#Heisenbeans Genetics


Insanely Active Member
I just came across this, got me thinking.
Had to dig around a bit to find pics of some pods I hatched for my 2016 outdoor grow.
Bought 3 pods, had all 3 hatch within days of each other.
Holy shit wasn't expecting this, had those lil fuckers everywhere.View attachment 83781

Had a pretty good size outdoor grow going, there literally wasn't a single plant that wasn't covered with them, pretty cool.
Unfortunately the local sparrow population decimated most of them over time.
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Very few made it to adult hood, I would come across a large one every now and again.
Wow that’s like a small maternity ward nest . They’d be feeding on all those small annoying damaging pests like caterpillars etc . Very handy little fellas 👍


I just ordered 14 of the 301H Samsungs (80pcs)with UV, 660's, and IR strips(96pcs total)
At the moment, I am in the middle of an "ice storm". Up to an inch forcast. Peoples electric is popping off all around me.
Not looking good. Glad I don't have a house full like some of you all, but still gonna hurt.
Ya I'm struggling with temps here. Plants not growing good in 50 degree temps for highs. Heaters on high non stop. Gonna have a nice sized electric bill, 4800 watts in lights are also running 24/7.

Deleted member 60

Ya I'm struggling with temps here. Plants not growing good in 50 degree temps for highs. Heaters on high non stop. Gonna have a nice sized electric bill, 4800 watts in lights are also running 24/7.
I feel for ya. I took a few months off for this reason alone. The cold last year made me feel like a fuckin Kindergartener in the grow room. Shit acting up all over the place. PRETTY plants.....but damn...just a pain in the ass to coax em along. With it all being stash/no return on investment (other than saving $$$ to stay high)....it gets harder to justify running heaters and shit.

But at least you HAVE POWER. A buncha folks are simply fucked on this one. Lotsa grows and plumbing gonna take a hit, for sure.

High kev

Yankee seeds
I feel for ya. I took a few months off for this reason alone. The cold last year made me feel like a fuckin Kindergartener in the grow room. Shit acting up all over the place. PRETTY plants.....but damn...just a pain in the ass to coax em along. With it all being stash/no return on investment (other than saving $$$ to stay high)....it gets harder to justify running heaters and shit.

But at least you HAVE POWER. A buncha folks are simply fucked on this one. Lotsa grows and plumbing gonna take a hit, for sure.
My light off temps are hitting mid 50s. I’m going to need to insulate my walls better after this crop it should help


Master Grower
Sorry to hear that! Im working on that cloner...
I'm so sorry to hear that brother. U know whats mine is yours!
That sucks dude! We’re below zero for quite a bit of the winter, but have been fortunate to have no major power outages. Hoping you rebound with authority.
Thanks everybody. On the bright side I can get some of what I lost back, I had given some of them to friends for backup, it’s just gonna take some time. Full speed ahead!


LED Recruiter
During the summer look in the classifieds/craigslist for people dumping their older generators for cheap. I have a gas powered generator here that is from the 70s that takes care of my tents, the furnace, the fridge, a few lights throughout the house, and the TV/internet.
I can leave a nice honda unlocked at the jobsite. Just swing by and pick er ☝ 😉