The Junk Yard


Opus Herba
Okay... now they're acting the like they're actually grabbin. The tops are turning toward the the light and the leaves feel solid.

Apparently, I've got some sh*tty water for beans and clones. Luckily I have a great spring about a mile from my house.

I haven't transplanted my Solos yet. I'll feed them with spring water tomorrow and see if they improve (they don't look bad except when it gets warm).


Opus Herba
I'm happy to see the clones are doing better. And the mini hoop house is really cool. It's like the growers version of micro machines.
Hahaha, thanks man. I have to keep adjusting the hoop house for better ventillation. Hopefully I've finally gotten it straightened out. As long as I keep finding moisture collecting when I take the cover off in the morning I'll keep adding vents.

These clones were sooo easy. Even the somewhat wilted ones bounced right back. I wonder what's in my water that's killing them. Thinking about having it tested. It's too late to save my cousin but I can stop everyone else from drinking it. I hope it's just hard water.


I'll have my first round of seeds in about 10 days. Everything I've checked points to them being done. But I keep putting it off and letting them go "just a little longer." I plan to harvest the plants in two more days and then I'll let them dry before I start gathering the seeds. They're at day 73 now.

What's finishing up is Blackjack 1 & 2, Tangie, Gelat.og, and BCK that were pollinated with 9lb. Hammer.

I'm the most excited about the BCK x 9PH by a mile considering the BCK is my true keeper.

BJ #1 is my favorite of the two BJ's and it will be interesting to see how they match up.

I feel the most confident with the BCK and BJ pairings.

The one that's intrigued me the most is the Gelat.og x 9PH. I was really digging the color of the her. But I haven't been blown away by the smoke. It seemed a lot lighter than what I was hoping for. Maybe because I've only tested lowers and or larfy bs. I don't know. But I still wasn't impressed. So I'd be curious to see if the Gelat.og coloring can come through with the 9PH hammer hit. Then were talking. I will say, now that the gelato.og is curing, I'm definitely pulling a grape smell out of the jar. Almost like a sour candy grape. I wasn't getting that before and I was pleasantly surprised.

The tangle is still just the tangle. Nothing bad to say, nor nothing that stands out either. I haven't officially tested the smoke on her though. I keep getting drawn to something else when the time comes. The verdict isn't out yet.

I'm pretty certain I'm reaching a point where I need to tell myself to move on and stop cloning the current tent. Aside from the BCK and the new comers. I'll have plenty of seeds after this run to revisit these in the future if I ever want to play with them again.

I'll have one or two more grows before I start my main project. So I want to self my BCK and grow out some of these new crosses. (I.e. BCK, 9PH, GTH, and Hyper chucks)


Opus Herba
I'll have my first round of seeds in about 10 days. Everything I've checked points to them being done. But I keep putting it off and letting them go "just a little longer." I plan to harvest the plants in two more days and then I'll let them dry before I start gathering the seeds. They're at day 73 now.

What's finishing up is Blackjack 1 & 2, Tangie, Gelat.og, and BCK that were pollinated with 9lb. Hammer.

I'm the most excited about the BCK x 9PH by a mile considering the BCK is my true keeper.

BJ #1 is my favorite of the two BJ's and it will be interesting to see how they match up.

I feel the most confident with the BCK and BJ pairings.

The one that's intrigued me the most is the Gelat.og x 9PH. I was really digging the color of the her. But I haven't been blown away by the smoke. It seemed a lot lighter than what I was hoping for. Maybe because I've only tested lowers and or larfy bs. I don't know. But I still wasn't impressed. So I'd be curious to see if the Gelat.og coloring can come through with the 9PH hammer hit. Then were talking. I will say, now that the gelato.og is curing, I'm definitely pulling a grape smell out of the jar. Almost like a sour candy grape. I wasn't getting that before and I was pleasantly surprised.

The tangle is still just the tangle. Nothing bad to say, nor nothing that stands out either. I haven't officially tested the smoke on her though. I keep getting drawn to something else when the time comes. The verdict isn't out yet.

I'm pretty certain I'm reaching a point where I need to tell myself to move on and stop cloning the current tent. Aside from the BCK and the new comers. I'll have plenty of seeds after this run to revisit these in the future if I ever want to play with them again.

I'll have one or two more grows before I start my main project. So I want to self my BCK and grow out some of these new crosses. (I.e. BCK, 9PH, GTH, and Hyper chucks)
That's awesome dude. I love the sound of that sour grape. Very interesting. Just the name "Gelato" makes me want to grow it. Just like anything called "Cookies".

