Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
I don’t own any guns, but check out my Cold Steel 52100 high carbon drop forged Bowie knife. I carry it while foraging for morel mushrooms in case a pack of wild turkeys wants to test my gangster.
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Our neighbors have a wild turkey that they raised from an egg. That bird is BIG (makes you think twice before getting out of the car cause you're looking at him eye to eye while seated big). I guess it's showing it's full genetic expression since it's well fed, sheltered and protected.


Well-Known Member
Our neighbors have a wild turkey that they raised from an egg. That bird is BIG (makes you think twice before getting out of the car cause you're looking at him eye to eye while seated big). I guess it's showing it's full genetic expression since it's well fed, sheltered and protected.
When you unexpectedly roll up on a flock they either run off all goofily or stand their ground and stare you down. They are big birds. A bunch of them sizing you up is intimidating and feels like a scene out of Jurassic Park.


Nerd Gone Vertical
Both them clowns can sit in time out, I spent money and time on this dudes word and he fabricated a reason to drop out. Nothing worse than a sorry ass liar.
That doesn't mean I'm not interested in your setup and what you do with it, growther!

Let me know what I missed? About your system and what you're growing in it that is.


Full send….always
Depending when this is going down I’ll be down for a single plant in my 4x8 table with 2 lights
I Guna scrog 1 out to fill that? I’d be up for that as well if you are………It will get me ready for my 1 plant in 8X8 10lb harvest threw going


Full send….always
Hopefully she’s Guna pull like my last or did so I can just use one of her clones but I stocked up on every seed pack online and in stores that I could find Justin case…..first time cloning so I’m not Guna hold my breath…..