#Heisenbeans Genetics


80.6 temp F, is it too hot for tailed beans in the hum dome and heat mat? LMFAO, got the heat mat set at 74, lmfao, it may never kick on, gotta figure out what I can run and what I cant for the air cond in tent room. Funny thing thought the tent was hot, put the led light back on, 78 degrees, no air cond. Got thermostat in there too. I think I just gotta gas it and go.
mine gets to 81 during lights on and 67 at lights off.


on the floor of the humidity dome, I just put beans with tails in rooters, its 81.3, lol. I can't help it, Im thinkin of leaving that lil led closet light off for one day, then turn it on and see if they don't get settled in the rooter not too hot. I got 3/3 Gmoozy with tails, 5/5 CV 91 skunkD, 7 Floozys, no copper dolato, but its just been 24 hrs. I added 3 gmo cakes today, so hopefully by tomorrow those will have cracked. Tails and such all look good, think I'll leave light on for a bit, then turn off till tomorrow. Here's the Skeleton Cookies, the bush is more bbc dom Ima thinkin, the other is obviously ghost dom with the 3 leaves still comin, lol. Bigger containers got me a lil nervous, hopin for a slightly bigger yield. Put each one under their own light once I seen the tent temp. Goin for broke, gas it! Should be dandy by end of Aug. Both are drinkin and eatin a half gallon a day now, every day. Im not gettin to skip days of feeding anymore.


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Somewhere......................deep in this jungle.....................lies a ninja. Lurking and waiting.....................watching me 😨


Sometimes he comes out in the open and sits on the largest BBC branch on the back right....


Sometimes he hides behind the BBC on the left.........


Sometimes he hides deep in the middle canopy..................


and sometimes he waits right in front for me.........................


Sometimes I can't find him at all :alien:

All images are @ 22 days flower. BBC in the back, ADUB and Corey the rest.


Super Active Member
you know what? I was really stoked about this forum, everything good ive heard about Heisenbean Genetics and especially about how generous he is. FUCK THAT!!! I waited 3 weeks for my beans to get here, mind you I only live one state away from him, and all I got was 6 beans for almost 140.00 with absolutely NO FREEBIES!!! Im so fucking pissed right now I could spit nails. I paid 23.00 a fucking seed. Oh well, I guess all the hype was complete bullshit!!


Really Active Member
you know what? I was really stoked about this forum, everything good ive heard about Heisenbean Genetics and especially about how generous he is. FUCK THAT!!! I waited 3 weeks for my beans to get here, mind you I only live one state away from him, and all I got was 6 beans for almost 140.00 with absolutely NO FREEBIES!!! Im so fucking pissed right now I could spit nails. I paid 23.00 a fucking seed. Oh well, I guess all the hype was complete bullshit!!
I can only speak for myself but that was not my experience at all. Heisen has been EXTREMELY generous. He responds to emails almost immediately and if he doesnt just resend in a day and he will. You need to send him your order number so he can process it. Also freebies were only at the begining when the site launched. Many breeders including Greenpoint dont offer freebies. just my 2 cents. again i can only speak for myself and my experience