Seeds- Need some testers.

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Really Active Member

I agree with it should never have been illegal in the first place.
It's just a plant.
A sticky, sweet, incredible delicious plant which has many great properties and uses.
It's been a major part of my life for over twenty seven years- it's illegal nature was never the attraction and definitely kept me from the medicine I needed.
I'm thankful where I choose to live today is very much weed central. Over 43 shops in my town alone. Albeit only 3 or so carry clones and a few others carry seeds.
I hope that one day in my life time I can see the deregulation of it entirely.
Shouldn't be any different than a dandelion.
That's cool some of you guys don't bother with the sorting at all and just do large numbers. Totally understandable.
I don't mind having some organization to the madness. Figure so many ways to grow em and breed em. Definitely done a few mass batches over the years though. Only really started doing better separation and labeling a few years ago, in attempts to keep more dedicated flavor profiles, prior to that it was far more about how they grew and continuing forward. That's all my work in Pdp5150, til 2017. In 2019 started accepting clones and doing work with the white widow blueberry and northern lights, wanting to see the differences in how I flip this to that, which unfortunately requires a bit of labeling, so yah... I can understand not wanting to do all that for plants and seeds when they be what they be.
a great many of us old farts would , Love to see an end to prohibition of this plant! it took me several years, to get to the point that, if i ran the operation , i did'nt have to bother with the gov. piss cup.thus self employed welder ,plumbing work and shell diver kept me away from the piss cup monkeys.
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Really Active Member
So I LOVE seeds! View attachment 109160love making em, love growing em, don't love smoking them..
anyways, I am happy to be somewhere I can actually talk to others about trading/giving/growing them out without some bullshit about how we don't do that.
This here is one that I grew outside last year, plenty more where it came from.View attachment 109161what momma looked like from that girl.
I know I should find some of her living pics, however she wasn't a main attention point more a tester, and she won my affection with little attention.
Some of my plants lost labels in the outdoor and are such a mix of what I got going on, it can get hard to tell them apart at some points. However, I'd like to think I know a winner when I smell/smoke/grow one. Got the feeling this is one of them.
Labeled though, in bagging and drying, my belief is call it what you will, important part is I separate it.
So it's labeled p9.
Possible genetics, candyland or Trinity Thunderfuck, past there I believe it's x northern lights, as from the side where those were planted/chucked. Then it's last male was x Pdp; home pollywog stew.
As many of us have a home gurl, she is mine.
So if you see me posting about x pdp, here's a little history on her.
Around fifteen years ago I was working a grow on a hill in Mendocino, california .
Long *personally monumental moments and what not, story cut short---> got partial payment in a tub of seeds.
Played with said seeds for a long time. Pdp is all that and a few others Ive got along the way.
I named here Pdp cause I feel her main genetics is from Purps, Dawg, Pina. She's got flavors of melon, grape, candy, Christmas cookies, and pineapple esp when I crossed with mango Sherb I did. Super sugary, short girl, flips earlish outdoor but can have issues with caterpillars due to being rather softer sticky juicy weed which those fuckers love.
Besides those three, there is Mr nice, shocktie, c99, sour d. X tk, a few lesser knowns and a couple others who may or may not have worked themselves in over the years.
I kept my identified dawgs as father's for years, always keeping shortest healthiest plant, wether indoor or out.
Regardless it's all in the past as I have kinda stopped doing the muddled mix of that one I was focusing on for some years and have progressed to playing with a lot of other things. Kinda finalized her in 2017* another monumental life moment change happened, took a year break and when I came back things changed. So blah blah blah skip to the end. I started taking in more outside stuff and breeding some outside stuff without her.
First was a northern lights, then a blueberry, got a bunch of various mixes of those two to various things, all F1 for the most part. Where the wedding cake xNL I put together is from- Soo many good smokes its hard to keep up with all of it.
I am definitely looking for testers for my current batch I'm waiting on the maturation of, super excited-View attachment 109162really hoping these turn out well. They started gaining some color. This is the white widow x blueberry I made last year. The seeds are f2 of her.
I ran mango Sherb two years ago outdoor and did a cross with her x pdp, it's pretty tasty.View attachment 109164love to get some people growing some of these as well. She's pretty dank solid girl. Rolled that up, half way thru I forgot what I was doing and what was I smoking.. lol, anyways, good shit.

Some of the seeds I have available now;
Purple punch x blueberry x pdp,
Mango Sherbert x Pdp,
Wedding cake x Pdp,
Purple punch x northern lights,
Trinity thunderfuck x Pdp,
Blueberry x northern lights,
Blueberry x northern lights x Pdp,
Candyland x blueberry,
Mystery seeds/tray/floor/poppers.

