Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!


Full send….always
As per usual… me a liar and when I prove you wrong you ghost out….classic
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Full send….always
I've seen worse plants from veteran growers so not saying his shit is that bad. Definitely not as tight as he's making himself out to be. Some folks in coco are plagued by root rot. He has either overcome the obstacle or never had a problem due to pathogen free water. Luck has been on his side.
Full disclosure I ran into it three grows in a row all three times runoff pH was damn near 4.0 had no idea because I was new which I still am but I know more now than I did back then I’d say my first five grows were bullshit because none of that shit left my room I was embarrassed to even fucking say that I grew it so I didn’t go anywhere it all got turned it to edibles….. back to the root rot I’ve ran into it multiple times even when I was running 7 mL per gallon h2o2….. was told I needed a water chiller or else I’d be running into it nonstop and responded with I know what the fuck I’m doing and ended up getting that goddamn water chiller…… ever since I push H2O2 hard as a motherfucker…. I push silica hard as a motherfucker I keep my rose 62 to 64°F I run 50 gallons out every three days that way it doesn’t get the chance to set an again if I see floaters in my razz I am mediately shut down I called into work I run some nasty shit to that water chiller that strong enough to dissolve a fucking body I rinse it out I hook it back up and I’m back at it zero exceptions never gonna deal with that shit again I refuse to let that shit settle in my fucking room zone again…… Sidenote if anyone ever does get Root rot a 1hr soak in 3% solution st h202 will fix it in one go as long as you flush the fucking shit out of it afterwards with full feed I watch plants go from dumping ppm‘s into runoff to lower runoff the next day one day to the next they go from dying to back eating but again this was at mid to late flower so I’ve never ran into it before then mostly because I listen to fucking idiots tell me that it’s impossible to overwater Coco which is absolute fucking bullshit it’s certainly as possible you just got a learn how to read the Coco


Well-Known Member
It probably needs them after he killed all the other roots with h2o2?

My outdoor hydro experiment got them about 8" up the trunk when root rot first set in. I'm not sure it's a sign of a healthy plant. 😉
H2O2 won't hurt the roots unless you pour it straight onto them. It's actually beneficial because as it breaks down it separates into water and oxygen. I've used H2O2 throughout entire runs. I've also used bleach.