Popping smoke

Fiddler's Green

Just a regular vato
I'll definitely be stapling a ring around them next season. My concerns with that is the visibility from the ground and air. That's where the sidewalk ends when choosing 1/2'' hardware cloth vs chicken wire.

Once the foliage comes in it won't matter for either though.


a.k.a. Rusty Nails
I'll definitely be stapling a ring around them next season. My concerns with that is the visibility from the ground and air. That's where the sidewalk ends when choosing 1/2'' hardware cloth vs chicken wire.

Once the foliage comes in it won't matter for either though.
Maybe a little fence of the green mesh around the stump? You could take a roll and some snips out with you and staple them right to the stump. I know they have coated decorative stuff in a few colors, or you just get some rattle cans of camo paint.