I will update the list, as it's really a lot longer however I need to dig thru some bags of bags and inspect flowers for numbers. I was taught seeds keep best in flowers, so a lot of my stuff just sits in flowers in cold storage.
Mainly hoping this thread will help me find some people as well who want to plan in the future, I got the wedding cake xNL run Im in veg of, very much would love some peeps to volunteer to take some of them to see if there are super solid winners in the lines of it crossed to blueberry muffins, Oregon Diesel, Hindu kush and strawberry fields. Those will be done in three/four months, I'd like to find some people for sure to volunteer on that search!
Also will have it crossed to wedding cake x Pdp, purple punch x blueberry x Pdp, TTF x NL x Pdp, candyland x bb x Pdp.
Anyways, look forward to the projects yet to come and getting to know some of y'all.

I hope this is the right place to place a posting about looking for testers- I consider it, in trading seeds for your time growing them and review. No shipping required for let's say six of ya or we can maybe talk about it.. anyways,
Hope everyone's gardens are growing green sticky dankness for them!

Wish I could have put a bit more into this intial post, however life calls, got blueberry bushes to put in the ground. The actual fruit that is. Nothing beats home grown.
me i would be happy with the floor sweeping beans ,and a few of the tiger stripe beans.


Madman loose in Wonderland
me i would be happy with the floor sweeping beans ,and a few of the tiger stripe beans.
I may have just the bag(s) if you don't mind them all mixed up, definitely got some rack collections of those that pop out during drying and other various bags. Don't mind sending labeled either, just send me a private message, get me your details so I can get these out with my next drop.
Happy some of these white widow blueberry's be looking healthy
Still looking for testers


Madman loose in Wonderland
most everyone will toe that line .
To share the plants and see their progression as it continues on into the future, gives me great joy!
I'm super happy to find a chill place to be able to offer seeds up and meet others who have similiar passions.
I feel building oneself a good community of people is important as being a social animal and I couldn't be happier to help others who may want to check out the plants I've been finding thru the years.
I used to have pipe dreams about making it into something, however now I just smoke em.
I know the road to success is a long one, if one chooses and the journey being the meaning would seem to infer I may want to do a good job traveling that road.
Hopefully meet some other good folks.
So cheers- looking forward to hearing about how these plants grow for y'all!
Gonna be packing up today/tomorrow and doing next drop first thing Monday morning.
Got so much outdoor work to prep for the coming season! All that good compost from the chickens and ducks gots to get processed well.


New Member
So I LOVE seeds! View attachment 109160love making em, love growing em, don't love smoking them..
anyways, I am happy to be somewhere I can actually talk to others about trading/giving/growing them out without some bullshit about how we don't do that.
This here is one that I grew outside last year, plenty more where it came from.View attachment 109161what momma looked like from that girl.
I know I should find some of her living pics, however she wasn't a main attention point more a tester, and she won my affection with little attention.
Some of my plants lost labels in the outdoor and are such a mix of what I got going on, it can get hard to tell them apart at some points. However, I'd like to think I know a winner when I smell/smoke/grow one. Got the feeling this is one of them.
Labeled though, in bagging and drying, my belief is call it what you will, important part is I separate it.
So it's labeled p9.
Possible genetics, candyland or Trinity Thunderfuck, past there I believe it's x northern lights, as from the side where those were planted/chucked. Then it's last male was x Pdp; home pollywog stew.
As many of us have a home gurl, she is mine.
So if you see me posting about x pdp, here's a little history on her.
Around fifteen years ago I was working a grow on a hill in Mendocino, california .
Long *personally monumental moments and what not, story cut short---> got partial payment in a tub of seeds.
Played with said seeds for a long time. Pdp is all that and a few others Ive got along the way.
I named here Pdp cause I feel her main genetics is from Purps, Dawg, Pina. She's got flavors of melon, grape, candy, Christmas cookies, and pineapple esp when I crossed with mango Sherb I did. Super sugary, short girl, flips earlish outdoor but can have issues with caterpillars due to being rather softer sticky juicy weed which those fuckers love.
Besides those three, there is Mr nice, shocktie, c99, sour d. X tk, a few lesser knowns and a couple others who may or may not have worked themselves in over the years.
I kept my identified dawgs as father's for years, always keeping shortest healthiest plant, wether indoor or out.
Regardless it's all in the past as I have kinda stopped doing the muddled mix of that one I was focusing on for some years and have progressed to playing with a lot of other things. Kinda finalized her in 2017* another monumental life moment change happened, took a year break and when I came back things changed. So blah blah blah skip to the end. I started taking in more outside stuff and breeding some outside stuff without her.
First was a northern lights, then a blueberry, got a bunch of various mixes of those two to various things, all F1 for the most part. Where the wedding cake xNL I put together is from- Soo many good smokes its hard to keep up with all of it.
I am definitely looking for testers for my current batch I'm waiting on the maturation of, super excited-View attachment 109162really hoping these turn out well. They started gaining some color. This is the white widow x blueberry I made last year. The seeds are f2 of her.
I ran mango Sherb two years ago outdoor and did a cross with her x pdp, it's pretty tasty.View attachment 109164love to get some people growing some of these as well. She's pretty dank solid girl. Rolled that up, half way thru I forgot what I was doing and what was I smoking.. lol, anyways, good shit.

