#Heisenbeans Genetics


Dont Need One
So I been sending orders out under cash options and so far everything is good. I have the option. To add a note of a trusted user so anyone sending cash just let me know your sending and I'll go ahead send the order out.
I know gu did this in the past with guys that always paid so we will see how it works out.


Heathen Basterd
That wedding pie is putting out some really nice stuff. I'm gonna keep it and make more crosses with her. I just took another 45 cuts today so things are coming around. There will be
Wedding pie x wedding cake
Wedding pie x banana cookies
Wedding pie x purple punch
Wedding pie x sundae driver
Wedding pie s1s all for definiate
You just made my month, I LOVE WEDDING PIE!!!!!!!!!!!


The ghost isn't known for being a frost queen but she makes up in taste and potency. I was never impressed with her looks like the gmo but damn that girl is strong as all get the fuk out
that look more ghost than gg4 to you? just curious, thanks. I thought it had the gg4 look, which is fine by me, lol, but this gal has strong stems. I did snap the top main top off completely, but haven't touched any lowers, etc. So Im assuming ghost structure, gg4 appearance and both strains advertise golfballs, lol. This should be interesting. It is starting to frost up though, but those golf balls are just bulking and bulking and this plant is only one I have I have to feed every day.


Dont Need One
that look more ghost than gg4 to you? just curious, thanks. I thought it had the gg4 look, which is fine by me, lol, but this gal has strong stems. I did snap the top main top off completely, but haven't touched any lowers, etc. So Im assuming ghost structure, gg4 appearance and both strains advertise golfballs, lol. This should be interesting. It is starting to frost up though, but those golf balls are just bulking and bulking and this plant is only one I have I have to feed every day.
It looks alot like ghost to me. It's a nice looking plant


Dude tried to get his money back on seeds he got. He didnt want them anymore because i hurt his feelings after i banned him from my thread for constant shit talk. I just didnt wanna hear his shit no more. Of course after that he took it over to rollitup with a bunch of bullshit poor me post. Dude has no idea how difficult it was for me to make some of these crosses and he has some of the best genetics he could get his hands on let alone make himself. This is what legalization is bringing, Bunch of pussy ass snitches.,If dude had to go through 1 10th of what ive had to do he wouldve folded months ago. All them fuking email orders i had to go through, Paying triple shipping cost to the UK to get orders right and resending for 1 missing pack. working 20 hr days to get it all sorted out and not fucking up 1 single order from GP or missing a beat. Getting Fucked up cuts and having to deal with all that fuckery on top of losing multiple plants in DWC while trying to meet deadlines and literally starting over to dudes trying to send me bugs and PM while running a business and full time garden.
Getting fuked over by my web guy spending 1000s for nothing to only have to learn web design to build my own website WTF.,

Yeah that dude can fuck right the fuck off. telling me i should be using reverse female pollen from late stage nuts. I would just change my name to Heisenherms if that was the case and send all kinds of garbage out.

You had me laughing until I got to the HeisenHerms name. Lmao 😂 then you had me rolling.

Their are breeders out their who does have some hermies. I've gotten several from one breeder.
Just getting caught up from a 2 week break from this thread. Some nice looking plants flowering, guys!!! I haven't popped any yet, but we are moving to California on July 1st. There, I will be able to legally grow in 100 sqft. Can't wait! After 19 years in FL, it is time to go. So sick of risking prison time by growing. Now that the ex wife died and I have my two boys full time, I can't grow in FL anymore, so the family is picking up and moving to Cali. Yes, we are moving just for the growing...well mainly. It is what I love to do...my passion in life...so, the wife said, "let's go where we can grow legally." What a woman!!!

@Heisenbeans, I see from the photos you are growing in soil. Have you completely switched over to soil from rdwc? Could you please let us know why you switched to soil? Thanks!


European Bean Flicker
Just getting caught up from a 2 week break from this thread. Some nice looking plants flowering, guys!!! I haven't popped any yet, but we are moving to California on July 1st. There, I will be able to legally grow in 100 sqft. Can't wait! After 19 years in FL, it is time to go. So sick of risking prison time by growing. Now that the ex wife died and I have my two boys full time, I can't grow in FL anymore, so the family is picking up and moving to Cali. Yes, we are moving just for the growing...well mainly. It is what I love to do...my passion in life...so, the wife said, "let's go where we can grow legally." What a woman!!!

@Heisenbeans, I see from the photos you are growing in soil. Have you completely switched over to soil from rdwc? Could you please let us know why you switched to soil? Thanks!
Good luck with the move man.. Wish it was that easy for me to just move to another part of the country and then be legal. Most growers over here don't even want legality. Too greedy. I would happily take a massive hit on prices if I didn't have to worry about john law. ;)
There's definately pros and cons to being legal eagle. It put alot of cash croppers out of business, and dropped prices dramatically. At the same time it also dropped overall quality of the herb.
There's still plenty of good weed don't get me wrong, but ya can't expect well loved fire from a field of herb grown for retail. The home grow for me is awesome being legal, but I'm just a semi pro hobbyist. Imho. Lol.
That is so true. There has been a definite drop in the average quality of nug over the last few years. All my shit's going to be indoor rdwc and aeroponic.