Heisenbeans Auto project


Finally on a roll....
Great topic and have never been attracted to something that couldn't be kept easily. I can see auto's being great for a grenhouse that hasn't been outfitted with light dep for northern climates like mine. Mostly mixed reviews on quality has been my hesitation to playing with them; however, might be a fad that is here to stay.


Dont Need One
Great topic and have never been attracted to something that couldn't be kept easily. I can see auto's being great for a grenhouse that hasn't been outfitted with light dep for northern climates like mine. Mostly mixed reviews on quality has been my hesitation to playing with them; however, might be a fad that is here to stay.
I got some autos a few years ago and was blown away at how far they had come . I believe they were Humboldt and I gotta be real they was right there with the photos. I have always been fascinated with autos and it always made think how far can we really push them. Feminizing elites is one thing, making autos is a whole different animal. I'm actually excited about it.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I got some autos a few years ago and was blown away at how far they had come . I believe they were Humboldt and I gotta be real they was right there with the photos. I have always been fascinated with autos and it always made think how far can we really push them. Feminizing elites is one thing, making autos is a whole different animal. I'm actually excited about it.
Only auto's I ran were freebies but from Humbolt and Ethos, both were exceptional in the buzz department and I probably didn't grow them to potential. ChemD Auto from Ethos was very similar to an S1 Fem I grew out from CSI Humbolt. It is definitely do-able.
Salute @Heisenbeans, I have no experience with tltseeds.com but after some google fu and a 30+ minute trip down many rabbit holes they look to have the real untouched pure rudy like you are wanting.
Hope that helps!



Neet stuf. Grew some autos a few years ago OD. Turned out not too bad. I do like the idea of letting mother nature do all the work. Our summers are just to short for a photo to finish here in AB. Had a couple of photo voulenteer beans come up in the garden last sprig. They got to 7 feet but frost killed them just when they were starting to bud.
There were some gents back in the early 90s near me that had some genetics that would finish. They had a hedge about 10 feet by 50 feet solid weed. They were pretty bad at pulling males and most of was probly wasted seedy but it woud finish. May have to go for a visit to see if they still have some beans. This was before the hash tecks came out. Man the keif/hash one could have made if one only knew.

I reciently picked up some aphgan kush early fem from world of seeds. I would not recomend them as germ rate was crap. Ketama beans i got 0 to grow. But i got 2 of the early aphgan. I did some pollinating and keped clones to see how they do outside this spring. They did finish fast and look smell pretty good.
Ill be followimg along and prticipate in any testing.
Thanks for keeping us in the loup H.


Dont Need One
Neet stuf. Grew some autos a few years ago OD. Turned out not too bad. I do like the idea of letting mother nature do all the work. Our summers are just to short for a photo to finish here in AB. Had a couple of photo voulenteer beans come up in the garden last sprig. They got to 7 feet but frost killed them just when they were starting to bud.
There were some gents back in the early 90s near me that had some genetics that would finish. They had a hedge about 10 feet by 50 feet solid weed. They were pretty bad at pulling males and most of was probly wasted seedy but it woud finish. May have to go for a visit to see if they still have some beans. This was before the hash tecks came out. Man the keif/hash one could have made if one only knew.

I reciently picked up some aphgan kush early fem from world of seeds. I would not recomend them as germ rate was crap. Ketama beans i got 0 to grow. But i got 2 of the early aphgan. I did some pollinating and keped clones to see how they do outside this spring. They did finish fast and look smell pretty good.
Ill be followimg along and prticipate in any testing.
Thanks for keeping us in the loup H.
Autos seem to be plagued with germination issues. Being in the mass seed production business I can tell you first hand what it is. They are pollinating to late and seeds are not fully maturing. A lot of these auto breeders breed off the plants they are using to pull seeds from so they get late pollination due to the fact it takes so long to reverse a plant. I have reversing down to a science and they should have reversing stock and seed stock seeds separated. You can't clone an auto so they have to reverse what they are making seeds from. Seeds don't finish and shit don't germinate. Our goal is to create next level autos from scratch. This has been a dream of mine for a long time. I love photos but have always been fascinated with the potential of autos if they are done right. They should have a separate area with at least 100 donors , reverse the entire plant except one branch. The plant that exibits the best quality should be used to pollinate the entire stock. This would eliminate any over the map traits and solve the germination issues.


Consistency, size and the touchiness of many autos was always my complaint but I have had some great autos lately the Bobberberry testers I just finished checked all the boxes some had more scent then others but size, density of buds and stone are all good when you crack
So if I'm understanding this correctly, the way the seed companies are making their "autos" these days is by crossing the base auto with the target strain?

I'd like a bit more detail about "big plants" that "auto later" as well, as that could prove useful for my work in the future.
In 2017 I grew some white widow autos from new breed seed in Oregon they were developing large, later finishing autos for commercial growers I tried to grow them inside that winter these things grew up in the rafters I was bending and twisting plants for weeks I always wanted to try them again outside or less plants inside but I lost interest in autos for awhile I might need to check them out again I forgot about them until you mention "big plants" "auto later" only complaint was 2 of the 10 didn't auto but I suspect they are farther along in development


Nerd Gone Vertical
Consistency, size and the touchiness of many autos was always my complaint but I have had some great autos lately the Bobberberry testers I just finished checked all the boxes some had more scent then others but size, density of buds and stone are all good when you crack

In 2017 I grew some white widow autos from new breed seed in Oregon they were developing large, later finishing autos for commercial growers I tried to grow them inside that winter these things grew up in the rafters I was bending and twisting plants for weeks I always wanted to try them again outside or less plants inside but I lost interest in autos for awhile I might need to check them out again I forgot about them until you mention "big plants" "auto later" only complaint was 2 of the 10 didn't auto but I suspect they are farther along in development
This is interesting! For energy savings I would run a flower schedule when they got to the bloom room anyway.


Dont Need One
Thanks to @High kev for the seeds, gonna use 60 plants to select 1 female and 1 male.
There is two ways I'm gonna do this. I'll prob reverse all the females except for the tops. Cull the trash males. The winning females will be pollinated with the best male and marked. I'll be checking for pollen viability and how much pollen that particular pheno gives up. All will be deciding factors. The winning plants seeds will be collected and I'll run 6 seeds of each plant as testers. The best group will be kept and used to pollinate my entire mom collection to go on and become what they will be.
Once the breeding takes place I'll most likely reverse a few dozen plants and use the pollen from the best female to keep the genetics pure.
This shit ain't gonna be easy



Isn't original autos high in CBD and very little THC? I was never impressed with any auto I've ever grown out. Short and stocky but never had the kick I was looking for, but that was when autos were first being brought into the market.
If anyone can make a good auto, I'm betting on you. You seem to know your shit when it comes to the breeding.
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Dont Need One
Isn't original autos high in CBD and very little THC? I was never impressed with any auto I've ever grown out. Short and stocky but never had the kick I was looking for, but that was when autos were first being brought into the market.
The original rudderalis wasn't necessarily higher in cbd but just low in thc depending where it came from. I think the Afghanistan strains were the better ones compared to Russia. I think k Mexico had a landrace strain as well.


The original rudderalis wasn't necessarily higher in cbd but just low in thc depending where it came from. I think the Afghanistan strains were the better ones compared to Russia. I think k Mexico had a landrace strain as well.
I wished I had some new autos to grow during the winter months for the heat from keeping the lights on more hrs. I can't control my temps in the winter and screws my grows up so I shut down for a couple months.
Top it off, everyone around me has covid at the moment.