Some of the seeds I have available now;
Purple punch x blueberry x pdp,
Mango Sherbert x Pdp,
Wedding cake x Pdp,
Purple punch x northern lights,
Trinity thunderfuck x Pdp,
Blueberry x northern lights,
Blueberry x northern lights x Pdp,
Candyland x blueberry,
Mystery seeds/tray/floor/poppers.

I will update the list, as it's really a lot longer however I need to dig thru some bags of bags and inspect flowers for numbers. I was taught seeds keep best in flowers, so a lot of my stuff just sits in flowers in cold storage.
Mainly hoping this thread will help me find some people as well who want to plan in the future, I got the wedding cake xNL run Im in veg of, very much would love some peeps to volunteer to take some of them to see if there are super solid winners in the lines of it crossed to blueberry muffins, Oregon Diesel, Hindu kush and strawberry fields. Those will be done in three/four months, I'd like to find some people for sure to volunteer on that search!
Also will have it crossed to wedding cake x Pdp, purple punch x blueberry x Pdp, TTF x NL x Pdp, candyland x bb x Pdp.
Anyways, look forward to the projects yet to come and getting to know some of y'all.

I hope this is the right place to place a posting about looking for testers- I consider it, in trading seeds for your time growing them and review. No shipping required for let's say six of ya or we can maybe talk about it.. anyways,
Hope everyone's gardens are growing green sticky dankness for them!

Wish I could have put a bit more into this intial post, however life calls, got blueberry bushes to put in the ground. The actual fruit that is. Nothing beats home grown.
I’m searching for something unique. Can you send me anything of your choice on your next trip?


Madman loose in Wonderland
So, had a busy weekend, family blah blah blah stuff.
Finally getting to packing up da seeds.PXL_20220321_182611908.jpgso they will be getting shipped out shortly, see if I can't still make it a today thing. If not today, it will be first thing tomorrow morning that they get in the mail.
Alright, shy of Bills(waiting on the straight Panama cross), everyone elses be on the way.
Most estimated delivery dates were for the 26th.
Super excited to see some other people's work with these plants!
Hope everyone is well!
Thanks again for sharing all your great work with all of us SB! (y)
I will be on the look out and can't wait to get a hold of some of your Magical Beans. :cool:
MeowMeow Mail Call.gif


To share the plants and see their progression as it continues on into the future, gives me great joy!
I'm super happy to find a chill place to be able to offer seeds up and meet others who have similiar passions.
I feel building oneself a good community of people is important as being a social animal and I couldn't be happier to help others who may want to check out the plants I've been finding thru the years.
I used to have pipe dreams about making it into something, however now I just smoke em.
I know the road to success is a long one, if one chooses and the journey being the meaning would seem to infer I may want to do a good job traveling that road.
Hopefully meet some other good folks.
So cheers- looking forward to hearing about how these plants grow for y'all!
Gonna be packing up today/tomorrow and doing next drop first thing Monday morning.
Got so much outdoor work to prep for the coming season! All that good compost from the chickens and ducks gots to get processed well.
I'd love to try some of your genetics, I normally don't post until they are comfortably put away cause I live in a prohibition state. I'd be happy to show you in private the progression of your plants. I dealing with some personal things at the moment, but at a later date, I'd be game.


Madman loose in Wonderland
I'd love to try some of your genetics, I normally don't post until they are comfortably put away cause I live in a prohibition state. I'd be happy to show you in private the progression of your plants. I dealing with some personal things at the moment, but at a later date, I'd be game.
Sure man, no worries.
Always love for another person to try em out. Send me a PM. No need for public posting, I'm just happy to hear about others experience. however photos public or private are always appreciated, yet not required and do what's comfortable for you, sorry to hear your state still blows with legality. And no hurry either, when ever you may get to it, it's cool. Just hit me up, gots way many seeds- it makes me happy to think more will get a chance to grow yah know.
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