Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!


Master Grower
Your tying branches like some retard from redit. The guy that said this strain doesn't make larf. Man every time you say anything it's like a 1rst grade grower talking stupidity.
Yeah I was thinking the same thing, he just keeps making his self look worse everyday. You did teach him a new word (simpleton) and he threw it around for a day or two, so maybe he’s not completely brain dead, just likes to lie a lot.
And butternut’s, it’s SCALE OR SCALES not SCAIL.
I usually wouldn’t bother but you seem like you’re gonna stick around a while, maybe you’ll pick up a couple more brain cells, but I wouldn’t bet on it.


Dont Need One
Sorry to ask again I know I saw it somewhere... But what COBs are you running?
Vero8s class D 37.6 volt Janks. People get confused on B C and D. The classes are just different forward voltages and give you different options to wire them. They all have the same max wattage. I like the lower voltage cause it allows me to run them a little softer to get the wattages to fit on the drivers the way I want.