Thinking I'm going to chop the hugel bed next Friday and the Living soil bed on the 25th. However the Kali 47 is proly going to get chopped Friday. But the jack, white strawberries and SageNsour are going to need another week. All these strains were advertised as 55-60 day finishers according to I don't really go by that, but on these older cultivars that have been around awhile its normally pretty close. Doesn't look like i have any odd pheno's going.
It is my intention to make the HugelKultrue bed just for Heisen seeds and the living soil bed for other things. Post harvest im going to do my house runs. Garlic, Stevia, Basil, Dill, Oregano and Parsley in the living soil bed. Hugel will need to be amended and cover cropped. Once cover crop is done I'll see where we're at. Either we'll be doing some Greenpoint stock or I'll be doing a quick run of clones of things I liked from this upcoming harvest.
More to come.