#Heisenbeans Genetics

Amos Otis

Brisco's Bargain Beans
I believe if your gonna back up your beans, you have to have the same stance with everyone who purchases, not just a select few. Unfortunately, theres always gonna be those that take advantage.
Only if you let them. The old cliche' 'the customer is always right' is a "get free stuff" pass for an increasing amount of people who have no shame. Pacifying enables them and encourages others. Conversely, look at the rep CannaVenture got for awhile for passing out replacements for custies w/ legitimate complaints.

I think pricing is also a factor. A cat that puts out high $$ beans carries more responsibility for that reason, imo.


Just a quick question to pick some minds, but at what point is a seed supplier excused from people not being able to get seeds to pop.

Like on gps thread at riu, I see several folks crying about seeds not popping meanwhile literally hundreds of other growers don't have any problems with seeds not popping.

As a seed seller is it cool to call people out because Im seeing a lot of folks on forums and ig saying beans wont pop and they expect replacements.

Now I know it happens every now and again and some folks are legit in they complaints but Ive seen a few cats say beans didn't pop on several threads from different breeders.

Just curious because I think a lot of folks are just lying to get free beans or they haphazardly grow. Not sure and not aimed at anyone just curiously wondering.
startin to think its like the herm issue. I guess the common denominator being getting free seeds. But those two subjects, no germination and/hermaphros are becoming the bane of most seed sellers. On the other hand, with IG etc, there are so many now, and you never know who the fake accts are, etc. In the old days on the boards, people knew people by time spent on the boards and correspondence. The current free for all is a trust your gut sort of thing, albeit some transfer from the boards to social media ok. Ive always thought it was bullshit, these two issues and then you'll find the grower prolly had a problem, during the round, etc. Why I'd like to chuck, but I'd give em away for free, lol, just to not hear the bitchin that may arise. That's the disclaimer, as is, arkansas auction warranty, if it breaks in half driving it off the lane, you get both halves, lmfao. I just want to legally be able to grow my own, help who I can, and keep myself in meds. But the scene is sure diff from say 10 yrs ago and 10 yrs before that.


Only if you let them. The old cliche' 'the customer is always right' is a "get free stuff" pass for an increasing amount of people who have no shame. Pacifying enables them and encourages others. Conversely, look at the rep CannaVenture got for awhile for passing out replacements for custies w/ legitimate complaints.

I think pricing is also a factor. A cat that puts out high $$ beans carries more responsibility for that reason, imo.
I do agree what your saying. But its like how everyone got free seed replacements from CV (prob many who didnt need/deserve them)...but when I brought up a legitimate concern and asked for an exchange on beans he admitted were a "bad batch" I then got ignored by Rusty. He even went as far as to offer free packs to folks just for telling him I was talking about him on RIU??? LOL I'll never put another dime in his pocket plain n simple. Had I just got my seeds, I wouldnt still have a bad taste in my mouth about that whole deal. I still dont know why I was singled out when I had a very legitimate reason for wanting replacements and offered to ship back my unopened packs from the very first time I reached out to him. Not gonna lie....the thought of reversing his LVTK just to give away for free did cross my mind. Fortunate for him, I have strong ethics.

Amos Otis

Brisco's Bargain Beans
I do agree what your saying. But its like how everyone got free seed replacements from CV (prob many who didnt need/deserve them)...but when I brought up a legitimate concern and asked for an exchange on beans he admitted were a "bad batch" I then got ignored by Rusty.
Oh, yeah, I remember that now. Major mistake on his end.

I'll never put another dime in his pocket plain n simple.
I don't blame you. I won't either, but in my case it's because I grew a round of 4 CV strains and wasn't impressed enough to want more. The one outstanding bud usually yields grams instead of ounces. In your case, also, you're likely producing better plants at 3 Thirteen. Have you determined your retail prices?

Capt C

Saltwater Cowboy
I do agree what your saying. But its like how everyone got free seed replacements from CV (prob many who didnt need/deserve them)...but when I brought up a legitimate concern and asked for an exchange on beans he admitted were a "bad batch" I then got ignored by Rusty. He even went as far as to offer free packs to folks just for telling him I was talking about him on RIU??? LOL I'll never put another dime in his pocket plain n simple. Had I just got my seeds, I wouldnt still have a bad taste in my mouth about that whole deal. I still dont know why I was singled out when I had a very legitimate reason for wanting replacements and offered to ship back my unopened packs from the very first time I reached out to him. Not gonna lie....the thought of reversing his LVTK just to give away for free did cross my mind. Fortunate for him, I have strong ethics.
Fuck Rusty. Open line of communication for the win. Everybody makes mistakes it's how you handle them that count. I had plenty of issues with his gear that was never addressed by him To my knowledge at least. I never asked for replacements ether did not feel like dealing with the poor communication.


One free pack a calendar year. Let the customer use it as a bogo to drive new business and let returning customers use it either as a safety net for germ/herm/cat on fire issues or for their own personal bogo on a yearly basis which ever they choose. Make it renew on first date of purchase to spread it out over the year so they don't all renew at once.

Easy, Fair and great Advertising. I dub thee "The Rivendell Guarantee"


Super Active Member
Oh, yeah, I remember that now. Major mistake on his end.

I don't blame you. I won't either, but in my case it's because I grew a round of 4 CV strains and wasn't impressed enough to want more. The one outstanding bud usually yields grams instead of ounces. In your case, also, you're likely producing better plants at 3 Thirteen. Have you determined your retail prices?
Is there a list for noobs of places not to support?