I ran out of flowers so my projects have somewhat stalled without funding. This set of clones was originally intended for my "partners" but they are too unreliable for me. I'm not willing to give up my hard work to someone I don't trust. That works out fine for my needs though. I've got clones of Blue Magoo, Death by Kush, K99 (Kashmir99 = Afternoon Delight x Cindy99), Jack Herer, and Uzi Cookies. I'll be X'ing these with the Jack Herer and Banana Crack (when big enough to take clones). I'm really really interested in how the beans from your Jack Herer and the Death by Kush turn out. I'm hoping for super energetic and hard hitting THCa loaded flowers. The next in line is the Banana Crack x Jack Herer. Again, I'm still looking for a high THCa content but with this mix I want the heavy yield and peach topped Belgian waffle flavor. Then X those babies together. Should be very interesting.

Now that I know I can clone under my weak little 7w T5 I'll be able to spare my more powerful CXBs for breeding. As soon as this batch of clones is ready I'll veg them for a very short time then begin my perpetual summer breeding program. Finally putting that silver thiosulfate to use.
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Opus Herba
That's awesome dude. I love the sound of that sour grape. Very interesting. Just the name "Gelato" makes me want to grow it. Just like anything called "Cookies".

I ran out of flowers so my projects have somewhat stalled without funding. This set of clones was originally intended for my "partners" but they are too unreliable for me. I'm not willing to give up my hard work to someone I don't trust. That works out fine for my needs though. I've got clones of Blue Magoo, Death by Kush, K99 (Kashmir99 = Afternoon Delight x Cindy99), Jack Herer, and Uzi Cookies. I'll be X'ing these with the Jack Herer and Banana Crack (when big enough to take clones). I'm really really interested in how the beans from your Jack Herer and the Death by Kush turn out. I'm hoping for super energetic and hard hitting THCa loaded flowers. The next in line is the Banana Crack x Jack Herer. Again, I'm still looking for a high THCa content but with this mix I want the heavy yield and peach topped Belgian waffle flavor. Then X those babies together. Should be very interesting.

Now that I know I can clone under my weak little 7w T5 I'll be able to spare my more powerful CXBs for breeding. As soon as this batch of clones is ready I'll veg them for a very short time then begin my perpetual summer breeding program. Finally putting that silver thiosulfate to use.
I meant "THCv loaded flowers" and "THCv content" but I waz baked


Opus Herba
My poor girls...
...This is what I've been dealing with this last week. It's been hitting nearly 100F in my trailer and they just don't have enough soil to keep cool. I had to throw in the towel on the Solo cup or I'd just have 2 dead plants. Heck, even the water in my cloner (outside, shaded, with a fan blowing cool air) was pushing 90F. I've been fighting tooth and nail to keep it under 85F. I'm going to freeze water bottles and drop em in when the temps hit the mid 90's again. Here it is 3hrs after dark and still 13 degrees warmer than the outside air.
I'm no slouch when it comes to growing but mad skillz (hehe) make not even a dent when dealing with 100F temps and no air conditioning.

Uncle Romulus

madman, scholar
My poor girls...
View attachment 9857View attachment 9858
...This is what I've been dealing with this last week. It's been hitting nearly 100F in my trailer and they just don't have enough soil to keep cool. I had to throw in the towel on the Solo cup or I'd just have 2 dead plants. Heck, even the water in my cloner (outside, shaded, with a fan blowing cool air) was pushing 90F. I've been fighting tooth and nail to keep it under 85F. I'm going to freeze water bottles and drop em in when the temps hit the mid 90's again. Here it is 3hrs after dark and still 13 degrees warmer than the outside air.
View attachment 9859View attachment 9860
I'm no slouch when it comes to growing but mad skillz (hehe) make not even a dent when dealing with 100F temps and no air conditioning.
Just hearing about that heat is stressing me out bro. Do the outdoor plants weather it because of all the air movement and c02 available?

Uncle Romulus

madman, scholar
The outdoor plants have lots of soil to keep their root systems cool. They can handle a lot if they've been watered. I keep a close eye on them. Even the little Banana Crack did well under my watchful eye.
Ahhh I c. I’m learning so much about outdoor from y’all. So watering and plenty root space can help with cold and hot. Very cool. My outdoor regs are doing ok. Down to 3 keepers/survivors lol. Gotta make a dep spot for autos tho already cause I have one flowering and it’s only getting maybe 1.5-2 hour or dark. This is not good right? Haha crazy northern summer is already here and I still have cold ass nights for the girls. I actually have seen native ruderalis around here so makes sense that the autos don’t seem to mind the cold nights as much


Opus Herba
Ahhh I c. I’m learning so much about outdoor from y’all. So watering and plenty root space can help with cold and hot. Very cool. My outdoor regs are doing ok. Down to 3 keepers/survivors lol. Gotta make a dep spot for autos tho already cause I have one flowering and it’s only getting maybe 1.5-2 hour or dark. This is not good right? Haha crazy northern summer is already here and I still have cold ass nights for the girls. I actually have seen native ruderalis around here so makes sense that the autos don’t seem to mind the cold nights as much
The short night shouldn't hurt an auto. It'd royally f^ck up any regulars though.

