminded us a lot of some of the weed we smoked in the 80s or 90s...if that makes any sense.

I had to drive home later, so I didn't even try the Topanga Wedding yet, but I will tonight!


Edit to my previous post.. by "more efficient" I ment that I get to run more strips at same total W output. = More spread

On topic.. I have some Heisen GG4S1 and Adub that a friend bought over a year ago. I'm really hyped testing the gg4, but I've seen some killer Adub phenos on this forum.. Now I can't deside wich one to try out first :D
I grow in a drip system so running 2 different strains in the same system is something I try to avoid.

Anyone had them both? Suggestions on wich one to try first are wellcome :)

I only get to grow once or twice a year so it worth giving it some thoughts on what to start with
I haven't tried either, but have you thought about trying a blumat system out? I personally like to stick to one strain at a time, too, but if you ever want to mix it up the blumat system would only give each plant what it needs. I got once for my last run and I'll never go back to regular watering.


Blümen Meister
Edit to my previous post.. by "more efficient" I ment that I get to run more strips at same total W output. = More spread

On topic.. I have some Heisen GG4S1 and Adub that a friend bought over a year ago. I'm really hyped testing the gg4, but I've seen some killer Adub phenos on this forum.. Now I can't deside wich one to try out first :D
I grow in a drip system so running 2 different strains in the same system is something I try to avoid.

Anyone had them both? Suggestions on wich one to try first are wellcome :)

I only get to grow once or twice a year so it worth giving it some thoughts on what to start with
Both. My preference is more, smaller plants vs. fewer bigger plants. I say this as someone with limited space and challenging grow logistics. All things equal, you will pull the same amount of weight either way. That's mainly light dependent IMO. But I'd rather have more variety in my stash. Can't be smoking the same stuff all day long.


Really Active Member
Watts is watts and the same wattage will actually produce the same amount of heat no matter what. While the lights WILL run more efficiently, and will last longer, the heat generated in the tent will always be the same unless you remotely locate your ballast outside of the tent. I used to believe the same as you until someone sent me a link to an explanation of the science behind it. To make it short, the reason for this is the light generated from those watts carries the heat and that light bounces around and the heat from it is eventually completely absorbed by the tissue in the plants and the other materials in the tent. This is why the only way to truly reduce heat is to remotely locate your ballast so the heat being produced from that is not being absorbed by the tent/growing area.
I'll have to give this some thoughts an research after I'm done cooking dinner. I'm only a hobbyist so I don't doubt you. I like learning new stuff and are open minded..
But if you use heatsink, shouldn't it matter how fast the heat builds up (hard you drive them) and how fast the heatsinks can "dissipste"? Is that the word to use here? :D english is not my native tongue.

Hmmm. Now I confused my self. If the ventilstion can remove the heat they build up it wpuldn't matter..
On a other hand running them closer to canopy can be profitable overall..

I'll ve back on the subject if it's ok to go a bit off topic in this thread?
I'll have to give this some thoughts an research after I'm done cooking dinner. I'm only a hobbyist so I don't doubt you. I like learning new stuff and are open minded..
But if you use heatsink, shouldn't it matter how fast the heat builds up (hard you drive them) and how fast the heatsinks can "dissipste"? Is that the word to use here? :D english is not my native tongue.

Hmmm. Now I confused my self. If the ventilstion can remove the heat they build up it wpuldn't matter..
On a other hand running them closer to canopy can be profitable overall..

I'll ve back on the subject if it's ok to go a bit off topic in this thread?


Really Active Member
Use the drip system as normal....feed same levels. If one plant shows a deficiency then just add a little more nutrients by hand.
Yeah I done that before. I guess the pla ts take up whatever nuts they need.. But I've seen gg4 stretch 3-4-5 times it's vegative grow size so it's sure a gamble running anything else at the same time with gg4.. atleast with my small grow tent


Active Member
Hey GWheels. I have most of those strains you mentioned in one of your recent posts, but haven’t run them. I got the pre GPS. Looking for cooler weather to pop them. If they’re as good as H says, I’ll be cloning, but are these part of a new drop? Thanks