Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!


Ok so as per usual you are displaying perception issues…… ok ……… if u go back and look at what I said…….. stay with me hear buddy I know it’s tuff for you…………..” they don’t make tents out of side 5x5 dimentions yet”…….let it sink in…………you got it?………ok good job buddy………..I’m proud of you………………….that means they don’t make tents out side of 5x5 Dimentions however they do make tents inside of 5 x 5 dimensions….. 2x2-2x4-4x4….4x8….8x8……. You see a number in units of 5 in their?…………….great job buddy your right……………….that was. Tuff one huh?………….. you know what a 10x5and 5x5 and 10X10 have in common?……………… their all 5x5 dimensions………YOU FUCKING SIMPLETON!!!!!!!!!! GET FUCKED!!!!!!!!! Dry!!!!!!!!!!!!!BACK OF YOUR THEETH!!!!!!!!!!!BY A CLYDESDALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU FUCKING HALF BAKED MEATBALL FUCKING GOOMBAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!
This is so confusing...a 2x4 isn't in units of 5 yet I'm looking at an AC Infinity 2x4 right in front of me.


Full send….always
Flora nova is ok but dynagro knocks it's dick off. No need for calmag. If I use nova I get rust spots in 3 days especially under LED. Nova is like root root in a bottle for any type of hydro setup . Do yourself a big ass favor, get a 1 gallon jug of foliage pro and a tds meter. When your next plants come in start em off at 0.2 EC around 3-400 ppm and work your way up to around 800 ppm per feed. You'll never use nothing else.
First off…. Thx for the heads up I’ll give it a try next run thx bud…I got One of them already, I’m ocd lol I check influx and outflux run off ph and ppm every day …. But I gotta be honest man……I tried Dina grow….. hang on let me look at my bottle……it’s their GROW 7-9-5 and I had start to finish non stop cal mag issues…. I’m coco dtw though…. I tried useing my tap water which are. That time was in summer so it was sitting at around145-155ppm from tap…then I added their GROW until it was within 400-425 ppm and slowly bumped up to 600…… from day 14 from seed to just before week 5 from seed, I had non stop def which in turn caused other def….. ph was z..5.8 -5.9 for first 2 weeks….. from 5.9 down to 5.8 seemed to Slow down the advancement of that nutrient deficiency which I believe was CalmaG but I’m new with this so I could be wrong it kind of looks like magnesium and zinc deficiency combined into one so I could be wrong………..after week 2…. It really started setting in……… switched to flora nova and kept the same exact ph and ppm….. Within 3 days they were roaring at my every time ok opened my tent lol………Down side………….. this fucking flora nova…………. I lost power for 2.5 hrs and my water chiller got a touch to warm……. Few days after that….. sure as shit…… even with 5Ml per gal 29% h2o2 I saw floaters in my rez……… flushed With h2o2 that was strong enough to oxidize skin on contact an etch concrete….. ran a resurcation cycle for 1 hr then flushed with 150 gal of tap…….Few weeks later (yesterday) boom……it’s fucking back with vengeance…. I suspect becuSe I killed good and bad microbes…. And bad ones are always going to be more resilient……… and they just took the fuck off……. Now today….. was cleaning it with h2o2,c2h4o3 and ch3cooh……. Got finished and hooked tap hose up to the in Port and turned it on to flush her out…….. don’t I hear a fucking pop…… cracked my water chamber containing the titanium coils….started pissing out the bottom………. Thank god for ppe………… rinced her off good and took her apart and threw a heavy bead of flex seal caulk and blocked the one port and sucked in the other one and held the suction a little bit to help walk that sealant up inside the crack…….. worked like a fucking charm……..I’ll know soon if she can handle a slightly stronger pump………….so if you guys ever have that happen…….your welcome……you see I’m not perfect……I fuck up too…...


Full send….always
Floranova pretty magic stuff. Not sure you need drip clean or h202 for 1 plant but I'm taking notes. Good luck in the comp...
Thank you…… coco is Notorious for salt buildup drip cleaners basically potassium hydroxide which helps breakdown bio salts….as long as it NEVER gets dry… also helps keep your feed lines from getting clogged up….. been useing the same feed lines for a few years now…… no issues……yet……h2o2 has a free radical (o3 molecule which is o2 with an extra oxygen molecule) when that o3 comes in contact with anything organic based (carbon based life forms) it’s instantly oxidized and the cel implodes…… when it dosent come into contact with organic compounds….. it is used up by the roots who chi LOVE oxygen….. which is the only reason I feel like I can keep up with dwc as far as root mass and explosive growth goes…..
Ok so as per usual you are displaying perception issues…… ok ……… if u go back and look at what I said…….. stay with me hear buddy I know it’s tuff for you…………..” they don’t make tents out of side 5x5 dimentions yet”…….let it sink in…………you got it?………ok good job buddy………..I’m proud of you………………….that means they don’t make tents out side of 5x5 Dimentions however they do make tents inside of 5 x 5 dimensions….. 2x2-2x4-4x4….4x8….8x8……. You see a number in units of 5 in their?…………….great job buddy your right……………….that was. Tuff one huh?………….. you know what a 10x5and 5x5 and 10X10 have in common?……………… their all 5x5 dimensions………YOU FUCKING SIMPLETON!!!!!!!!!! GET FUCKED!!!!!!!!! Dry!!!!!!!!!!!!!BACK OF YOUR THEETH!!!!!!!!!!!BY A CLYDESDALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU FUCKING HALF BAKED MEATBALL FUCKING GOOMBAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!
You literally said...
Bruh lol….. go on their web sight…. They don’t make tents outside of 5x5 dimentions
Outside of would mean "other than" as in they don't make tents other than 5x5. I wasn't the only one that thought the same thing.