I was reading a thread on another site and the poster was like I told them none germinated and they send me a new pack. It was crop kings so i dont think many cared but i thought it was dirtball move

I see both sides and i also have to admit for a year or two i was losing half my beans to my own stupidity.
After they cracked i would over wet the towel and drown them so I am sure a bunch are lost to mistakes like mine

Capt C

Saltwater Cowboy
Is there a list for noobs of places not to support?

I was reading a thread on another site and the poster was like I told them none germinated and they send me a new pack. It was crop kings so i dont think many cared but i thought it was dirtball move

I see both sides and i also have to admit for a year or two i was losing half my beans to my own stupidity.
After they cracked i would over wet the towel and drown them so I am sure a bunch are lost to mistakes like mine
You have enough good one's right here on this site to last a long time. Just hang figure out who is who and you will find plenty of good sources.


Shinobi of seeds
I believe if your gonna back up your beans, you have to have the same stance with everyone who purchases, not just a select few. Unfortunately, theres always gonna be those that take advantage.
Even when it is obvious that someone is just getting free shit OR they're just terrible at growing, I feel its worth the pack to pacify them until they either disappear or allow them to look like a huge tool if they once again cant get their replacement pack to go lol. I suppose if your selling through a bank, an experienced vendor will be familiar with how to deal with folks like that as well. Just my .02
Oh yea. I think my stance is like Spider-Man, "everyone gets one" if they fuck up the replacement they go on the "too bad list." I think most people are legit in their claims but lately I've been seeing a swell of people "calling out breeders" for not sending replacements for various reasons but top two are "seeds didn't germinate or hermies."

I'm sure the swell in home chuckers and sites like strainly have also increased the amount of subpar packs being shipped to unsuspecting buyers. So I'd guess buyers are overly precautious too and for good reason.

Just sucks having to eat cost because people come into growing with no education about it at all. Never understood that mentality. Especially nowadays where you literally have all the information right at your finger tips.

Personally I've only asked one breeder for anything and that was Rusty at cannaV, simply because the purpleberry bx he put out years ago was straight up garbage and should have never been released. I honestly wrote them off as a lost until recently because folks said he was willing to chat. I emailed him with my complaint we chatted for a bit and he more than made up for that old purchase.


Shinobi of seeds
I do agree what your saying. But its like how everyone got free seed replacements from CV (prob many who didnt need/deserve them)...but when I brought up a legitimate concern and asked for an exchange on beans he admitted were a "bad batch" I then got ignored by Rusty. He even went as far as to offer free packs to folks just for telling him I was talking about him on RIU??? LOL I'll never put another dime in his pocket plain n simple. Had I just got my seeds, I wouldnt still have a bad taste in my mouth about that whole deal. I still dont know why I was singled out when I had a very legitimate reason for wanting replacements and offered to ship back my unopened packs from the very first time I reached out to him. Not gonna lie....the thought of reversing his LVTK just to give away for free did cross my mind. Fortunate for him, I have strong ethics.
That was the dumbest shit on his part. I mean one of the more stand up and solid members he fucks over but sent widow replacements?

After the shit with you I was kind of turned off by CV, which I feel bad because he did come through for me but like you mentioned you didn't even want replacements you just wanted raspberry from the not fucked up batch. And how do you fuck up a reversal?

I got lucky with my lvtk pheno, and I will whore that bitch out and plan on passing her around in the fall, but 2 lemon crashes and 2 hurkles hermed on me and then the 1st purchase the purpleberry bx was garbage. So if the ghost og or the artaca ghost suck then I'll probably just give away my remaining CV gear.

Deleted member 60

I'm in this boat with a pack of Phinest seeds. You may have seen my whining. LOL.

Your seeds popped Heisen....not all lived but they all popped tails. (2 of 3 up on both PP and BBC.).

I have 11 - 3 foot tall plants in my hoop house that are Oni, Honest, Rado and MR. M genetics (even the fuckin STRAINLY SHIT POPPED!)..... I was gonna do 12 but had one fail in that pop...not even a tail......guess which one? 3 more tries...2/2/3. No tails. Just mush after a week of waiting on all but the one seed on the last pop.

So it's "grower error" on the one pack ONLY? I'm fuckin good at this.... Been doin it since '90 full fuckin time. It's all I did from 1990 til 2014. I made almost as much some years as my Master degree'd wife. Grower error my ass. @ this point I'm just asking for some fuckin respect and an answer IF they've had other problems/reports...which from a quick glance at IG...the answer is yes. I have no idea what their policy is about replacements.

I love my seeds but I pay my own way. You should know that one, H....how many other guys have turned down your free packs...TWICE? It isn't my M.O. to scam folks for seeds. That's bad karma shit. I buy what I wanna grow and I expect it TO GROW. If there's shame there I'm one shameful mutherfuckin SOB.

Some folks stand behind what they do...and some folks just run and find something to stand behind.

They told some other cat on IG that they would answer his email this week. We'll see if they go down the list and answer mine as well...or not. Funny..they can sure get their "See US..See How GREAT we are?" IG posts up daily...

but damn they are sure taking their time on gettin back to us guys looking to scam some "free" seed....🖕


Grower of mids
But damn they are sure taking their time on gettin back to us guys looking to scam some "free" seed....🖕
[/QUOTE] @stiickygreen
I seen your posts💪and theirs today,i don't follow those losers.I think your a good person,straight shooter.Its just sad to have too make something public,to get some kind of reply.I would do the same,i'll be watching to see what happens.