Under Construction: Proceed With Caution! Buckets That Bubble & More...


Insanely Active Member
The last couple hours I have been looking to an Ebb & Flow system. A few people on OfferUp have some cheap res tables in my surrounding areas. Very possible I may jump on this...ever since making the switch to DWC from soil ( even though I still keep soil plants going on the ease ) I gotta admit. I have been infatuated with growing hydroponically. It's much different going from where you can literally drown your plants in soil to growing in water. It had taken a bit to get used to but I feel confident enough now to help others along with their growing troubles.
i have loved many plants to death.
So here's what I have going at the moment....not including my mothers. ( * = hydroponically )

Crown Jewel and Sacred Lotus by County Line Genetics.
Hot Sauce by IHG
*x2 Jelly Pancakes by IHG
Black Cherry Punch by IHG
Trop Juice by IHG
Tricopath by IHG
Mac1 x Fruity Pebbles by Socal Seed Vault
*Applicious by IHG
Hot Sauce by IHG
Wedding Punch x Trop Zskittles by Tikimadman
Platinum Dosi by IHG
Platinum Gushers by IHG
Pint Sized by Clearwater Genetics
Ice Cream Candy by IHG
Annaphlyaxsis by Mass Medical x Thug Pug
Vixen by Jinxproof
Kombucha by Symbiotic Genetics
Also running a few testers from personal chucks.