#Heisenbeans Genetics



I just wanted to comment on the "odd" leaf structures that are showing up.

It's common with very fresh seeds to get "odd" or just plain weird leaves for the first couple sets. (Generally speaking this will sort itself out as the plant matures). That same seeds that produced the "odd" leaf would probably not have produced the weird leaves if they had been popped a couple months or even just weeks later. How do I know? Because I've popped seeds too soon and had every one of them put off weird, twisted or deformed leaves. But then I waited a while to try again and seeds from the exact same seed batch no longer put off weird leaves. I have seen this happen many times over the years. I've seen it happen with seeds that are old as well or with seeds that were started in too cold/hot of conditions where it took a week to pop.

When seeds don't pop quite right it must damage something and create this problem, seeds that are too fresh just don't pop as cleanly and perfectly as fully ripened seeds do. But as I stated, they will almost always sort themselves out before they start to put off true fan leaves. Still, with these new seeds I'd suggest waiting a while longer to pop them, that's if you are getting freaky deaky leaves anyway. Just put your beans someplace very dry and cool for a couple weeks and try again.

By the way, one of the most potent plants I've ever grown started life as a really bad freaky deaky and it's leaves never did fully straighten out, even at the end there were twists on them, but it was bomb diggity weed all the same and it was a large producer too. It just took longer to veg than usual.


Shinobi of seeds
I just wanted to comment on the "odd" leaf structures that are showing up.

It's common with very fresh seeds to get "odd" or just plain weird leaves for the first couple sets. (Generally speaking this will sort itself out as the plant matures). That same seeds that produced the "odd" leaf would probably not have produced the weird leaves if they had been popped a couple months or even just weeks later. How do I know? Because I've popped seeds too soon and had every one of them put off weird, twisted or deformed leaves. But then I waited a while to try again and seeds from the exact same seed batch no longer put off weird leaves. I have seen this happen many times over the years. I've seen it happen with seeds that are old as well or with seeds that were started in too cold/hot of conditions where it took a week to pop.

When seeds don't pop quite right it must damage something and create this problem, seeds that are too fresh just don't pop as cleanly and perfectly as fully ripened seeds do. But as I stated, they will almost always sort themselves out before they start to put off true fan leaves. Still, with these new seeds I'd suggest waiting a while longer to pop them, that's if you are getting freaky deaky leaves anyway. Just put your beans someplace very dry and cool for a couple weeks and try again.

By the way, one of the most potent plants I've ever grown started life as a really bad freaky deaky and it's leaves never did fully straighten out, even at the end there were twists on them, but it was bomb diggity weed all the same and it was a large producer too. It just took longer to veg than usual.
I agree. My oran jones cross did that too. I popped a handful while fresh and thought the mom was kicking out mutants. Then a few weeks later popped some more and no mutants.


Solo cup champion 2019
I just wanted to comment on the "odd" leaf structures that are showing up.

It's common with very fresh seeds to get "odd" or just plain weird leaves for the first couple sets. (Generally speaking this will sort itself out as the plant matures). That same seeds that produced the "odd" leaf would probably not have produced the weird leaves if they had been popped a couple months or even just weeks later. How do I know? Because I've popped seeds too soon and had every one of them put off weird, twisted or deformed leaves. But then I waited a while to try again and seeds from the exact same seed batch no longer put off weird leaves. I have seen this happen many times over the years. I've seen it happen with seeds that are old as well or with seeds that were started in too cold/hot of conditions where it took a week to pop.

When seeds don't pop quite right it must damage something and create this problem, seeds that are too fresh just don't pop as cleanly and perfectly as fully ripened seeds do. But as I stated, they will almost always sort themselves out before they start to put off true fan leaves. Still, with these new seeds I'd suggest waiting a while longer to pop them, that's if you are getting freaky deaky leaves anyway. Just put your beans someplace very dry and cool for a couple weeks and try again.

By the way, one of the most potent plants I've ever grown started life as a really bad freaky deaky and it's leaves never did fully straighten out, even at the end there were twists on them, but it was bomb diggity weed all the same and it was a large producer too. It just took longer to veg than usual.
I wonder if that is the case with the mutant wp x bbc i have. At first it shot out 1 huge leave, and the stem grew and then put out a twisted leave, and it purs out leaves at random places. Im trying to wait to let it grow out of it but its going on 3 weeks.20190506_165330.jpg20190506_165335.jpg20190506_165330.jpg
The parts where you see the broken off leaves are from me taking off the big deformed leaves.


I wonder if that is the case with the mutant wp x bbc i have. At first it shot out 1 huge leave, and the stem grew and then put out a twisted leave, and it purs out leaves at random places. Im trying to wait to let it grow out of it but its going on 3 weeks.
The parts where you see the broken off leaves are from me taking off the big deformed leaves.
That's what it looks like to me and I've seen it a few times. I'd bet that eventually it will straighten out, but if it's worth the time or not, is hard to say. Without plant limits I know I'd let it grow, just to see.


