#Heisenbeans Genetics


Insanely Active Member
Pic of Led build nearly complete. Hung it today and it's my first time experiencing these things. My God they are bright! One thing I'm noticing is there is practically zero heat coming from either the boards or the drivers. Granted they are dimmed to 75 percent at the moment. But is this normal? Not sure I'll be able to cut it in winter with this thing. Anybody?


LED Recruiter
Pic of Led build nearly complete. Hung it today and it's my first time experiencing these things. My God they are bright! One thing I'm noticing is there is practically zero heat coming from either the boards or the drivers. Granted they are dimmed to 75 percent at the moment. But is this normal? Not sure I'll be able to cut it in winter with this thing. Anybody?
View attachment 9862
Ya, no. They don't put out much heat.
A benefit and a curse.


Mediocre grower
Heisen may be right, but I’m gonna ask anyway.
At any time has your plants been transpiring? Like when you open the tent at lights on and they have water droplets all over them? If so, it’s light burn. I just had it happen to a whole tent when I started using QB’s.

On a better note here is Heisens SD x WC
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I haven't noticed any. I definitely keep my eyes peeled for that cuz i had some powdery mildew last year. Thanks for taking the time to reply tho


I just found this one tucked away in the middle. Its the worst of all. Sorry to clog the thread but I know a lot of smart guys come here. Any thoughts? Im going to go check my chart but I would appreciate any advice.View attachment 9817

Looks like you need some Cal mag. I get this every now and then because my water has no calcium in it. Growing under led exacerbates the issue. Certain plants worse than others.

I also get a similar looking pattern on leaves if I'm spraying for bugs and have some soap in the mix. But it won't be on every leaf just the leaves with a heavy soaking.


Mediocre grower
Looks like you need some Cal mag. I get this every now and then because my water has no calcium in it. Growing under led exacerbates the issue. Certain plants worse than others.

I also get a similar looking pattern on leaves if I'm spraying for bugs and have some soap in the mix. But it won't be on every leaf just the leaves with a heavy soaking.
I definitely think it's the calmag. I wasn't adding calmag when I was topping it off. I thought the megacrop would be enough. I should have known it wouldn't. I had a calcium deficiency last grow too when I switched over to LEDs. I use ro water. What is a good starting point for the ppm of my calmag before I add other nutrients?


Hobby Farmer
For Megacrop i started adding some calmag at the very begining and then i stopped. I found my problems were all PH related (you pointed me there?) and now that i have it dialed in the growth is explosive, the flowers are stacking and everything is green with no copper leaves and no burnt tips.

So now i swing things around a bit. In veg i try and stick to PH 6.0 to 6.3 (close to 6.1)

In flower 5.6 to 6.0 because it can uptake P better in flower.

And no calmag addition with RO water from a slightly overdone filter (TDS starts at 50 and for babies get to 600PPM for mature veg 900 and full blown flower 1200)

So far just weird water problems and the odd leaf thats off but this is the best grow I have ever had for colour being right. EVER.

And no additional calmag which feels wrong but is working so i will run with it..

And I check PH and TDS a lot now. Glad that bluelab never failed me. And that waterproof high end TDS meter is no slouch either.


Dont Need One
I definitely think it's the calmag. I wasn't adding calmag when I was topping it off. I thought the megacrop would be enough. I should have known it wouldn't. I had a calcium deficiency last grow too when I switched over to LEDs. I use ro water. What is a good starting point for the ppm of my calmag before I add other nutrients?
120 always worked for me. Some will be a little higher. Usually around 2ml per gallon but it also depends on the brand. I used calimagic.


Mediocre grower
For Megacrop i started adding some calmag at the very begining and then i stopped. I found my problems were all PH related (you pointed me there?) and now that i have it dialed in the growth is explosive, the flowers are stacking and everything is green with no copper leaves and no burnt tips.

So now i swing things around a bit. In veg i try and stick to PH 6.0 to 6.3 (close to 6.1)

In flower 5.6 to 6.0 because it can uptake P better in flower.

And no calmag addition with RO water from a slightly overdone filter (TDS starts at 50 and for babies get to 600PPM for mature veg 900 and full blown flower 1200)

So far just weird water problems and the odd leaf thats off but this is the best grow I have ever had for colour being right. EVER.

And no additional calmag which feels wrong but is working so i will run with it..

And I check PH and TDS a lot now. Glad that bluelab never failed me. And that waterproof high end TDS meter is no slouch either.
Yea, I had a minor cal issue early on that went away when I bumped the ph up to around 6.0 -6.2. The absorption of different nutrients at different ph levels is definitely a major factor in hydro which I am learning the hard way lol

I think heisen is probably dead-on about my issue. Probably a combo of lockout and not enough calmag.


Hobby Farmer
For the record after a few seed purchases the average time to Southwestern Ontario is about a week.

Not too shabby....It lured me in. Thanks Heisen again. The stardawg is growing and I was not expecting the seeds.

OMG i can not wait for harvest. I think i am going to get 2 to 3 pounds in august. :D


Mediocre grower
I just wanted to thank everyone who took the time to help me out. I know a lot you guys are busy people. Much appreciated! And thanks for not insulting me for my newbness. We really do have the best community here.

When I am a seasoned vet someday, growing the world-famous Solow cut of that Bridezilla, I'll be sure I still take time to help out the little guy😉😂


Pic of Led build nearly complete. Hung it today and it's my first time experiencing these things. My God they are bright! One thing I'm noticing is there is practically zero heat coming from either the boards or the drivers. Granted they are dimmed to 75 percent at the moment. But is this normal? Not sure I'll be able to cut it in winter with this thing. Anybody?
View attachment 9862
Yes, it's normal. I use four QB288 v1s and was SHOCKED at how bright it was with so little heat generated. We are all used to the lower hogging ballasts and bulbs


I had some issues a while back that have since been sorted out. Mini split drain clogged and ac went off for 24 hrs. A couple plants got cooked and that was one of em.
To hell and back with half-assed AC's. Mine is on the fritz and I'm on day two of 100 degree days. I'm racing out there every 10 minutes to make sure it's running. If it's going full tilt boogie I can keep my tent at 80. It's a 10KBTU portable blowing into a 5x5 so you can imagine how hot my garage gets


Insanely Active Member
The piece in the middle holding up the drivers. Is that commercial framing deep track?
Whats the benefit? More airflow? Cobs!?!?!
Just a sort of "hat" type piece attached to hold the drivers up away a few inches to help with heat dissipation. Which I now see was unnecessary. Haha. I have access to a military grade fabrication department and all was easily made from scrap.
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