I've seen the TV show...
I just meant that while the angelic root is a traditionally Oriental plant, so is ginseng. If ginseng can grow here then angielic root should also.
I have no comfrey local to my property. I planted some. Now it's local. I'm cool with that and if you want to start some angelic root so you can do a local OHN then rock on! That's what it's (or should be) all about.
But there's still the issue with the brown sugar. I haven't thought of a local sugar substitute. I am thinking maybe sugar beet, or sorghum, either can make good bird or worm food if they don't pan out. I think sugar cane needs more tropical than I have.
But I could juice local fruits and berries and try fermenting with those instead of sugar - rather than fermenting those WITH sugar
This is why I love getting real high then checking the forum!