#Heisenbeans Genetics


Self-Proclaimed Don Quixote
The sun is 10 times stronger than any led on earth and seedlings get blasted right out the gate. His issues are environmental in the root zone
We don’t put seedlings under direct sun. I don’t. A lot of these cultivars are more delicate. They are not weeds. 30000 lux is a lot and i always have problems with small rootball and that much light. But its your strain of course so i’m not gonna teach you your strains :)


Dont Need One
We don’t put seedlings under direct sun. I don’t. A lot of these cultivars are more delicate. They are not weeds. 30000 lux is a lot and i always have problems with small rootball and that much light. But its your strain of course so i’m not gonna teach you your strains :)
Lots of seeds get started outdoors lol. 30k is weak compared to the sun. I start my seeds under full blast. They wanna live.


Self-Proclaimed Don Quixote
Lots of seeds get started outdoors lol. 30k is weak compared to the sun. I start my seeds under full blast. They wanna live.
Definitely man. Lots of seeds are started outside but usually not under full sun. Thats what i mean. And compared to 100000 lux of a usual summer day 30000 lux is low. But i’m guessing the problems i’m having with light is constantly providing that amount of light for 18hrs. In nature seeds wake up early when the sun is not that strong and the days are shorter. So DLI is an important part of it i think. Anycase, i always had problems with small rootball and this much light. But i agree, they want to live. They will adjust eventually. And you starting seeds under full blast is kinda scary to me because mine would burn to a crisp hhahha. But i think that may be an advantage of hydro compared to soil. Plant will always have plenty of moisture in the rootzone. Who knows? I don’t :D


We don’t put seedlings under direct sun. I don’t. A lot of these cultivars are more delicate. They are not weeds. 30000 lux is a lot and i always have problems with small rootball and that much light. But its your strain of course so i’m not gonna teach you your strains :)
I have started thousands of seeds of cannibus in the sun. Also started hundreds of millions probably billions or trillions of seeds in the sun of wheat, corn and beans. Never had a problem from sunlight.


Definitely man. Lots of seeds are started outside but usually not under full sun. Thats what i mean. And compared to 100000 lux of a usual summer day 30000 lux is low. But i’m guessing the problems i’m having with light is constantly providing that amount of light for 18hrs. In nature seeds wake up early when the sun is not that strong and the days are shorter. So DLI is an important part of it i think. Anycase, i always had problems with small rootball and this much light. But i agree, they want to live. They will adjust eventually. And you starting seeds under full blast is kinda scary to me because mine would burn to a crisp hhahha. But i think that may be an advantage of hydro compared to soil. Plant will always have plenty of moisture in the rootzone. Who knows? I don’t :D

The only problems with light I have had was when I brought a plant from inside to outside that wasn't hardened off to the sunlight yet. They will wilt and even die if placed directly in the sun if they were grown inside under low light.


Mediocre grower
I was able to raise my lights a couple more inches, but the bitch still grew up into them again lol. Things are gonna start getting interesting now tho...

Here's a clone I took of her. This plant just grows ridiculously bigger and faster than all my others... it sucks I only have 6.5 ft of height to work with. Definitely topping and training her hard next go around.


Mediocre grower
In other news... here is a PPxSS that I had to nurse back to health. The new growth looks ok, but then the fan leaves started to crinkle up like that. The ph and ppm has been pretty stable. Is there anything u guys would recommend I do to it, or just stay on top of this and ride it out?

And here's a quick shot of wedding cake for ya...

Old ST1R

Grow Yer Own Stone


Self-Proclaimed Don Quixote
I have started thousands of seeds of cannibus in the sun. Also started hundreds of millions probably billions or trillions of seeds in the sun of wheat, corn and beans. Never had a problem from sunlight.
Again. When you started those seeds what is the dli usually. 30000lux 18hrs with my crees comes out to about 30 mol. Thats much more than a seedling uses. Thats the recommended minimum for fruiting tomatoes in greenhouses. And wheat corn beans those are field crops. There is lots of selective breeding or genetic engineering that goes into those products also. In nature there are no tilled fields. Most seedlings start under at least a thin cover of weeds or bushes or trees and they start much earlier when the sun is not that strong.

The only problems with light I have had was when I brought a plant from inside to outside that wasn't hardened off to the sunlight yet. They will wilt and even die if placed directly in the sun if they were grown inside under low light.
Yeah uv and too much light does that. I don’t know where you’re from but in full mediterranean sun, my seedlings would get fucked. Thats just how it is.

Now anycase, why do you think he is having problems with all his 25 seedlings? Why do you think all his plants are wilting as if they are trying to stay away from the light? That plant is not rootbound. 80F with a 60-70 humidity. Which seems fine (ok could be a little cooler but its fine). So whats the problem there?


Dont Need One
Again. When you started those seeds what is the dli usually. 30000lux 18hrs with my crees comes out to about 30 mol. Thats much more than a seedling uses. Thats the recommended minimum for fruiting tomatoes in greenhouses. And wheat corn beans those are field crops. There is lots of selective breeding or genetic engineering that goes into those products also. In nature there are no tilled fields. Most seedlings start under at least a thin cover of weeds or bushes or trees and they start much earlier when the sun is not that strong.

Yeah uv and too much light does that. I don’t know where you’re from but in full mediterranean sun, my seedlings would get fucked. Thats just how it is.

