#Heisenbeans Genetics


Hobby Farmer
Thanks Heisen. You are most generous!

And thanks to a certain glorious person i know. I now have the HeisenHoard.

The personal consumption masterpiece. I cant wait for shit to grow out so i can plant new Heisenbeans.
GMO cake
Stardawg Corey Cut
Skeleton Cookies
Walter White
Purple Punch
purple cake
Wedding dub
Space Gorilla

I can now grow until the zombie apocalypse.I am stocked up
Next on bat is Stardawg Corey Cut for sure with a side of Skeleton Cookies and then im going old school nerd with a 10 sided die!

That HydroRed ebb and flow 6000 system is coming next week i need to get these tasted already.


Amos Otis

Brisco's Bargain Beans
Making that here in 2 weeks if you cant find any.
Xxxellent. I don't need 'em right away, so set one aside when you've got 'em por favor.

Just planted one if you would like a couple you're welcome to them 🌱
That's way cool of you, amigo, but since Uncle H's batch will be ready about the time I am, no need to raid your stash. ++ coolness points have been added to your secret profile.


Its all about water quality, If a seed cracks and a tail comes out its germinated. If something happens that prevents it from growing 9 out of 10 its a fungus or pathogen that prevented it.Some people just have great water. I own 3 buildings in 3 dif counties and the water is night to day from one to the next.
True that, my water here in Oregon comes out of the tap at 40 ppm! Best tap water I've ever drank or grown with, super nice.
Mine comes out of the tap at 450 and out of RO unit at 7
Mine comes out at 25-27 depends on how long I let it run. I'm always deficient in calmag.
I have no idea what mine comes out as, lol, I do let it sit for a day before use, in theory to let bullshit evaporate out possibly..........have no choice, have to use it no matter what. Many things can happen to that tail after cracked, I will say, dropped, dried out, burnt, browned, etc.
Damn. Mine comes out at 743. Tap water at 40, I wish. I need to hook up my RO. 7 sounds nice. Less math for me to do then lol I usually leave it out have a few spare 5 gals just full like @Bodyne let it evaporate some of the bullshit including the pH buffer. It will drop around 100 or so ppms in a day or two depending on the room temps.


Damn. Mine comes out at 743. Tap water at 40, I wish. I need to hook up my RO. 7 sounds nice. Less math for me to do then lol I usually leave it out have a few spare 5 gals just full like @Bodyne let it evaporate some of the bullshit including the pH buffer. It will drop around 100 or so ppms in a day or two depending on the room temps.

Can you grow in that without adding any nutes?