#Heisenbeans Genetics


Heathen Basterd
Some of you guys getting yours before I got mine but it's ok. I recognize the names and once we do a cash order once I'll mail your orders out as soon as you confirm your sending. I have a few no payment on orders from last weekend so I may restock those and run The sale again Saturday. 70 percent off. Greenpoint is also running reverse auction and I know there are some bridezillas over there you guys can still get.
As a matter fact anyone that orders Saturday will get a free pack of 91 chem x east coast with there orders. I'll run it starting at midnight and ends Sunday to try and get of the rest of what I have
I mailed mine snail mail , u can send or hold , I am in zero rush . I literally have 20 little Heisen Basterds going , and they are fucking sweet


Insanely Active Member
Some of you guys getting yours before I got mine but it's ok. I recognize the names and once we do a cash order once I'll mail your orders out as soon as you confirm your sending. I have a few no payment on orders from last weekend so I may restock those and run The sale again Saturday. 70 percent off. Greenpoint is also running reverse auction and I know there are some bridezillas over there you guys can still get.
As a matter fact anyone that orders Saturday will get a free pack of 91 chem x east coast with there orders. I'll run it starting at midnight and ends Sunday to try and get of the rest of what I have
Same code?,.............and for us oversea's stoner folk, what time & timezone? ...........................we regularly miss out on these things cause they happen while we're asleep (or inebriated, especially on a weekend, LOL).


Dont Need One
Same code?,.............and for us oversea's stoner folk, what time & timezone? ...........................we regularly miss out on these things cause they happen while we're asleep (or inebriated, especially on a weekend, LOL).
I'm on Pacific time so it will start in about 7 hrs

Fuck it I'll start it now and it will end at midnight Saturday/ Sunday morning. This is the last sale I'm doing till the new drops which will be about 8 weeks

70 percent off everything in the store, all orders will get a free pack of 91 chem x east coast sour diesel.
Code is: chuckers

Make sure to put code in before you check out. Also check spam folders. Cash orders be sure to email letting me know you are gonna send so I can send those orders out Monday. I have an instant pay option for existing customers only.
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Some of you guys getting yours before I got mine but it's ok. I recognize the names and once we do a cash order once I'll mail your orders out as soon as you confirm your sending. I have a few no payment on orders from last weekend so I may restock those and run The sale again Saturday. 70 percent off. Greenpoint is also running reverse auction and I know there are some bridezillas over there you guys can still get.
As a matter fact anyone that orders Saturday will get a free pack of 91 chem x east coast with there orders. I'll run it starting at midnight and ends Sunday to try and get of the rest of what I have
Will this still come with free 91 chem x east coast?



A call came in to 911 that a man was attacked by finches and pecked to death. The coroner said he died by multiple pecks to the body and face. The man died holding a lighter in one hand and a small piece of what looked like a marijuana joint in the other. The finches may have bitten off the marijuana joint and carried it away. Feathers have been found at the scene but nothing else.
So damn funny