First grow journal!


Ditchweed grower
Forgot to tell you guys but I also stopped letting the city water sit for chlorine to leave for like five feeds and I also stopped phing since I moved to well water(very good well water) and never once read a Ppm meter this grow either


Stress Tester
70 thats not even close here and you better try before you buy, some of that hemp smells good but tastes like lawn clippings

I really envy the outdoor grow and how large the plants get not to mention the yeilds but alot of obstacles too.


Ditchweed grower
Trueee I want to greenhouse it but eventually! Trying for a big pumped flood and drain and I’m going to redo the old garden. Has a sprinkler ran to it too but leftovers will be pumped to the garden👍🏼 Want some nice sized vegetables cut down a couple trees and they will get great light most of the day