Greenpoint Seeds


Master Grower
Salute @Opie1 , @Greenthumbskunk just posted a really good video on Jack's 321 and at around 14:25 GG talks about rust spots showing up on the edges of leaves as Calcium deficiency. I would maybe try just adjusting the ratio you mix your Cal from 2 to say 2.2(small bump) might help keep them green. Also I personally found while I was running Jack's that a small addition (1 shot glass/5 gal) of clean kelp really helped to keep my plants leaves more green than with out using it.
Hope that helps 👍
Really appreciate it brother, I’ll see what happens. Also, where’d you source the kelp?
Did you find something that you like better than Jack’s?
Really appreciate it brother, I’ll see what happens. Also, where’d you source the kelp?
Did you find something that you like better than Jack’s?
Your very welcome Opie1 and I get my clean kelp off of Amazon Bloom City Clean Kelp

When I finally ran out of Jack's (only took 3 years ) I decided to give Southern AG a try as I absolutely love thier fungicide and saw on their website they were now making a hydro blend themselves. Now keep this on the low low, but I think Heisen might be doing a little fertilizer consulting on the side nowadays cuz his plants really seem to love it and there is some other link I just can't but my finger on.
SG Hydro Nutes.jpg
Making Deez Nutez.jpg


Master Grower
Your very welcome Opie1 and I get my clean kelp off of Amazon Bloom City Clean Kelp

When I finally ran out of Jack's (only took 3 years ) I decided to give Southern AG a try as I absolutely love thier fungicide and saw on their website they were now making a hydro blend themselves. Now keep this on the low low, but I think Heisen might be doing a little fertilizer consulting on the side nowadays cuz his plants really seem to love it and there is some other link I just can't but my finger on.
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Appreciate the info! Your plants are looking awesome as usual!
Day 70 will be the last blast of light for Super Lemon Haze as she has reached harvest station 🚎 Alien Rift and Slam Dunk Skunk still have a bit to go as they went to flower later than their 420 drop sister.
SLH D70 1 s.jpg
😆 I just noticed Heisen's Dotz has a cola over there trying to get a wiff on SLH. I guess I have a little bit more yo yo ma work I need to do on her as she starting to get heavy on day 36 of flower.
HMR D36 1.jpg
HMR D36 2 s.jpg
HMR D36 3 s.jpgSLH D70 1 s.jpgHMR D36 1.jpgHMR D36 2 s.jpgHMR D36 3 s.jpg


Got an email from GPS offering a Diamond35 discount code for diamond members.
Noticed a few new ones in the mix. Still gonna due regs, so I think I'll pick up a pack of the Dub Star!
Email stated that discount codes are stackable. Tried the Diamond 20 with the 35%, couldn't get the 2 together?

How do you know what level you are? I used to have my level on my profile and now it's nothing . I've spent thousands with them


Your very welcome Opie1 and I get my clean kelp off of Amazon Bloom City Clean Kelp

When I finally ran out of Jack's (only took 3 years ) I decided to give Southern AG a try as I absolutely love thier fungicide and saw on their website they were now making a hydro blend themselves. Now keep this on the low low, but I think Heisen might be doing a little fertilizer consulting on the side nowadays cuz his plants really seem to love it and there is some other link I just can't but my finger on.
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Looks like a formula similar to master blend. I've seen the southern Ag blend online and have used the master blend the same way as Jack's and it worked very well.


They sent me an email offering the discount for diamond member??
As stated above all past purchases have been wiped out, no more golden nuggets, no member status.
But for now I guess I'm a diamond member!
Go figure....?
It doesn't make a shit to me, This tit is milked dry.
I haven't bought any seed since they shut down our member discount. We all worked hard to get to our diamond status and then they took them away.


Dont Need One
Almost 2 years ago sounds about right.
Why would they delete all our purchase history on the site?
It doesn't matter, I joined this forum to support you and your work. I respect what you've done on here.
You've brought together some damn good growers to teach and share the knowledge.
Yeah I do not know what happened. Maybe stuff got removed or deleted or out of gu control. Shit happens. Someone from the old school asked me tonight if I had some older seed packs laying around. fuk them.packs. I'm working on some shit now that's straight retarded.


Yeah I do not know what happened. Maybe stuff got removed or deleted or out of gu control. Shit happens. Someone from the old school asked me tonight if I had some older seed packs laying around. fuk them.packs. I'm working on some shit now that's straight retarded.
That old school head, was me. Took a while off to deal with some medical issues I have (had) going on, but it’s time to get back to my regularly scheduled programming. Looking forward to seeing what you’re working on bro.


Dazed and confused
I got some cookiedawg off reverse auction a few months back now I don't see it listed anymore. I just found that strange but understandable considering the size of his catalog. I switched back to photos after a couple years of trying autoflower. I'm looking forward to some Greenpoint I started with him years ago. My first order was twisty treats I wish I'd have kept the pack...

