#Heisenbeans Genetics


Deleted member 60

All you can do is take more clones when you can/if you can and try again. As they say.."Shit Happens". I wish you luck.

Um.....what's with the "it's from the 50's" line mean? Sounds like a few of us around here...but beyond that....I'm not following along.

Deleted member 60

Heisenbeans testers.

Was gonna let em run and do their thing ala natural....but they were packing/stacking such tight nodes and sporting such fat leaves that all of the undergrowth was being tossed shade.....so everybody but the runt got a trip to the Salon a few days ago and are just starting to respond. At the rate these are growing I think I'm gonna flip em in the next few days. The weather is supposed to cool off a bit so I'll be firing up the other panel soon.

Verbal instructions didn't go well last time. Let's see if this makes any sense.

Deleted member 60

Sure is fuckin quiet in here considering all of the TESTERS that were on that list who were generously given multiple packs from H for nada.....

Yeah..I know...his standard speel is "they are yours to do with what you choose"/etc..... but I'm guessing that is just the >Nice Guy< talking and that they weren't >>really<< sent out for folks to hoard/sit on/etc. Kudos to the few who are in motion...but where are the rest of ya? Maybe we should post all of the names again of the folks who received them and drop into the old "If you aren't gonna grow em...pass them along to someone who will/who asks for 'em" gig?

Just kinda fucked IMO. Uncle H knows I refused seeds 2X cus I'm a flavor snob....and the (generous) offer was for stuff I knew I wasn't gonna grow out....so I didn't take em. Everyone playin along had month upon month to ready for the testers to drop....yet.....

Off the soapbox. Mine hit bloom last night. Super vigorous plants. Very impressed so far. Many thanks


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
Not trying to stick up for anyone else, but if you remember. The timr frame changed like 3 diffwrent times. What we were getting, when we were getting em. I have a tight schedule to keep. I got allllll fucked up waiting for those.
Exactly - not making excuses for anyone, but some people don't have a lot of room and have to wait for a harvest to make room for more. I would think that it would be Heisen's place to ask - not for another tester to start calling people out. Hesens are the 5 on the outside, a few are getting flipped soon - then pics will be cooler.

Deleted member 60

He won't ask..or direct. Anyone paying attention at all knows that.

and it's like the Politics thing... some folks sure don't hesitate to tell everyone else "how it is". LOFL. Same thing. If H has a problem with what I said...HE can address it....not "another tester".

nice plants

Deleted member 60

Not trying to stick up for anyone else, but if you remember. The timr frame changed like 3 diffwrent times. What we were getting, when we were getting em. I have a tight schedule to keep. I got allllll fucked up waiting for those.
It's definitely tough to insert things in the mix when yer making money hand-over-fist.....LOL. Thing is...if you are in that game/position and you know it's tight...why accept the seeds and take the opportunity away from someone else who might actually make the space for the project?

no biggie here.....just kinda the way it is these days it seems. In the old days you never woulda been chosen to test again if you took seed and then failed to uphold your end of the bargain.

Who was that @ShysteGrow ?? Please tell.