#Heisenbeans Genetics


LED Recruiter
Just a sort of "hat" type piece attracted to hold the drivers up away a few inches to help with heat dissipation. Which I now see was unnecessary. Haha. I have access to a military grade fabrication department and all was easily made from scrap.
I'm jelly. I want!! Maybe i will have to go up to 600w in my 4x4 just to keep it to 75f in the winter!! And a space heater at night.
I have a run finishing up of seedsman gear.
But next go round in August I'm doing an all HB run!! BBC'S and a dubs!
I have 4 qb132 4k and 4 3000k with 240h driver. So im around 500 watts at full tilt. But I want something else. I really like the qb96! They go up over 200w! @99$ w/ heatsink
Just one of those is all good


Insanely Active Member
I'm jelly. I want!! Maybe i will have to go up to 600w in my 4x4 just to keep it to 75f in the winter!! And a space heater at night.
I have a run finishing up of seedsman gear.
But next go round in August I'm doing an all HB run!! BBC'S and a dubs!
I have 4 qb132 4k and 4 3000k with 240h driver. So im around 500 watts at full tilt. But I want something else. I really like the qb96! They go up over 200w! @99$ w/ heatsink
Just one of those is all good
I'm getting insane readings off the 6 qb288 with 320 2100 driver when full blast. Think clocks in at 640 watt full tilt.


Hobby Farmer
This is a great place. And we will all grow better as a result of it.

Positive vibes make stronger ganja but that is the Bob Marley. Positive vibe makes everything STRONGER..

I am happy to be in this place of positive vibes and grow how...I got here because of it and man I appreciate it OR i would be telling you how great 1 oz autos are...Well they might be 2 oz autos now...:D

But they dont hit 30% EVER. And i like it 22 to infinity and beyond...lets smoke a doob. PEACE.

I booked the afternoon off and the pool just hit 22.5. I got a solar blanket on saturday and its a game changer

22.5 = 72.5 F and that is warmest yet....lol


I definitely think it's the calmag. I wasn't adding calmag when I was topping it off. I thought the megacrop would be enough. I should have known it wouldn't. I had a calcium deficiency last grow too when I switched over to LEDs. I use ro water. What is a good starting point for the ppm of my calmag before I add other nutrients?

I usually start between 150-200 ppm. I know of one guy who uses RO and he starts at 300. But that's a little too much for me.

But just start around 150 and go up from their.


Super Active Member
Positive vibes make stronger ganja but that is the Bob Marley. Positive vibe makes everything STRONGER..

I am happy to be in this place of positive vibes and grow how...I got here because of it and man I appreciate it OR i would be telling you how great 1 oz autos are...Well they might be 2 oz autos now...:D

But they dont hit 30% EVER. And i like it 22 to infinity and beyond...lets smoke a doob. PEACE.

I booked the afternoon off and the pool just hit 22.5. I got a solar blanket on saturday and its a game changer

22.5 = 72.5 F and that is warmest yet....lol


Pic of Led build nearly complete. Hung it today and it's my first time experiencing these things. My God they are bright! One thing I'm noticing is there is practically zero heat coming from either the boards or the drivers. Granted they are dimmed to 75 percent at the moment. But is this normal? Not sure I'll be able to cut it in winter with this thing. Anybody?
View attachment 9862
They do not produce much heat at all. When you turn them all the way to 100% you will get some but not much.


120 always worked for me. Some will be a little higher. Usually around 2ml per gallon but it also depends on the brand. I used calimagic.
One example of a homemade cal-mag has a ppm ratio as follows: magnesium 120 ppm and calcium 260 ppm. per gallon ratio is 5.8 grams of calcium nitrate and 4.6 grams of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts). You can always adjust your mixture to compensate for specific deficiencies

Another formula
Calcium nitrate 1.87 gram per gal
Epsom .3 gram per gal
Chelated iron .076 gram per gal

Gives you approximate 58 ppm of nitrogen and 84 ppm of calcium.

Anytime you want to mix your own liquid concentrate just multiply by say 500 and mix into a gal jug.
Then have a gal of your RO water and just add 1 ml at a time to see how much ppm it adds. Keep it handy for future reference.

Another tip for any beginner is to always use the same ppm pen. Pens can be off big time from each other. I have one that could read 500 ppm and another that says 620.


Any of your hydro pros think that you know what this is? I mix Jacks 5-12-26, CalNit 15-0-0, and Epsom at 75g, 50g, 25g in 25 gallons of water. Blumats, DTW in pure coco. It went from stupidly healthy to this in less than a week. Hot nutes? I flushed with 50% nute solution and a few ml of CalMag last nightNS Burn - Copy.jpg


Dont Need One
What solution would you use to correct it? So you think that something is locking it out?
Its either an excess of something or lack of. I would flush at 5.9 and maybe add an inoculant or use a tea or something similar to eliminate root issues. Maybe add some hydroguard to the mix and go through a wet dry cycle and than start with a fresh batch of nutes.
I've been using supernatural lately and I'm in love with the shit


Its either an excess of something or lack of. I would flush at 5.9 and maybe add an inoculant or use a tea or something similar to eliminate root issues. Maybe add some hydroguard to the mix and go through a wet dry cycle and than start with a fresh batch of nutes.
I've been using supernatural lately and I'm in love with the shit
I did hit it with Grower's recharge right before this happened. I flushed with 5.9 @ 50% so we will see how it goes. Thanks HB, it seems like I was on the right track!


Shinobi of seeds
Any of your hydro pros think that you know what this is? I mix Jacks 5-12-26, CalNit 15-0-0, and Epsom at 75g, 50g, 25g in 25 gallons of water. Blumats, DTW in pure coco. It went from stupidly healthy to this in less than a week. Hot nutes? I flushed with 50% nute solution and a few ml of CalMag last nightView attachment 9971
What is the temperature of your water? Is this a new system or are you using a new line of nutes?

Do the blumats create run off to wash out excess salts or no?

If it is the same system you've been using and the same nutes I'd guess maybe water temps are a little too high causing some issues.

It looks similar to leaves of plants I've had in dwc when the water was too hot so one of those products Heisen suggested would be my first try if I was in your spot. Cheers and hope you get it pinned down buddy.


What is the temperature of your water? Is this a new system or are you using a new line of nutes?

Do the blumats create run off to wash out excess salts or no?

If it is the same system you've been using and the same nutes I'd guess maybe water temps are a little too high causing some issues.

It looks similar to leaves of plants I've had in dwc when the water was too hot so one of those products Heisen suggested would be my first try if I was in your spot. Cheers and hope you get it pinned down buddy.
You might have called it. As I was flushing last night I noticed the Bluelab said the res was 84. Same Blumats but new to Jacks and DTW. I ran LOS before and plain water just did its thing. I may need to chill the water and flush occasionally. Its a learning curve, right?