#Heisenbeans Genetics

I'm finally caught up with all of this. I'm staying away from the MAC as of now. I have a cross of it going. I popped 4 seeds of it and only had 1 survivor and it is a mutant. The first set of true leaves were round and 3 finger fan leaves are growing as 1 solid leaf. You can see 3 separate leaves but it is growing together as 1. It is healthy, vigorous, will probably grow out of it, and may be fire but until this one finishes no more for me.


Dont Need One
East coast mom and adub seeds.this one is packed as full as it gets.


Wedding pie full



Purple punch S1s

One of my favorite plants on smell and density. Has a really strong grape fruity smell.


Wedding cake mom and purple punch seeds.
This one is gonna be killer. Easiest cross to make so far.


And finally got sunset sherbert reversed.



LED Recruiter
Cannabis grown from yeast: does the future of pot lie in a lab?
Much like making craft beer, some companies are now using yeast enzymes to synthetically create THC and CBD

While it certainly presents challenges, the science involved is established, said Ginkgo’s head of business development, Jess Leber. “It’s something we can wrap our heads around pretty readily.”

These kinds of technologies have immense value in the mainstream economy. Similar processes are already used to produce inexpensive compounds such as animal and human food additives. “That citric acid is not coming from citrus,” Leber said. He describes Ginkgo’s chief innovation as standardizing biology into biological engineering.
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