#Heisenbeans Genetics


Dont Need One
Dude you literally could not go wrong with any of those crosses at all.if you make all those crosses I suspect keepers would be found in every 10 pack o beans and you couldn't ask for better than that.
Planning and doing is a wide gap making fems. It can all be done it's just more difficult with some than others. Not only do I need a pair that makes dank babies but it has to be fairly easy to make or it's just not worth it. That's why the strains on my site are there. Once there gone they not coming back. The new ones coming up will be permanent staples


Dont Need One
You going to S1 it if You can reverse it?
Yes I'm reversing her now about 5 days in. She will reverse but some just dont put out alot of pollen and some put out alot. Some put out a decent amount but only about 10 percent is viable some 100 percent. I need 6 bad ass moms that reverse into pollen making machines. Those gems are a needle in a hay stack and require alot of work to find.
Heisen thanks for steering me here.i didn't even know this place existed.
It's a good forum.nice and easy to use which matters to me since I m a total retard wen it comes to computers and stuff.
Also I think firestax has finally went belly up.
It was expected.you put a post up over there recently and there was so little people you could go back 2 weeks later and no one had even gave u a like never mind a reply.
That's what happens wen you take orders of beans off people then take 10 weeks to post em.i could never understand that.a shame as I thought stax was a decent guy.


Really Active Member
Heisen thanks for steering me here.i didn't even know this place existed.
It's a good forum.nice and easy to use which matters to me since I m a total retard wen it comes to computers and stuff.
Also I think firestax has finally went belly up.
It was expected.you put a post up over there recently and there was so little people you could go back 2 weeks later and no one had even gave u a like never mind a reply.
That's what happens wen you take orders of beans off people then take 10 weeks to post em.i could never understand that.a shame as I thought stax was a decent guy.
I never had a problem with firestax the forum is pretty much dead though absolutely.... I just put in 3 orders during his 50% off sale ... picked up some ihg, holy smoke hammerhead and Pisces gear... took like 10 days to get em


What's a SIP?
any of you good old boys ever grown in a greenhouse? I'm working on building one, was hoping to get a few pointers if anyone can, I already know this thread is where everyone's at!!! lmfao



What's a SIP?
hey @Heisenbeans once all the dust clears, and you have a minute to take a breather, I was hoping you could do us a favor?

any chance you could make us one more strain list? just a full list of ALL Strains that you will continue to make and sell, and maybe a short list of one's that you have, but won't be making again? (I know there's a list on the site, but that's always changing!)

I'm sure I'm not the only one who is a tad confused on what all we can get now, and what will be around in the near future! thanks again man for all you do! your OK in my book, I don't care what they say about you... lol

here's the last list that I remember seeing, for who ever cares...Screenshot_2019-03-18-00-45-09.png


I don’t know how many seeds I’ve thrown away! Well I havnt popped any of Heisen yet but hearing all these scuff stories and new seeds blah blah! Here is what I normally did

I would soak seeds in paper towel after 24-48 hrs I would have tap root.. anything that wasn’t popped in the 48 hrs I toook as a dud and threw it out! Now you all have seeds in paper towels for 4-5 days to get these seeds to pop or even scuffing them! What ever happen to just putting them in dirt and they grow....

Atleast 20 seeds I’ve thrown out after the 48 mark Smh.. now I know they still had hope...


Hobby Farmer
I have had seeds from Canuck take 6 days to sprout in wet paper towel. Soaking for 2 days then damp.

Sometimes they really want to be dormant but live or drown brings them around.

That scuffing thing sounds like a good idea for old seeds too. I really am going to make that scuff box. Perfect use for a ring box :D