#Heisenbeans Genetics


Really Active Member
Gonna take a backseat here and only post updates.
PMs are turned off indefinitely. I'll answer emails from customers from this point out. Apologize for any inconvenience but I'm being threatened in PMS to have my accounts shut down and so forth and its just not worth the headache anymore. Thanks to everyone that post updates here and there.
WTF Heisen? I came here because this was the forum that couldn't ban you, lol.

I hope you continue posting here. For every fuck-boy that shows up, you have 10x the followers. I knew people would be butt-hurt at what you were doing, but the extent some of these guys will go to is ridiculous.

Do I agree with everything you do and say? No. Do I like hearing what you have to say? Absolutely.

You got the winning horse, ride that horse to the Kentucky Derby and on to the triple-crown. Don't let the rats scare that winning horse away.

A lot of us are here so we can see what certain Breeders and Chuckers are doing, putting us in direct contact with them, without some of the B.S. that comes with some of the other forums.

Thank You Heisen for the genetics and the forum!


Heathen Basterd
Some people need to get a life , for real. Its a fucking weed forum. If you have a problem with the guy, dont buy his shit! Im sure you werent running your mouth when he was giving out free seeds. If you dont like that they were or werent tested , dont buy them , period. To sit here and contstantly bad mouth someone you dont know on the internet makes you really immature. I cant believe the extent some people will go to for a little bit of attention.
Some people have the need to be a Cunt everyday of thier lives, usually the type who can't hold a job, is ugly as fuck and can't get any action , in short miserable no game bottom dwellers, those types damn sure shouldn't make You lose any sleep H.


Heathen Basterd
I thought the only heisen strains to flower were the autos and a few people started here too, but saw that Purple Cake had a description on GPS, i thought that was weird and asked about it, H said he grew it out and wrote a description for GPS. Just never got around to getting photos of it and posted the mothers pics.

I didnt like that they were untested when the first page previously said everything will be 100% tested but they were not.

If its that hard to understand why i was asking those questions, im sorry.
I never bad mouthed anyone.
And dont think for a second his accounts being compromised or threats or anything like that ever came from me. I dont do that.
No You are just like a case of crabs, irritating as fuck and can't wait till gone


Heathen Basterd
Emptied mailbox last night GG4 S1s, Purple Punch S1s , and Wedding Dub. Fast delivery, and I have had 100% germ rates and well bred plants, easy to see, fuck untested, Your arguments on that is calling every good grower here stupid for buying packs , that's why I got issue with You TYM 's , as a Man I am obligated to explain Myself.


Active Member
Emptied mailbox last night GG4 S1s, Purple Punch S1s , and Wedding Dub. Fast delivery, and I have had 100% germ rates and well bred plants, easy to see, fuck untested, Your arguments on that is calling every good grower here stupid for buying packs , that's why I got issue with You TYM 's , as a Man I am obligated to explain Myself.
Damn, you seem angry.
If a guy creates a following saying theyre gonna do something and they dont.....how is that hard to understand why i asked these questions?
Seem like some angry old men and somebody said somethin about your girlfriend haha.
Its all good, im growin the shit too but damn if this dont seem like an unstable senior center.
Damn, you seem angry.
If a guy creates a following saying theyre gonna do something and they dont.....how is that hard to understand why i asked these questions?
Seem like some angry old men and somebody said somethin about your girlfriend haha.
Its all good, im growin the shit too but damn if this dont seem like an unstable senior center.
hahaha Bro it's just not that serious.. I can see where you're coming from, but all the Q's have Been A'd let's just tuck the shit in and lay it to bed ya? As has been said, only time will tell.. let's turn the page for the time being, we can corner said page and come back to it if we need to (y)🐿🍄🌚


Active Member
hahaha Bro it's just not that serious.. I can see where you're coming from, but all the Q's have Been A'd let's just tuck the shit in and lay it to bed ya? As has been said, only time will tell.. let's turn the page for the time being, we can corner said page and come back to it if we need to (y)🐿🍄🌚
i agree , thought shit was dead, but got some folks rehashin, shakin fists, calling me chicken shit pussy, cunts, and all kinda shit everyday HA If its done its done, let it be 😘


Heathen Basterd
Damn, you seem angry.
If a guy creates a following saying theyre gonna do something and they dont.....how is that hard to understand why i asked these questions?
Seem like some angry old men and somebody said somethin about your girlfriend haha.
Its all good, im growin the shit too but damn if this dont seem like an unstable senior center.
First off I sleep with enough Women I never get jealous that is for the weak and insecure, second I recognize passive aggression disorder from dating and marrying enough Women to see it clear right up away and Bro what's that say about You?

Amos Otis

Brisco's Bargain Beans
Maybe im unintelligent but im not too sure what youre saying really
>>Heathenraider said:
First off I sleep with enough Women I never get jealous that is for the weak and insecure, second I recognize passive aggression disorder from dating and marrying enough Women to see it clear right up away and Bro what's that say about You?<<

It looked to me that he's saying you don't sleep with any, or enough women.
Who knows how that relates to behavior in a Heisenbeans thread? It made me curious if there IS a relation - but please don't answer. I'm not that curious.

Much thanks to all that have declared they are done with the BS. Your future silence on the subject means you meant it.