Perhaps you meant "They don't make tents of 5x5 outer dimensions, or 5x5 OD tents". That sentence would have actually made sense. Your intelligence is so low you can't even articulate the difference between OD and ID. So speaking of simpletons...


The Laziest
See why I'm confused?
Now I’m co fused lol……….. I ment that they do t make tents out side of 5x5 dementions….. but they make them in dementions under that….. I’m kinda bad at explaining things some times so I’m sorry if theirs a miss communication
Isnt a 4x8 tent outside of 5x5 dimensions? So wouldn't a 4x8, 8x8, 5x10 and 10x10 be "outside of". I am also confused.


Dont Need One
First off…. Thx for the heads up I’ll give it a try next run thx bud…I got One of them already, I’m ocd lol I check influx and outflux run off ph and ppm every day …. But I gotta be honest man……I tried Dina grow….. hang on let me look at my bottle……it’s their GROW 7-9-5 and I had start to finish non stop cal mag issues…. I’m coco dtw though…. I tried useing my tap water which are. That time was in summer so it was sitting at around145-155ppm from tap…then I added their GROW until it was within 400-425 ppm and slowly bumped up to 600…… from day 14 from seed to just before week 5 from seed, I had non stop def which in turn caused other def….. ph was z..5.8 -5.9 for first 2 weeks….. from 5.9 down to 5.8 seemed to Slow down the advancement of that nutrient deficiency which I believe was CalmaG but I’m new with this so I could be wrong it kind of looks like magnesium and zinc deficiency combined into one so I could be wrong………..after week 2…. It really started setting in……… switched to flora nova and kept the same exact ph and ppm….. Within 3 days they were roaring at my every time ok opened my tent lol………Down side………….. this fucking flora nova…………. I lost power for 2.5 hrs and my water chiller got a touch to warm……. Few days after that….. sure as shit…… even with 5Ml per gal 29% h2o2 I saw floaters in my rez……… flushed With h2o2 that was strong enough to oxidize skin on contact an etch concrete….. ran a resurcation cycle for 1 hr then flushed with 150 gal of tap…….Few weeks later (yesterday) boom……it’s fucking back with vengeance…. I suspect becuSe I killed good and bad microbes…. And bad ones are always going to be more resilient……… and they just took the fuck off……. Now today….. was cleaning it with h2o2,c2h4o3 and ch3cooh……. Got finished and hooked tap hose up to the in Port and turned it on to flush her out…….. don’t I hear a fucking pop…… cracked my water chamber containing the titanium coils….started pissing out the bottom………. Thank god for ppe………… rinced her off good and took her apart and threw a heavy bead of flex seal caulk and blocked the one port and sucked in the other one and held the suction a little bit to help walk that sealant up inside the crack…….. worked like a fucking charm……..I’ll know soon if she can handle a slightly stronger pump………….so if you guys ever have that happen…….your welcome……you see I’m not perfect……I fuck up too…...
My comment wasn't directed to you, I dont care what u use. Dynagro 7 9 5 is made for tomatoes and shit. I said foliage pro, 9 3 6, keep on keeping on homie. You got this.


Full send….always
You literally said...

Outside of would mean "other than" as in they don't make tents other than 5x5. I wasn't the only one that thought the same thing.

Perhaps you meant "They don't make tents of 5x5 outer dimensions, or 5x5 OD tents". That sentence would have actually made sense. Your intelligence is so low you can't even articulate the difference between OD and ID. So speaking of simpletons...
Different engines same finish line……….so about the sock account? I’m sorry…..sock account”s”


Full send….always
My comment wasn't directed to you, I dont care what u use. Dynagro 7 9 5 is made for tomatoes and shit. I said foliage pro, 9 3 6, keep on keeping on homie. You got this.
I did read the ceo said flat out…… you do t need these other products we make for weed…….foliage pro is just about perfect….. we only make that other shit because we where tired of getting asked by customers to make it……. At least that’s how I perceived it….. that seems like allot of nitrogen during post 21 day 12/12…….. fuck it…… don’t k ow till you try


Well-Known Member

But that dude and his crew that followed him over are way worse. Anytime I post anything they drop turds on it. 23.85 or whatever actually created a separate account to troll me and shit on all my posts.

I try to be cool, but I've got my limits.
I just said that I didn't think you were a troll on the other forum, and then you start trolling here. Pick a lane.


Full send….always
You seem obsessed with proving people wrong and makeing sure everyone k owes your “the guy”……….. u have narsasistic property’s about you…….. the fact you never admit your wrong and only deflect and find a new angle to work when “your” proven to be at fault or wrong is proof…………. That’s why you go threw lengths to prove people wrong even if their not……u guys always have an angle to work lol……fascinating…….but always predictable……. U guys attack with passive aggressive comments and turn up the heat when your put in a spot………..nothing you do will surprise me nor will You ever be able to best me in any form of day to day life………….I got “you guys” down to the T……. I k ow what your Guna do and how your Guna do it before u even know…… you guys are simpler life forms that Rely on parasitic relationships to get by………. Your beneath me @twentyeight.threefive ……….By a large margin