#Heisenbeans Genetics


Junior Soil Food Web Consultant
I have to wait another month before I can buy as i just bought a 65W & 240W quantum boards one for seedlings/veg & one for full cycle and a worm farm, also have my chicken pen going. I'm growing in the southern hemisphere so I can't grow any of these outdoor at the time because its basically almost winter. Finally saved up for grow equipment to do some indoor when its cold. Have to wait for next paycheck before I can order beans.

Thanks to @Green_256 for inviting me way back from the inception of the forum before. I've mostly been reading and keeping up to date not really posting much yet. I was here when this thread had only 1 page ;D//

I have a minimum order requirement from heisen before he'll sell beans to me xD, better start saving if possible I'd appreciate if @Heisenbeans keep at least 1 pack of each for me as I'd like to get one of every release, I'll have to buy in phases xD (you can exclusive special order Nyaga label them) :)


LED Recruiter

I have bought many packs from him. For you to suggest I'm not a loyal follower is BS. Please don't speak if you don't know what you are talking about
Ur right I was implying as u suggested. Wanna whip it out and see whos bigger while we're at it?
We could take it to thw kitchen sink over a BLANKET statement. Sorry if i replied to,ur message.
Eat a,snickers you'll feel better. I had a rough morning and didnt get a job I bid so I got alllll dayyyy
I don’t know how many seeds I’ve thrown away! Well I havnt popped any of Heisen yet but hearing all these scuff stories and new seeds blah blah! Here is what I normally did

I would soak seeds in paper towel after 24-48 hrs I would have tap root.. anything that wasn’t popped in the 48 hrs I toook as a dud and threw it out! Now you all have seeds in paper towels for 4-5 days to get these seeds to pop or even scuffing them! What ever happen to just putting them in dirt and they grow....

Atleast 20 seeds I’ve thrown out after the 48 mark Smh.. now I know they still had hope...
I,v had seeds that didn't pop under normal conditions so I,v squeezed em enough to crack the seam on the shell but not to damage the seedling Inside and put em back into paper towels and they grew ok.they just had really thick shells the moisture couldn't seem to penetrate.they just needed a wee helping hand.


Im gonna have his monster ghost bastid for july 4 harvest, Im debating on takin the hot part of summer off, plus it lets these heisenbeans cure that much longer as they will be part of the next round, man its hard not to keep shit goin, though, I just wanna keep poppin beans, lol. It's a fever or a monkey and I got it. Lawd hep me when I get my card in July.