Greenpoint Seeds


I gotta stop being cheap and get a carbon filter, last few runs were not too bad, couldn't really smell it except when you first walked into the house, or was in the basement. This morning it hit me as I woke up, and it's not getting better lol
My last run at the old place my filter died on me and you could smell that shit all the way on the other side of the APARTMENT COMPLEX. I was a little paranoid lol.


Active Member
CNC #1 .. Planted three ended up with two females. Working on a small clone/veg room and hopefully will have these and the SDK going 12/12 once the rooms finished in about a week and they get some new pots.

How's the stretch on these? Still undecided on growing into a net, or let them go natural. Not working with a ton of headroom, but also don't have the time to veg into a net for a couple of months.

Seeing lots of frosty posts. Well done guys.



CNC #1 .. Planted three ended up with two females. Working on a small clone/veg room and hopefully will have these and the SDK going 12/12 once the rooms finished in about a week and they get some new pots.

How's the stretch on these? Still undecided on growing into a net, or let them go natural. Not working with a ton of headroom, but also don't have the time to veg into a net for a couple of months.

Seeing lots of frosty posts. Well done guys.

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I have a bit of experience with the stain. Stretch is 2-3 times flip height. And you can train these however you want, it will respond to it. And they're really easy to grow plants, they take stress like a champ. Topping, pruning, and even root pruning hardly slows them. Out of quite a few cnc plants that I've grown, I haven't seen one ball or nanner. I'm sure you'll find something good there.


Got Copper Chem and Bounty Hunter on auction , anyone grow these before ?
I think you’ll really like Copper Chem.
I got two distinct phenos.
One being like a real strong fabric softener....more specifically like Downey Unstoppable’s.

The other one was coffee/chocolate...super good/strong, and my favorite.

Be prepared to go 11 weeks or so in flower.
Good yielders both.
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Active Member
I have a bit of experience with the stain. Stretch is 2-3 times flip height. And you can train these however you want, it will respond to it. And they're really easy to grow plants, they take stress like a champ. Topping, pruning, and even root pruning hardly slows them. Out of quite a few cnc plants that I've grown, I haven't seen one ball or nanner. I'm sure you'll find something good there.
Hey there mac, thanks for sharing. She's been leggy in veg so far, so I assumed the trend would likely continue into flower. It's been a stress free easy to grow plant, #2 the same way. Sounds like they don't mind a little tough love. I think a quick hair cut is in order and into the net they go. Hoping to find something good this run. I have a nice SDK going, that I'm really looking forward to as well. 3/4 females of SDK and 2/3 CnC, not bad odds there.