Uncle Romulus

madman, scholar
The short night shouldn't hurt an auto. It'd royally f^ck up any regulars though.
That dark period is getting shorter tho. There will be some nights that never get truly dark at all. Just about does and then the sun is comes on back haha. Can autos reveg? I’ve heard they do need a few hours of dark during bloom. I might just consider timing things a certain way in the future. But shouldn’t be hard to make a tiny dep spot with enough air moving.


Opus Herba
That dark period is getting shorter tho. There will be some nights that never get truly dark at all. Just about does and then the sun is comes on back haha. Can autos reveg? I’ve heard they do need a few hours of dark during bloom. I might just consider timing things a certain way in the future. But shouldn’t be hard to make a tiny dep spot with enough air moving.
I'm not familiar enough with ruderalis to know.


I read what you posted in Jesse's thread, "Haven't figured out how, what, when to feed them." In my opinion, the simplest thing you can try is Mega Crop. I believe you can still get a free 300g sample from them on their website. You would just need to pay shipping. If I recall, it was about $6. Follow their feeding chart or you can try 2-5 grams less than what they recommend if you want to try light feeding. Alternate the feeding and watering like clockwork. Obviously waiting 3-4 weeks before you begin feeding whenever they're planted in new soil so you can use up the nutrients in the soil first. I personally water and feed to 20-30% runoff. I also PH every water/feed to 6.2. That should be a good start. You could always play with adding boosters or supplements later if you wanted too. I've been getting better results since using only Mega Crop and dropping everything else. I just recently started trying to incorporate seagreen, but I'm still cautious and nervous about it. I'd hate to throw off the balance. Mega Crop has been a breeze to use. I'm thankful to buzzer for introducing it to me. It may be worth a shot in your particular situation.


Opus Herba
I read what you posted in Jesse's thread, "Haven't figured out how, what, when to feed them." In my opinion, the simplest thing you can try is Mega Crop. I believe you can still get a free 300g sample from them on their website. You would just need to pay shipping. If I recall, it was about $6. Follow their feeding chart or you can try 2-5 grams less than what they recommend if you want to try light feeding. Alternate the feeding and watering like clockwork. Obviously waiting 3-4 weeks before you begin feeding whenever they're planted in new soil so you can use up the nutrients in the soil first. I personally water and feed to 20-30% runoff. I also PH every water/feed to 6.2. That should be a good start. You could always play with adding boosters or supplements later if you wanted too. I've been getting better results since using only Mega Crop and dropping everything else. I just recently started trying to incorporate seagreen, but I'm still cautious and nervous about it. I'd hate to throw off the balance. Mega Crop has been a breeze to use. I'm thankful to buzzer for introducing it to me. It may be worth a shot in your particular situation.
I should have said I haven't quite got the feeding dialed yet. I use SeaGreen and Krazy Kelp, but Hawaiian B&B and Kool Bloom were too strong. I'm used to using salts but they seem a bit much for indoor.

Thanks for the walkthrough though.


Opus Herba
I envy your outdoor garden, friggin beauty. 😍😍😍
I'd really love to have an outdoor crop going as well as my indoors. Outdoors was so fun growing monsters without the size limits I have inside.
The weather though, fuck that hail shit, glad I am avoiding that pitfall.
I keep watching that Banana Crack, lol, I'm a crack watcher. Lmfao.
I love my outdoor girls. Each year they've gotten easier to grow (re: feeding, not pest control or late T-storm damage). Only on my 3rd year.

Why aren't you doing outside anymore? You still have time to plant. I know your home dynamic didn't allow for it before but you're safe now aren't you? I do the whole pirate's code thing with my grows. Technically I'm not legal in my county but the cops don't care and the worst thing that can happen is a warning. That's why I only have six in the garden. It, by itself, is within the county ordinance. My neighbor had a domestic dispute my first year growing and three cops were parked 10ft from my garden and the greenhouse. They didn't give a f^ck. Sh*t, my neighbor had a full 1000sq ft grow room and a 30' hoophouse. I remember the ex talkin sh*t about his plants and they still didn't care.