Mr.white vs budders….grow off!!!


Master Grower
I’ve been here since day 1, and I came here to get away from all the bullshit and nonsense at RIU (TrollItUp). I occasionally check back in over there, like if I’m looking up info on a particular strain and the likes. But it’s starting to creep in here more and more. Some people just live for that kinda stuff I guess, they never grow up and it shows, a lot.


Well-Known Member
I’ve been here since day 1, and I came here to get away from all the bullshit and nonsense at RIU (TrollItUp). I occasionally check back in over there, like if I’m looking up info on a particular strain and the likes. But it’s starting to creep in here more and more. Some people just live for that kinda stuff I guess, they never grow up and it shows, a lot.
Look at the thread you're in. And then look at the other threads where this has happened. Most of the trolling is counter-trolling, not trolling just to troll.


Full send….always
CalMag just helps keep both Ca and Mg in check. You can have a Ca deficiency, a Mg deficiency, or both, but I've usually only had one or the other when I've had those deficiencies. Ca deficiency will start out as rust spots and Mg deficiency will start out as yellowing in the leaf margins.
I’ve had both in coco when I ran blue dream in the past…400-450ppm cal mag until I stoped seeing issues


Full send….always
I was running 3ppm ro water in coco dtw….was useing cocotek a and b…fucking trash never use that shit……. The label says no need for added cal mag in coco…..lies….I was running 250 ppm from gate…was fine u till week 4 hit….tell tel signs showed up so I bumped up to 350ppm….within a few days they where Gucci…..week 5 hit and they had cal mag signs again….checked influx and out flux ph….5.8in 5.9 out….I was good their……..700ppm in 625 out….. bumped cal mag up to 400-450 and they where good till chop after that…. Only that ilgm blue dream has been like that for me


Full send….always
Now I’m trying to find that 30% pheno….. if I do t hit it with these next few packs I’m on to next strain….
Man you guys are stil posting that pic. Again, I took them to show someone on RIU that you don't want to starve the soil. And this is what happens when you get lazy with top dressing. They were getting close to done anyways.

If you're gonna keep posting that pic, make sure you don't forget the other pic I posted in the same thread, 🙂
