#Heisenbeans Genetics


Active Member
That’s not what he said he said check for bugs in the dark with a flashlight and make sure to look under them. He can be a lot to handle sometimes ( Chunky riu) but he was telling you useful info. And that’s riu not Here at chuckers there are 10 trolls per decent member at riu
he said in the dark with a narrow beamed flash light.. read it agian.. i thought the dots gave it away or pick a suspect leaf off or just flip it over come one turn off all the lights off and look from under the plant with a narrow beam flash light..


Active Member
Start a jourrnal, or a separate thread. Things get buried quickly in this thread because it's dedicated to Heisenbeans genetics, not your grow + questions + problems. Start a thread like, "Are these Spider Mites?" and you will have some truly helpful people all over it.
I didn't ask about mites at all. so i dont know where u got that from.. someone was busting my hump... and made a post about of my pics both here and on riu because he saw the tell tail dots on my leaves.. bet no one told him this isn't the place for that.. but i also think people should be able to ask about there hisen plants here and i think it would be very positive for new customers to see the gps.. hiesen thread family be kind and help as much as possible.. not say this isn't the place for ur questions.. i guess what i think an I will end on this note take it for what its worth. people read through the thread the less people argue.. the more help given, the nicer people are, the better for his bussiness.. that's the kinda things people look for when choosing a company.. i know everyones different but as a general rule everyone should be trying to help his bussiness.. with some things said and the way some people act im close to not given any more of my money to his company.. im am not the only one ether.
i have personaly had pm to me from over 10 people that have already quite giving him bussiness for the same reason.. i would just say anyone her thats actualy trying to help the bussiness(like me, dont post my pics of buds becuz i need personal validation, i get more then i need in real life trust me. i doit to try and give back to the biz) but every person on this thread should think b4 they act,say,or try and be funny sarcastic rude or unhelpful. it would go along way to help the bussiness.. and im talking to no one person specifically, but what do i know im just a good looking broad rite.


Insanely Active Member
Mate I can honestly say as a newbie to indoor these blokes have offered plenty of support over my time , be it accurate or speculative given the information on hand . Your gonna cop a bit of banter regardless of who you are or the subject from time to time . It’s all good fun . That’s the common problem with text at times . It’s taken out of context or misinterpreted which is easily done but generally if you don’t flick shit with bad intent you don’t wear any . Life is good 👍


U have those people though.. for instance i thought I got rid of the mites last round and yea I should have know better but i was a trusting newbie but i asked if I had mites on these gmo punchs when i started them and i had only one reply its a nite problem.
theyll grow out of it.. it had tell take mite signs the little dots but im waiting on my glasses.so i figured ok maybe I'll listen and now I'm paying for some one else being that way.. or i had a person say earlier the best way to check for bugs is to turn off all the lights get on ur back under ur plants and look up with a narrow beamed flash light.. like foreal dude. people think its funny to take advantage of people and make them suffer because they think its funny.. they can eat my Apple..
You never got those kinds of remarks here, have you? This is a pretty good bunch of members. I don't think any of us would mislead you for shits and giggles. Not in this forum. Maybe one of the "other" forums online. We try and keep it pretty professional. And yes, we all joke around and poke at the other members, but it's all in good fun. I sure you will fit in if you are serious about growing and love the plant. Every one of us was a "newbie" at one time. For some of us, it's been a long, long, long time ago. lol
If you need help, just ask and one or more will help you out. There have been a lot of "newbies" came through here. Some stay and some don't.
The ones that stayed are growing some of the best looking flower around.
You can to.
You'll be ok, we're all just a bunch of plant loving stoners". lol


he said in the dark with a narrow beamed flash light.. read it agian.. i thought the dots gave it away or pick a suspect leaf off or just flip it over come one turn off all the lights off and look from under the plant with a narrow beam flash light..
If you have an extra 20 bucks, buy yourself a microscope. 100x's magnification will work for spider Mites. Or you can get a computer microscope for the same. Ok, Last post in H's thread on this subject.
I'm sure @Ozjet68 will give 20 bucks for that apple. lol