#Heisenbeans Genetics


Self-Proclaimed Don Quixote
Guys i’m not trying to have an epic rap battle here. I can agree with soil being different than yours and environment is being less than optimal and that plants may adjust from the get go under strong lights, eventho it takes more time for it to adjust imo etc. But i still will never start anything under full sun here. Not needed and that strong light puts much unneeded stress ime.

Also man, field crops are always started in fields its no problem for them. Many many generations have been adjusted and you are doing “selective breeding” even if you don’t conciously. You get the best looking cobs to be your seeds. Thats the better adjusted plants to your growing style.

The problem here is the leaves are shying away from the lights. Whether it is a rootzone problem or temps or rh or over-underwatering, giving that much light at this point is only counterproductive imo.


Hobby Farmer
I never liked starting plants with puny lights...it bothered me at the core.

I think they have all done better under the QB and strips as long as the heat is right. 78 to 80 if its 100 or 200 watts that is the sweet spot for me. in 5 square foot tents.

Open air takes care of that stupid heat problem. I had to go all grade 12 and a little more science but i figured it out. The why and all. It is the energy required to heat up a square foot of air compounded over way more square feet of air.

Wow am i high.....So it turns out there is blueberry that is actually dank and really strong.

Wow do i want that purple punch to hurry the fuck up....

I abused the stems and got rid of all of the lower larfy shit. 8 ridiculous colas coming on that purple punch. All beefy and strong.

So I realize a couple of things. With Megacrop it needs a bump of calmag...100ppm and it needs silica.

I have grown a lot with silica. It beefs it all up and the stalks would have been twice as strong. When you squish them they do not feel so weak. When they rebound you can only squish them 1 more time and then the silica makes them trees. I like it in veg then i stop.

I am doing it...hulkster stems from now on to go with the stupid gigantic fan leaves. Althought that BBC. That is freak show banana leaf shit..
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"Justa Ganja Lover"
I blast my 10/14 from seed seedlings with full on cob power. No issues.They also get full strentgh MC as soon as they get their first set of true leaves. No issues or wilting. As Heisen stated,something else is at play.Those roots aren't happy.The light is only compounding the situation.Or bugs.


Heisenghost and Skeleton Cooks. One skeleton cook topped week earlier than the other, just transplanted today into 2 gallon smartie and fed well. Let the heat and light do its trick. Snapping the main stem off the Heisenghost I suspect has stressed the plant, there was more frost two weeks ago than now, even though its hungry and thirsty. It sure threw huge golf balls everywhere though. I suspect I have a bean or two in the lowers. Sure tastes good though. Kinda excited to see what happens with the two Skeleton cooks each getting own light and plenty of air and room do.

Edit to add: No beans, just super duper swollen calyx's like Im not quite used to seeing swole up quite like that, lol. I know the pics don't show it, but those golf balls are gettin to be bigger to almost baseball size, seems like, no shit. Not much frost on leaves, but buds are stickier than shit also. After double checkin, etc, I feel lots better bout ms heisenghost now. lol


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Dont Need One
If you don't mind me asking, what did he do that made you stop selling clones? I still have mine, she is back in veg. I did take a few clones of the WC. Did a breeding with my SLH into her. Got 3 or 4 females going. I think I got 6 BBC doing reasonably well.
Gave em out and put them up for sale on strainly. Than talked shit about it like I did him wrong.
Someone gives me a cut i always follow there instructions. Dont care where or who gave it to them I only care about the person who gives it to me and hope others that i give to respect my wishes. He agreed he would never trade or give em out. If he told me he would give em out the conversation would have ended before it ever started.
Now i only give to my close homies and shit I'm not gonna breed with. I'm doing a huge pheno hunt now and will give the winner out to my close buddies. I got a bunch of nice shit coming soon.



Dont Need One
I'm certain you meant to add "perks for the hardly working mods", right?
Dude I trust you with anything I got. You'll dont know it but I'm super easy to get along with. I just dont fuck with a whole lot of people. But once I'm cool with someone and I consider someone a friend I will never turn my back on em I'm as loyal as they come and that is the truth. Sure im abrasive and sometimes I can be a dick but you always know where u stand with me.


Gave em out and put them up for sale on strainly. Than talked shit about it like I did him wrong.
Someone gives me a cut i always follow there instructions. Dont care where or who gave it to them I only care about the person who gives it to me and hope others that i give to respect my wishes. He agreed he would never trade or give em out. If he told me he would give em out the conversation would have ended before it ever started.
Now i only give to my close homies and shit I'm not gonna breed with. I'm doing a huge pheno hunt now and will give the winner out to my close buddies. I got a bunch of nice shit coming soon.

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I know where you are coming from. Doing the "hunt" thing at the present also.
Congrats on the success of Heisenbeans. You pretty much have taken over GPS.
What did you do?
Borrow Gu's "seed separator" and told him you broke it? lol
I kinda figured you and Gu would "merge" one day.
Honest, Gu has some of the best products out there. Now that your "fem" line is added to the website, I can't find a deal on the reverse auction for a pack of your seeds..
Your strains reputations are attracting some rather large audiences.
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Amos Otis

Brisco's Bargain Beans
Dude I trust you with anything I got. You'll dont know it but I'm super easy to get along with. I just dont fuck with a whole lot of people. But once I'm cool with someone and I consider someone a friend I will never turn my back on em I'm as loyal as they come and that is the truth. Sure im abrasive and sometimes I can be a dick but you always know where u stand with me.
And see, I was just kidding about the perks. The upcoming board member's 1st annual picnic/white water rafting get together is more than enough of a perk.. Pretty cool getting Waffle House to cater. (y)