Now anycase, why do you think he is having problems with all his 25 seedlings? Why do you think all his plants are wilting as if they are trying to stay away from the light? That plant is not rootbound. 80F with a 60-70 humidity. Which seems fine (ok could be a little cooler but its fine). So whats the problem there?
I start all my seeds under cobs full blast and no issues whatsoever. The symptoms those plants are showing isn't an over abundance of light. The extra light only compounds the real issue. If the root zone or other environmental variables aren't dialed in the extra light only puts the demand on the plants. He has his lights dialed down to around 70 percent. IMO it's not the lights that's its another issue only brought on because of the extra light.
Any plant will survive in less than desirable conditions under a CFL. Put it under some real light and you better have your shit together. I start all my seeds under full blast cobs and CMH in dirt. 20190614_144244.jpg


Dont Need One
People scared to feed there plants and dial em in should stick with starting under t5s and cfls. My girls get full blast from day 1 and I feed em right. Only negative impact I've ever seen from to much light is bleaching and heat stress which are two different symptoms. Those curled down leaves are a classic symptom of root zone lack of oxygen or ph shock. Wedding cake will do it in dirt half way through flower and it ain't the lights that cause it.
Plant issues that are in shaded growth outside of the lights are usually an excess and under the light is a deficiency. That's why brown spots and calcium issues show under direct light. The light just puts a bigger demand on the plants and you have to dial that shit in instead of turning the light down to compensate the deficiency

Main Cola

Chuckers Paradise
I start all my seeds under cobs full blast and no issues whatsoever. The symptoms those plants are showing isn't an over abundance of light. The extra light only compounds the real issue. If the root zone or other environmental variables aren't dialed in the extra light only puts the demand on the plants. He has his lights dialed down to around 70 percent. IMO it's not the lights that's its another issue only brought on because of the extra light.
Any plant will survive in less than desirable conditions under a CFL. Put it under some real light and you better have your shit together. I start all my seeds under full blast cobs and CMH in dirt. View attachment 10305
Those are some nice healthy girls right there 👍


Again. When you started those seeds what is the dli usually. 30000lux 18hrs with my crees comes out to about 30 mol. Thats much more than a seedling uses. Thats the recommended minimum for fruiting tomatoes in greenhouses. And wheat corn beans those are field crops. There is lots of selective breeding or genetic engineering that goes into those products also. In nature there are no tilled fields. Most seedlings start under at least a thin cover of weeds or bushes or trees and they start much earlier when the sun is not that strong.

Yeah uv and too much light does that. I don’t know where you’re from but in full mediterranean sun, my seedlings would get fucked. Thats just how it is.

Now anycase, why do you think he is having problems with all his 25 seedlings? Why do you think all his plants are wilting as if they are trying to stay away from the light? That plant is not rootbound. 80F with a 60-70 humidity. Which seems fine (ok could be a little cooler but its fine). So whats the problem there?

Actually it doesn't matter. We would disk the field and then drill the wheat. Their was no brush or weeds to Shadow it from the sun.

When we no till instead of working the ground up we use row cleaners that mount of the front of the planter and it cleans the row of debris because you want bare dirt exposed for your seed bed. Why? You want full direct sunlight. It warms the soil and you have direct sun on the seedlings so they grow off quick.
We start corn planting here between April and late June. June 22nd is the highest peak of the sun. We plant beans from may to middle of July all in peak sun. Wheat is planted from late September to early November. That's not because of the sun but because you can't let the wheat get too big or the winter cold will damage it. That's called winter wheat. Up north from here they plant their wheat in the full sun of May and June as it is too cold for winter wheat.

I have a small plot that I plant in just regular corn that's not hybrid or GMO. I raise that and feed it to the chickens and I save that seed for next year's garden. Been done for decades and decades. That corn has been around for a very long time. It's also planted in bare dirt straight sun.

Im in the south. I've lived on a farm my whole life so did my dad and his dad and my grandad's dad and so forth.

As far as his plants go he should be able to stick his finger in the soil and tell if it is overwattered or not. If he was growing under dim light and then flipped on some powerful cobs and put them 12" away then they will wilt.

I'm not their so I don't know what he has done or the condition of his soil.

But to say seedlings can't withstand full sun from the get go is silly. I could go outside right now and plant a bean in full sun and it will do exactly the same thing those other 5000 cannibus seeds I have planted in full sun have done. ... Grow like a champ.


The left side is topanga cake and the right side is topanga gmo. They will stay in that spot till there finished. I have enough seeds now to give these a quick run before I release them. Topanga glue and topanga alien are on the other side of the room.

You get tired of the naysayers say you don't test anything? Even after you show your run of those crosses they still gonna bitch and complain and say you didn't. Lol


Dont Need One
You get tired of the naysayers say you don't test anything? Even after you show your run of those crosses they still gonna bitch and complain and say you didn't. Lol
Not worried about them. It's only a small handful of clowns running the circus.
Actually I kill 2 birds with 1 stone. I'm finding new moms to use to work into the existing clone onlys for BX crosses and two I can see how the crosses are turning out if i wanna keep running them. If the cross is bad ass I'll leave it alone. If I can improve it I'll select new moms to reverse. I thi k being a good fem breeder you have to find those good pollen producers that are also bad ass plants. So many bad ass elite clones that wont put out Jack shit for pollen. Finding a super nice mom that can also put out the pollen when reversed is the name if this game. That's like a needle in a haystack. My expectations are very high when selecting breeder moms. I've thrown away alot of shit.