I agree. My oran jones cross did that too. I popped a handful while fresh and thought the mom was kicking out mutants. Then a few weeks later popped some more and no mutants.
Exactly!! I wonder how many people have tossed out perfectly good beans because of this, or even tossed out entire strain lines? I came close to ditching a batch of mine the first time it happened.
I wonder if that is the case with the mutant wp x bbc i have. At first it shot out 1 huge leave, and the stem grew and then put out a twisted leave, and it purs out leaves at random places. Im trying to wait to let it grow out of it but its going on 3 weeks.View attachment 5841View attachment 5842View attachment 5843
The parts where you see the broken off leaves are from me taking off the big deformed leaves.
I’d leave the deformed leaves on. It will help the plant grow out of any issues quicker. Sometimes plants never recover though or are just bad and need to be culled.


Solo cup champion 2019
I’d leave the deformed leaves on. It will help the plant grow out of any issues quicker. Sometimes plants never recover though or are just bad and need to be culled.
I thought if i took them off it would put more energy into making ro top most part grow, helping it to grow out. I also did a slurry test on the soil, its 6.0 promix with extra perlite. I mix my nutes to 6.2- 6.6 i just gave it nutes for the first time sunday. Ill give it another week or 2. Im trying to do heisens seeds some justice.


All of my packs were at least a couple seeds heavy.
4 packs- a 7, an 8, and two 9 baggers.
This is the best way to get free seeds, at least for me and how I'm forced to grow. That or pick your own free seeds, like he did with the sale.

I used to like it when I'd get a free bunch of seeds, but not so much anymore and especially not "regular" seeds that are untested or even tested seeds I'm not all that hot on. If anything I'd rather not have seeds I know I won't grow, it seems like such a waste.

I have even asked people to stop sending me free packs of regs or for them to just throw them in with whoever orders next if they feel like it. With the plant limits I'm stuck with all I want for freebies is something I know I'll grow and that means either let me pick my free FEMS or very select REGS. But sending me a pack of regular "testers" isn't a bonus at all for me anymore. In fact I'm less likely to order if the freebies are something I know I won't be growing, like I said, it seems to be a waste to have beans gathering dust. I've already given away pretty much all of the testers I've been sent and I don't really want anymore, not unless they are really special and sadly that isn't normally the case with random freebies.

I think it's particularly a mistake for companies that sell FEM seeds to give out "Regular" freebies. Most people who are growing FEMS are doing so because they Don't have the time, space or plant limits to keep fucking around with REGS, so why send them out right? Plus for people who know how breeding with females can lead to stronger strains, we don't want REGS either (or not very often I should say).

Deleted member 60

Bravo, Posen. I said something similar on the other site and caught mega shit for it...LOL.

I share your disdain for regular freebies. Have quite a few...will likely suck it up and pop some...if not all...in one big run...just to clear house. I don't care about plant counts. Nobody is comin'. I just hate wastin' all of that space/light/fertilizer/etc. I'm that lucky guy who pops a 10 pack of regs and gets 9 boys. That is simply no fun at all.

Amos Otis

Brisco's Bargain Beans
Exactly!! I wonder how many people have tossed out perfectly good beans because of this, or even tossed out entire strain lines?
Almost did just that, but a year later they pop and are getting tested.

If anything I'd rather not have seeds I know I won't grow, it seems like such a waste.
Couldn't agree more. Some folks have been having 'contests' with prizes being excess seeds in the stash from over collecting good deals. Who doesn't love deals and sales? But when they end up not getting used it just feels wrong.


2 of the wc x sd did have some weird leaf issues and they grew out of it in no time but the one was really fucked up. It popped out with only 1 cotyledon, oozing this pus like goop where the other should have been. And had a hole in the one good cotyledon that was also oozing. 2ish weeks later its still exactly the same minus the oozing.


2 of the wc x sd did have some weird leaf issues and they grew out of it in no time but the one was really fucked up. It popped out with only 1 cotyledon, oozing this pus like goop where the other should have been. And had a hole in the one good cotyledon that was also oozing. 2ish weeks later its still exactly the same minus the oozing.

A year ago I was trying to pop some seeds that were super old, given to me back in something like 91 or 92. I never did get any of them to fully pop, but I got a few that came close and they oozed like that. Weird. Sounds like it's knackered though, bummer. Nice that you got the rest of them going.

I wished the old seeds that oozed for me had popped. They were Durban X Purple Indica, the stuff was all over Santa Cruz when I was living out there back in the day. That was the first female seeds I ever saw too. One of the two original Durban strains would always put off some Nanners when grown indoors, all it would take was a tiny light leak and off they would go. Since everyone was running the purple back then too, it was a natural cross that a bunch of guys ended up running independent of each other, the accident seeds. I swear that Durban made everything it touched better.